If You Consider Yourself A Russian - Know Your History! - Alternative View

If You Consider Yourself A Russian - Know Your History! - Alternative View
If You Consider Yourself A Russian - Know Your History! - Alternative View

Video: If You Consider Yourself A Russian - Know Your History! - Alternative View

Video: If You Consider Yourself A Russian - Know Your History! - Alternative View
Video: Alternative history of Russia (1880 ~ Present) 2024, September

Most of us are used to laughing when confronted with the naive, misconception of foreigners about our homeland. It makes us laugh, and more often it annoys us, if in films we are portrayed in hats - earflaps, with balalaikas, drinking vodka from the neck of a huge bottle, dancing Kalinka-Malinka around a samovar, and in the break between dances we go to see how those who disagree with the course grim concentration camps guarded by hungry bears.


So I want to restore justice, and point out to you all, dear RUSSIANS, that you have no idea whose land you live on, what it is called, and what were the traditions of those who lived here before … Yes, yes! Exactly so, harshly but rightly, I declare: "You have seized someone else's territory and are using what does not belong to you!"

Why such impudence? - you ask, I answer in order and slowly. But I will do it so that you yourself are convinced that you are not Russian, your ancestors captured this country in order to draw on its resources and sell it to other countries. If you think that you have "Excellent" in history, then you rejoice early, because you were marked like that - those who wrote this story so that you will never know the real one. However, the history of the defeated savages before the occupation is not known to the winner. I said "savages" only conditionally. The victors considered them savages, didn't they? The conquerors of America, were the Indians considered human? No. They treated them as a resource - gratuitous labor. Who will agree to work, the rest were infected with typhus, the survivors were simply drunk and sent to reservations, where they completely degraded and ceased to pose a threat to the conquerors.

So. Of course you know at least a couple of lines from old songs. Such, for example: - “My joy lives in a high tower, and in that high tower there is no way for anyone. Now tell me what the tower looks like? What is this anyway? What is it for and is it by chance that the words "terem" and "prison" are so similar and have one frame of their consonants?

For illustration I will use engravings from the book by Adam Olearius "Description of the journey to Muscovy and through Muscovy to Persia and back." Ed. SPb. 1906

How can you trust a book published in the 20th century with a description of the 17th century? It's very simple. You still cannot find the original of the book published in Germany in 1656. There are translations into Italian (1658), and a little later into French. I will not deliberately touch on the text, for it is an obvious fake. Not completely, of course, but it's pointless to look for the truth there. But the engravings, they can tell a lot. So about the tower …


Promotional video:

You, of course, imagined it that way … Cool down. This image is in your head thanks to the great Russian storytellers, such as Alexander Arturovich ROU.


He's already, yeah … He knew everything about Russian culture!


Cherkasy Tatars go to an audience.


Sleigh of a noble woman.

How is it? Did you know earlier that the tower is a square tower made of logs, which has ventilation slots instead of windows? And this is a typical housing of those who lived in Russia in the seventeenth century. In essence, TeReM is the Prison. A homely prison, in which you live yourself, and you still keep someone in captivity under the roof. The Terema, judging by the engravings, were really high, jumping out of there out of habit is even fatal, if you manage to seep into the hole between the logs.

The location is also strange, the towers huddle together so closely that it can be assumed that they had an internal communication with each other. The complete absence of reliable information about housing construction and everyday culture of those who lived in this country before us is revealed. Where did they wash themselves? Traditionally, Russian culture is credited with the tradition of regular bathing in a bath, with steam and a broom. If the townspeople lived in such towers, then what kind of baths can we talk about? Did they have a toilet in the towers, or did they run to the wind? This means that either non-Russians or Russians lived in the cities, just like the Europeans lived up to their ears in shit. I do not know which is true, the first or the second, but the conclusion is disappointing - we do not know anything about the life of the townspeople of medieval Russia. Why? Because for the most part we are the descendants of those who won Russia. Hence the complete misunderstanding of geographical names. Without hesitation,we say “Udomlya”, for example, or “Opochetsy”, but we ourselves have no idea what this means, how can people not understand the names of their own rivers, lakes, mountains, villages?


The Grand Duke goes on a pilgrimage. Pay attention to the main wall of the Kremlin. She's covered! No “dovetails”.


Ambassadors yard.


Red Square. Punishments. “That's why she's Red. Not "Beautiful", but bloody.


Red Square. Not all walls are covered with roofs anymore.


Black Yar. Pay attention to the "Jonka" on the river! Did you know you were like that?




The Laba River in the Kuban. I draw your attention to the fact that, according to Olearius, it is navigable! Now it is more like a stream than a river.


Nizhny navgorod. Such a spelling on all old maps means - not an accident, not a mistake. It could be Grad Navi. Nav - City. Oka is also written with two "K" - OKKA, it is quite possible that we do not understand the meaning of the aboriginal hydronym.


A really great city. Almost more than now. Pay attention to the foreground. STONE RUINS! What happened here before Novgorod?

Likewise, no American can say what Colorado or Nevada means. Because the titles

it was not the conquerors who gave it, but the enslaved. Aliens thoughtlessly use words from the Aboriginal language, and do not even know the meaning of the spoken words. But the Indians understand very well what this or that geographical name means. They must know, this is their language, the language of their ancestors. The names of their native places are pronounced in their native language. Exactly the same with us. We are aliens on this land, therefore "Tver" or "Torzhok" for us is a set of sounds that mean a point on the map. If it were our native language and our native names, we would understand what they mean.


Puppeteer. (painted). Here is the notorious Russian trained bear. But! Pay attention, the show is arranged for simple kids, hicks, who are not able to pay for entertainment.

What do we know about the culture of entertainment in Russia? We are told that Petrusha "the great" banned buffoons, who were a unique phenomenon. Which was not, and is still not anywhere in the world. It was a synthesis of ballet, theater, puppet theater, circus, instrumental music, operetta, and God knows what else. In our time, the closest to this genre is the musical. So why did Peter want to destroy his family? Why did the harp become life-threatening to keep in homes? Why were they collected in carts and burned like the victors burn the books and archives of conquered peoples? The answer is simple. The winner always destroys all manifestations of the culture of the captured people. All conquerors did this, the last example is Hitler. I won't decrypt.


Pleasure of Russian women. Is that how you imagined the leisure of Russians? We were told that the Russians generally plowed in the field from morning till night … And here … A playground, like those that are now in almost every yard.

Now, tell me, if you are not invaders here, if you were born in the land of your ancestors, then why do you have no idea about the religion of your ancestors? What? Leave this nonsense to historians. First, Orthodoxy is not a religion at all, the Jewish Christian sect simply appropriated this concept to itself, so that enslaved savages could more easily accept innovations. Secondly, Christianity in its present form took root in Russia only in the 19th century. Until recently, there were such temples everywhere, about which you have no even a remote idea.


Russian women mourn the dead. Do you understand where this tradition comes from - to eat in a cemetery, which brings enlightened Europeans to swoon? Obviously, the natives of Russia did this. What was it? We will never understand, because this is the tradition of the conquered aborigines of Russia.

And most importantly: WHAT IS THIS? AND?!!!


1. Is it a cross, in your opinion? Magendavid? Crescent? No. This is something that the invaders of Russia were forbidden even to remember for future generations.

2. Golden apple? Sun symbol? Or maybe the moon?

3. What is the "crown"? Symbol or structural element?

4. Have you seen such domes anywhere?

5. Have you seen such roofs anywhere?

Personally, I associate this with some kind of technical device, but not with a cult object.


Monastery. There are already crosses here, but where are they? You can't call it domes.

And now a little about the symbolism that is still available to us today.

Beams on … what to call that? Let them be domes for now. So, on the domes, two are short - parallel to the ground, one long - Obliquely and below the short ones.

On the graves - the mirror opposite - short crossbars - in an inclined position, and the long one is higher than the short ones, and, moreover, is parallel to the ground, and even covered with two crossbars in the form of a 90-degree square.


Somehow the difference between the living and the dead. Everything else is gloomy darkness. Very similar to the Russian runica:


What a citizen is doing in a telephone booth, I don't even know.

It remains to be hoped that one of you will be able to solve this puzzle.


The clothes of Russian do not raise any special questions, everything fits into the framework established by stereotypes about medieval Russia. The only thing I would like to clarify: what is the point of limiting the freedom of the left hand with a long sleeve for a boyar, and the long-standing question about the meaning of a high bear's cap is not removed from the agenda. How she suddenly became part of the outfit of the guardsman of the royal court of Great Britain.

Now again about why I am sure that we are newcomers in Russia. How often can one hear: - “We all need to return to our origins. To true Orthodox values, to faith and reverence for our Lord Jesus Christ, to ancient Russian traditions. Kaak would give!

Under the whitewash of relatively recently built temples, one often finds the following:


If you do not know what it is, then you can take it for "decoration in an animal style." However, many now know that this is Semargl, the son of God Svarog. Christian priests carefully whitened it so that no one would know that the temple had been captured and adapted for new purposes - to rule the aborigines of the occupied territories.


It is also clearly seen here that not all of the bas-reliefs were knocked down by Christians, they were simply whitewashed with lime, but during the restoration it turns out that the churches were Orthodox, not Christian. See for yourself - Semargl, Runes and Swastikas. These are whose temples they are! God Svarog and Rod (the far right photo is the rune of God Rod), and no Christ. Obviously, a thousand years ago pagans did not use bricks. The church is young, of the 18th or 19th century, but it is not for the glory of Jesus, it is decorated with symbols of the Family, which Christians hid under a layer of plaster and lime. So let the "Christian patriots of Great Russia" continue to beat their foreheads on the floor and lament. Christianity is not our past. Christianity is our slave present.


Here's another one. The cross, called a bell, it is not Christian. The duck is the mother of the world at the top. Centered - do you think the virgin Jesus? No! Read for yourself - YES-BG. This is the Orthodox Dazhbog, our past has nothing to do with Christianity.

Historians insist that Russia was baptized 1025 years ago by Kagan Voldemar. And it was he who allegedly began the construction of the Temple of St. Sophia in Kiev. Then, like in Novgorod, all this Christian saint fell in love, and in Bulgaria, so that the capital was named after her. And all the love from Constantinople, they say. There they sacredly revered the great martyr, the mother of Faith, Hope and Love, tortured by the Roman emperor. Aha, how!


The temples may have been in honor of Sophia. Only not in honor of the one whose daughters were allegedly tortured by the alleged emperor of Rome Hadrian, but in honor of the Orthodox goddess Sophia the Wise. Compare the photos themselves: on the left - Christian Sophia, on the right - Orthodox, well, or pagan, as you like. This is an image of a bronze bowl from a Scythian burial mound.


Christian cross?


Church decor?


But how do the priests themselves explain the presence of swastikas on their overalls? Catholic patriots do not have this, but ours do. Why? I have only one answer: There was no chance of taking and subordinating the savages to the Christians. Only cunning and meanness - their favorite method - helped at first to get into trust, including the use of symbols native to the aborigines, helped to achieve a result, and to enslave the true owners of the land on which we now live.

The truth is this: We do not know anything about the culture, religion, worldview, and even about the language of those who lived on this earth before the 18th century. This can only be for one reason. The historical memory is erased by the victors of the defeated people. That is why there are no intelligible historical facts confirming the very existence in the past of those who are now called the contemptuous nickname "Russians".

And now about one more discrepancy, which is simply striking. We see images of Russian cities, all of them from towers - analogs of modern "Khrushchev", but the nobility uses completely different buildings!


- Wedding.






- Secret audience at the Embassy.


- Public audience at the Embassy.

Have you noticed the tall ceilings and simply Cyclopean openings in the walls? Doors and windows are like for people three meters tall! Why do we need doors into which a rider on a horse in a helmet can enter without tilting his head? Or maybe these buildings are simply borrowed from someone? Who? The giants? Atlantes? Or the overthrown titans?


St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Who were these doors made for? And most importantly, who?

And here's another very remarkable picture:


Plow on the Volga.

Do you understand what it is? The plow floats against the current. Ivan Kulibin only improved the invention of his ancestors, and perhaps he simply described it, and did not invent it.


Self-propelled barge I. Kulibin.

Even if all of the above is just nonsense, I know one thing for sure:

A man, if he is the owner of his own house, treats him like a master. He must:

1. Knows his name and why it is so, and not otherwise.

2. Knows who his father and mother, grandparents, who is the founder of the clan, how and where they came from.

3. Knows why a broom is called a broom and a bed is called a bed.

4. Remembers all the events that took place in the house, and why there is a portrait of Lenin on the wall, for example, and not Cicciolina.

5. Keeps his own house and the surrounding area in order. Does not shit where he lives, fixes faults on time.

6. Accumulates and increases the material wealth inherited, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities.

7. Protects his home, family and property from uninvited guests.

8. Raises children the way they raised him.

9. Stores resources and carefully preserves, without wasting anything, from what is already available.

10. Takes care of the health of all family members.

If at least one of the points is not met, the person is a bad boss. But we live in a country where none of the points is fulfilled. This is a sign that the Russians are not masters of the land, but parasites who have come to someone else's house to pump out oil and gas, dig up coal, gold and diamonds, cut down forests, and sell people into slavery. And so that the local "Indians" would not be indignant - they erased any information that can revive the memories of who they really are and who is the boss in the house. They act as if tomorrow they will move to another country and start all over again.

It's time for everyone to answer one question to themselves:


Depending on how many people the "Russian" answers, and how many recognize themselves as "aborigines", only one small moment depends: - do we have a future or not.

If there are more Russians, the people of this country are doomed, and soon this country will not be the same as the country of its ancestors disappeared, how the Russian Empire disappeared, and how the USSR died.

And now the most important thing: Everything that has been said is true for the entire planet "Earth". Humanity behaves as if a train leaves for another planet tomorrow. Output: