Where Do Downed UFOs Disappear To? - Alternative View

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Where Do Downed UFOs Disappear To? - Alternative View
Where Do Downed UFOs Disappear To? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Downed UFOs Disappear To? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Downed UFOs Disappear To? - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

In September 1991, information was leaked to the press that a flying object of extraterrestrial origin had crashed in the Tien Shan mountains near the Shaitan Mazar tract. These messages stirred up a wave of interest in UFOs and gave rise to a lot of rumors and hypotheses, which to this day no one has been able to confirm or refute.

Elusive airship

On August 28, 1991, a large flying object was detected over the Caspian Sea by the radars of a tracking station located on the Mangyshlak Peninsula. After receiving information that no missile launches were made, interceptor fighters were taken into the air. Later, the pilots reported in their reports. that they saw in the sky a huge - about 600 meters long and more than 100 meters in diameter - an airship. In front of it were four black windows. In the tail section, strange green hieroglyphs were clearly visible.

The pilots gave the command to the airship to follow them to the airfield, but the object continued on its course.

After a short consultation, it was decided to fire warning fire on the airship to force it to land. Having received the appropriate order, the fighter pilots entered the airship from both sides and began to approach it.

When the fighters were at a distance of 500-600 meters from the airship, the object, floating in the cloudless sky towards the mountains, suddenly made several quick zigzag movements and, gaining unimaginably high speed in a matter of seconds, began to rapidly break away from the aircraft pursuing it. After about ten minutes of the chase, the airship disappeared from the radar screens in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul …

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Secrets of expeditions

The first expedition, which in the fall of 1991 headed to the supposed place of the fall of the mysterious object, was led by Emil Bachurin. For more than two weeks, the enthusiastic ufologists made their way through the highlands, but due to the sudden deteriorating weather they were forced to return to Bishkek. Soon after, a military transport helicopter of the Kazakh Air Force was sent to the alleged place of the airship crash, but it crashed - all the crew members were killed. In the spring of 1992, two Kazakh expeditions were sent to the Shaitan-Mazar tract, which, in addition to climbers, included military and technical experts. However, several avalanches that came down suddenly blocked the path of the researchers.

Only in the middle of the summer of 1992 did Kazakh and Russian ufologists manage to come as close as possible to the crash site. According to the memoirs of Artur Termuziev, one of the participants in that trip. - already on the way to the point of the supposed fall of the airship, the members of the expedition began to record unusual phenomena. The first thing the researchers noted was a slight tingling sensation in the body, as if a weak electric current was running through it. And soon ufologists began to notice how static sparks sparkled on their suits. Having made a halt and inspecting the equipment, the members of the expedition saw that the magnetometers showed a complete absence of a magnetic field. The compass arrows rotated chaotically, not orienting themselves to the cardinal points, and the electronic clocks that some researchers had were out of order. The same ufologists,who had a mechanical watch on their hands. we were surprised to find that they all show different times.

When the target was less than one kilometer away, the travelers finally saw the object they were looking for, lying in a deep crater. It was a device that really looked like a giant airship. From the blow, he was split into two parts …

After taking several photographs (later it turned out that they were all overexposed), the researchers tried to continue moving towards the object. Suddenly, however, all members of the expedition felt a strong malaise, accompanied by a very sensitive tingling sensation in the body - as if someone was passing electric shocks through the people. Almost simultaneously with this, a strong wind rose in the gorge, and the ufologists decided to return to the base …

The last group of enthusiasts, headed by Nikolai Subbotin, visited the crash site of the mysterious airship in August 1998 and found that the object … had disappeared. Not far from the crater left after the fall of the object, the travelers stumbled upon two sites suitable for landing helicopters. Apparently. someone still managed to evacuate the fragments and clean up the area in such a way that nothing reminds of an old disaster.

Abnormal Belt

Back in Soviet times, people involved in contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations had such a term as "Tien Shan phenomenon." Igor Dmitriev, who lived in the city of Przhevalsk (now Karakol). in the seventies-eighties of the last century, he collected facts of UFO sightings in the Tien Shan ridge. As a result of the analysis of the data, the enthusiast-ufologist came to the conclusion that the south of the Soviet Union encompasses a certain anomalous belt that originates in the Caspian Sea and moves eastward through the spurs of the Tien Shan, Altai Mountains and Sayan Mountains, ending in the Stanovoe Upland, which on the north-eastern coast of Lake Baikal. It was in this zone in the period from 1975 to 1989 that 86 cases of the appearance of mysterious flying objects in the sky out of 112 noted throughout the country were recorded. In addition to the Tien Shan disaster of 1991, Dmitriev recalls the incident with a UFO that invaded from Iran, which occurred over the Caspian Sea in 1977. Then the air defense forces of the USSR opened fire on the disc-shaped aircraft, but after long maneuvers it went into the waters of the Caspian Sea.

Alien beacon

In the late autumn of 1983, after the infamous incident with a South Korean passenger airliner shot down in the skies over Sakhalin, Soviet fighters flew for several hours an unknown arrow-shaped aircraft that invaded Soviet airspace from Mongolia. When the object was in the area of Lake Zaisan, the pilots were ordered to destroy the intruder. However, after several missiles were fired at the target, the object disappeared into the air without a trace.

In 1994, Dmitriev managed to record the memories of an old hunter, according to whom, back in 1956, he witnessed how a large glowing triangle collapsed on the Ustyurt plateau, which stretches between the Caspian and the Aral Sea, after which it raged in the forests for two weeks big fire …

According to I. Dmitriev, the giant mountain belt stretching for thousands of kilometers is a natural source of very strong electromagnetic radiation, which, possibly, serves as a kind of beacon for representatives of the cosmic mind. The disaster of 1991 was another confirmation of the fact that alien guests often visit Earth. But for what purpose this is done, it still remains a mystery.

Sergey Kozhushko. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 15 2010