Ghosts - Rescuers - Alternative View

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Ghosts - Rescuers - Alternative View
Ghosts - Rescuers - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts - Rescuers - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts - Rescuers - Alternative View
Video: Ghost 2024, July

Most ghosts are indifferent to people or appear in front of them only to frighten. But there are also such ghosts that do good. Who or what makes them do it?

Lady in gray

Perhaps the most famous English ghost is the Lady in Gray, which can still be seen sometimes in London hospitals. The peak of her appearance was in the 1950s.

The public learned about the ghost after an article by Dr. Paul Turner, who worked in one of the major clinics in London. In September 1956, nurse E. L. told him about the strange incident that had happened to her. One night when she was visiting the sick to see if everything was all right, an elderly patient dying of cancer asked her to fetch water. The nurse went out, and when she returned with water, the old man told her that he had already been given a drink. And he pointed to the glass on the bedside table, in which there was still water. The situation surprised the nurse, because there could be no one here except her, moreover, a few minutes ago the surface of the bedside table was empty, the woman remembered it quite clearly. She, of course, asked who helped the old man. “Oh, this is a very elegant lady in a gray dress,” the patient replied. He died a week later.

Turner was later approached by other paramedics with similar stories. Here's one: On a November evening in 1956, a nurse was helping a patient with a malignant tumor to bathe. Suddenly the patient asked the nurse if she worked “with that other sister” every night. The question surprised the woman. At night, the clinic is always on duty alone, and there were no "other sisters" with her. “She visits me often,” the patient added. He died soon after.

In another case, the mysterious Lady in gray spent the whole night at the bed of a dying woman, relieving her suffering as much as possible: she put ice on her forehead. served an oxygen pillow. Three days later, the patient gave her soul to God.

Rummaging through the archives and interviewing the old-timers of the clinic, Turner learned that this lady was seen in the 19th century. Each time she appeared to help the dying, who soon departed to another world.

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Black climber and glowing nephew

In the Urals, there are legends about the silent Black Mountaineer who leads climbers out of mountain traps or, in a completely incomprehensible way, does not allow them to fall into the abyss. There is a known case in 1988 in the upper reaches of the Vishera, when a stranger who suddenly appeared on a mountain slope was holding a rope with four people hanging over an abyss. The same otherworldly climber who rescues people is also described in the Caucasus Mountains.

Miners in Colorado (USA) more than once saw the ghost of their deceased comrade, who appeared in the mine in front of some danger and asked them to leave with gestures. In the Vologda forests to the north of Totma, stories are spread about a deaf and dumb teenager who is shown to lost travelers and leads them to housing. It is interesting that this ghost never comes into contact with the locals, but goes only to those who came to these forests for the first time.

There are many known cases when the ghosts of deceased relatives or friends saved the living from fires, accidents, robberies and other troubles. A typical example is the miraculous escape from the death of Henry Seeme, an elderly farmer from Florida, and his family.

In January 1978, his daughter and grandchildren were visiting him. And so one evening Henry, as usual, wished them good night and went to bed. And in the morning he dreamed of his nephew Paul, who 40 years ago, as a boy, died in a fire together with his little sister. Paul persistently tried to wake Sime up, shouting: “Uncle! Uncle Henry! The farmer finally woke up and smelled smoke. But this was not the only thing that excited him. Next to the bed stood the luminous figure of the boy whom Sima had just dreamed of! After a couple of moments, the vision disappeared, and the farmer shouted at his household to quickly leave the house. His cry made everyone get up and the family was safely saved.

Stay alive and get rid of ailments

Another amazing intervention of ghosts in people's lives occurred in 1964 in Detroit (USA). Above a worker on the assembly line of an automobile plant, a heavy mechanism suddenly began to move. The man later swore that at the last moment he was thrown aside by a tall, dark figure, thereby sparing his life. This was confirmed by his comrades who worked nearby. The rescued person did not recognize the stranger, but the elderly workers said that this someone looked like the guy who died more than 20 years ago in a similar accident at the same place. It turns out that the ghost appeared to save the worker from such a fate.

People have always been amazed at examples of how invisible entities healed the sick and restored their health. Such cases are most often associated with the worship of religious shrines, when a believer who has come to an ecstatic state is a saint and instantly heals him. Science explains most of these situations by self-hypnosis. But there are episodes when otherworldly entities helped completely irreligious people and delivered them from diseases that are considered incurable.

76-year-old Englishman George Hudspeth has been diagnosed with progressive retinal degeneration for 10 years already. Since then, his eyesight has only deteriorated, and nine years later, Hudspeth finally went blind, according to the popular British newspaper The Daily Mail. The elderly gentleman has already come to terms with the fact that until the end of his days he will have to live in darkness. But then one day before going to bed, driven by some kind of inspiration, he kissed a photo of his wife Sheila, who died of pneumonia many years ago. And at that moment George saw Sheila in front of him.

The ghost disappeared after a few seconds, but the man discovered that he had received his sight, and he saw, as in childhood, in full color. That night, Hudspeth sat in shock until five in the morning in front of the TV screen. And then the examination showed that the pensioner's eyesight was in order. Doctors believe he may have been misdiagnosed. However, speaking about himself, Hudspeth claims that he is not a religious person, does not read the Bible or go to church, but believes in life after death, and Sheila clearly helped him.

Ghost feeds on nectar

And the case of 82-year-old Indian-born Pralad Jani seems incredible. According to him, he does not eat or drink for more than 70 years, but receives vitality from a certain otherworldly entity, which is called the goddess Amba.

Many years ago, when Pralad was an eight-year-old child wandering and living in a cave near a Hindu temple, a goddess allegedly appeared to him, took pity on the orphan and endowed him with the ability to do without food and water. Since then, every day, in an invisible form, she comes to Pralada and drips a drop of miraculous nectar into his mouth.

Wanting to expose the "pseudo-yoga", the doctors placed him in a hospital under the round-the-clock supervision of specialists. In the ward, Pralada was kept in complete isolation, and surveillance cameras were constantly directed at him. During the two months that he was under surveillance, he really did not drink or eat anything. The doctors who monitored the state of his body were surprised to note that Pralada's health did not deteriorate at all, there were no signs of fatigue, dehydration and weight loss. In the process of examinations, it was found that the brain cells of the old man function no worse than those of the 25-year-old, and the body is unusually strong and young.

Sensors installed in the ward registered weak electromagnetic bursts in those minutes when, according to Pralas, an invisible goddess offered him her nectar.

The reason for such a striking phenomenon has not been established. According to some experts, it is to some extent akin to the phenomenon of sun-eaters, which has also not been explained to date.

… It is generally accepted that ghosts belong to the world of evil and are subject to the power that Christianity calls the devil. But, obviously, there are entities of a different order. Perhaps the very nature of ghosts is different. And if the devilish creatures appear to people in order to take away their energy, then the "good and good", on the contrary, give it to a person (this is especially evident in cases of healings). There is an assumption that the helper spirits come from that area of the other world, which can be called purgatory. Performing good deeds in our world, they atone for the evil they had previously done. And this lasts until the higher powers free the ghostly rescuers from this kind of repentance.

Igor Voloznev. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 27 2011