Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View

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Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View
Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View
Video: Did dinosaurs and humans live at the same time? 2024, September

People love to show pictures of the places they've been. For example, a person who has traveled to Africa might bring home photographs of lions. What for? For many, this is an opportunity to show others what they have seen. The photographs also confirm the stories we tell.

Over the millennia, people have not only told stories about huge reptiles (ie dragons / dinosaurs), but they have also left behind "photographs" of these animals. Some are depicted with serpentine necks, powerful limbs, and huge tails; others have bumpy heads, short necks, and spikes on their tails. Of course, these “photographs” are not like today's ones, but represent drawings and carvings on stones, clay products, in caves, etc.

As with deer and mammoths, various ancient images of dinosaurs have also been found around the world. If primitive people did live side by side with dinosaurs at the same time, then this is exactly the evidence we would expect to find.

The question of whether dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans or not is extremely important. There is a lot of evidence of their coexistence in the past, which the modern education system prefers to keep silent about for a number of reasons. In the first articles of this series, we will look at physical evidence.

Ica stones

In the early 1960s in the province of Ica (Peru), in ancient Indian burial sites, pre-Inca funeral stones were discovered. The stones are engraved with mysterious drawings depicting scenes of ancient culture, its achievements and … various dinosaurs in close interaction with humans.

This suggests that the ancient Peruvians saw living dinosaurs and lived with them at the same time, which is completely contrary to the theory of evolution. The Ica stones have gained real fame thanks to the activities of Dr. Cabrera.

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It was he who was so carried away by them that he devoted 40 years of his life to collecting and studying them. Its collection numbers 11,000 stones, and the total number of Ica stones sold in private collections reaches 50,000.


  • #1. Testimony of God's Word. The Bible mentions dinosaurs over 30 times.
  • # 2. Physical evidence.
  • # 3. Cave paintings of ancient people depicting dinosaurs.
  • #4. Finding human fossils and artifacts in the "ancient" Cretaceous and Jurassic layers, in which dinosaur fossils are also found.
  • #five. Mention and description of dinosaurs in ancient chronicles, annals and other historical sources.
  • # 6. Evidence of Chinese culture.
  • # 7. An abundance of stories and stories among different peoples of the world about dragons (the ancient name for dinosaurs) and human encounters with these reptiles.
  • #8. Detection of non-fossilized soft tissue and red blood cells in dinosaur bones.
  • #nine. Carbon-14 dating data.
  • # 10. Detecting human footprints along with dinosaur footprints.

Because of the images of dinosaurs on these stones, evolutionists violently attack their authenticity, declaring the entire collection to be a fake (which is understandable, since the Ica stones have been destroying more than a hundred years of evolutionary propaganda).

However, despite their best efforts, the Ica stones are an archaeological fact. Stones with pictures are ancient and authentic, and for many reasons they simply cannot be fakes of the 1940s and 60s (as evolutionists would like to).

Facts and evidence confirming the antiquity of Ica stones

1) Ica engraved stones vary greatly in size and even color. The smallest have a weight of 15-20 grams, and the largest reach a weight of up to 500 kg and up to 1.5 m in height. The bulk of the stones is on average the size of a watermelon. Their color, in the bulk, is black in various shades, but there are also gray, beige and pinkish stones. All of them are shaped like boulders rolled by the river (andesite).

2) Stones were reported as early as the 16th century. The Indian chronicler Juan de Santa Pachacuti wrote in his chronicle (1570) that many stones with drawings were found in the Chinchayunga area (modern Ica). It was reported that a number of stones were sent to Spain in 1562. In 1525, the Spanish priest Simon traveled to the Ica area in search of stones with drawings of strange animals. He was very surprised when he saw them.

3) The drawings accurately depict the details of the anatomy of dinosaurs before they were recently discovered by paleontologists. (See Drawing living dinosaurs …). Some stones depict mammals extinct on the American continent (horses, elephants, giant sloths, mammoths) and a whole series of figures showing the biological development cycle of dinosaurs.

4) Dinosaurs are not the main theme of the drawings. Many portray pornography (this was typical of the Nazca culture), abortion, idolatry and everyday topics. Many drawings show the achievements of this civilization. Various images of stars, the Sun, comets, people with a telescope indicate a high level of astronomical knowledge.

Many stones depict scenes showing the high level of medicine - various surgical operations. A third of the stones depict dinosaurs - triceratops, iguanodons, various sauropods, pterosaurs, etc. Moreover, dinosaurs are almost always in close contact with humans: either their confrontation is shown, or human concern for some tamed dinosaurs. Drawings on Ica stones vary greatly in style, quality and thoroughness, indicating that many artists worked on the creation of the stones.


5) In order to personally verify the authenticity of the stones, the architect Santiago Agurto Calvo (one of the first collectors) began his own excavations in the Okukahe zone in 1966 and discovered stones in the burials of pre-Hispanic cultures. Dr. Cabrera himself also excavated and unearthed the stones.6 Carlos Solte, Rector of the University of Lima, personally excavated a number of stones near Okukahe.

Dr. Denis Swift, who has studied Ica's drawings for over 30 years, wrote: “I clearly remember how one evening I looked down into the hole made in the burial … The sun's rays illuminated the only Ica stone at the bottom of the grave. From it, staring at me, a dinosaur looked. I froze, amazed by this phenomenon … The dinosaur was carved in stone and preserved in the grave like an ancient insect frozen in amber. The drawing revealed to me that the evolutionary geologic column and "deep time" tower with its 65 million years gap between dinosaurs and humans is a myth. The only place where the tower of time exists is in the mind of the evolutionist."

Drawing living dinosaurs … right down to the details

The ancient stones of Ica depict many dinosaurs related to the sauropod. Interestingly, the sauropods in the drawings have dermal spines on their backs (Figure 1).

However, the modern world learned about the thorns that adorned the backs of these dinosaurs only very recently, after the discovery of skin imprints of a diplodocus in 1992: “The recent discovery of fossilized skin prints of a sauropod (diplodocus) reveals a completely different species of these dinosaurs. The petrified skin shows that there was a median row of (skin) thorns … Some were quite narrow, others wider and more tapered."

In 1975, in his book The Message of Ica Engraved Stones, Dr. Javier Cambrera described the stones found in detail, publishing many photographs of them. Several pages contain images of sauropod dinosaurs with a median row of spines. Many of the stones were discovered before 1975, long before paleontologists discovered sauropod skin in 1992!

Figure 1. An ancient Peruvian next to a sauropod depicted with skin thorns on its back. Paleontologists only recently (1992) learned that some sauropods had a median row of cutaneous spines
Figure 1. An ancient Peruvian next to a sauropod depicted with skin thorns on its back. Paleontologists only recently (1992) learned that some sauropods had a median row of cutaneous spines

Figure 1. An ancient Peruvian next to a sauropod depicted with skin thorns on its back. Paleontologists only recently (1992) learned that some sauropods had a median row of cutaneous spines.

Further, some of the stones depict dinosaurs with a pattern of skin (Fig. 2), as well as armor spots on the back and sides. It didn't make any sense … until the recent discovery of fossilized dinosaur skin. As it turned out, its bumpy design matches the image on the stones. (Figure 2).

But that's not all. It turns out that the Apatosaurus dinosaur is correctly drawn on a number of rocks (discovered in the 1950s and 1960s). Scientists knew this dinosaur (formerly called Brontosaurus) from fossils, but before 1979 they mistakenly depicted it with the wrong head! Since the paleontologist-discoverer confused his head with the skull of another dinosaur.

Figure 2. Ancient carvings on Ica stones depicting dinosaurs with humans correctly depicted the dinosaur skin design with armor spots on the back and sides. The design of the skin in the picture is identical to the recently discovered fossilized dinosaur skin
Figure 2. Ancient carvings on Ica stones depicting dinosaurs with humans correctly depicted the dinosaur skin design with armor spots on the back and sides. The design of the skin in the picture is identical to the recently discovered fossilized dinosaur skin

Figure 2. Ancient carvings on Ica stones depicting dinosaurs with humans correctly depicted the dinosaur skin design with armor spots on the back and sides. The design of the skin in the picture is identical to the recently discovered fossilized dinosaur skin.

When this was revealed, the bug was fixed. It is noteworthy that on the stones this dinosaur is depicted with the correct head even before scientists discovered the error in 1979.

A number of questions arise. How could the ancient authors of the drawings know all these details? How did they know what the back of sauropods looked like? And that they were decorated with cone-shaped spines? How could they accurately depict the "pattern" of dinosaur skin? How did they know the correct head shape for Apatosaurus?

But these images were carved on stones long before modern paleontologists made all these discoveries. The conclusion is obvious: ancient people saw living dinosaurs, interacted with them, and carved accurate images of them on stones hundreds of years ago. These facts confirm the authenticity of the ancient images on stones and refute the objections of skeptics.

Author: Dmitry Kurovsky