Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View

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Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View
Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View

Video: Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View

Video: Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Elongated Skulls and the Egyptian Akhenaton Connection FULL LECTURE 2024, September

I came across an interesting book by the American writer of the 19th century Ignatius Loyola Donnelly, which is called "Atlantis: Antediluvian World", 1882. The book is all very interesting, but I decided to devote this article to one of its sections - elongated skulls.

Elongated skulls found in America

Here is one of these images from the book:

Plaster relief - faith in the city of Palenque
Plaster relief - faith in the city of Palenque

Plaster relief - faith in the city of Palenque.

Palenque (Spanish Palenque) is a conventional name for the ruins of a large Mayan city in the northeast of the Mexican state of Chiapas - the political and cultural center of the Maya in the III-VIII centuries. The capital of the Baakul kingdom. In general, Palenque has a lot of interesting images. For example:

Replica of the stone slab that covered Pacal's tomb under the pyramid in Palenque
Replica of the stone slab that covered Pacal's tomb under the pyramid in Palenque

Replica of the stone slab that covered Pacal's tomb under the pyramid in Palenque.

Promotional video:

Pacal is the ruler of the Baakul kingdom of the Maya. In fact, it is possible that this tomb was not Pacal at all, according to Mexican archaeologists:

“On the other hand,” does it mean: “from across the ocean”? A book by the American physician and naturalist Samuel George Morton (1799-1851) is available on the Internet. The full title of the book is American Skulls; or, A Comparative Look at the Skulls of Various Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. To which are attached sketches of the varieties of the human species (Crania americana; or, A comparative view of the skulls of various aboriginal nations of North and South America. To which is prefixed an essay on the varieties of the human species). The book contains 300 pages of descriptive text and another 300 pages of sketches of various skulls. In addition to quite ordinary skulls, there are quite strange ones in the book, including a lot of elongated ones. For example:


Skulls of American Mongols:


By the way, according to the official version, the first Mongols appeared in America only in the middle of the 20th century:

And Morton's book was published in 1839. But in the 20th century, the Mongols were already traveling to America with ordinary skulls, you must understand, and not with elongated ones.

Neanderthal skulls

Photo of a modern human skull for comparison and a Neanderthal skull:


The skulls of the American Mongols from Morton's book are very similar to the skulls of the Neanderthals, which, according to the official version, became extinct 40 thousand years ago. Although their skulls were first discovered in 1856 in the Neandertal Gorge near Düsseldorf and Erkrath (West Germany). Hence, in fact, the term "Neanderthal" took its name.

Elongated skulls of the Scythians, Huns and Avars

Returning to the description of elongated skulls in the book "Atlantis: Antediluvian World":

It says here that the practice of flattening the skulls was found among the Scythians, Avars and Huns. But as Mavro Orbini writes (by the way, his real name is Mavar Orbin), or rather the sources to which he refers, they were all one people. More about this in the article "On the" Slavic Kingdom "by Mavro Orbini" An excerpt from the book of Hippocrates mentioned here "Air, water and terrain":

Hippocrates writes that at first the deformation was artificial, and then they began to be born with such skulls. In which I, personally, hardly believe. An indirect confirmation of the belonging of the Avars to the Scythians is found in Herodotus:

And further:

Presumably this is how the avars looked like:

A golden jug from the Nagy-Saint-Miklos hoard, with the image of a warrior leading a prisoner. Experts cannot agree if this warrior is a Bulgar, Khazar or Avar
A golden jug from the Nagy-Saint-Miklos hoard, with the image of a warrior leading a prisoner. Experts cannot agree if this warrior is a Bulgar, Khazar or Avar

A golden jug from the Nagy-Saint-Miklos hoard, with the image of a warrior leading a prisoner. Experts cannot agree if this warrior is a Bulgar, Khazar or Avar.

There is an assumption that it was an Avar burial ground. Because the inscriptions on some of the items coincide in style with the inscriptions of finds from Altai graves. Russian Wikipedia reports that the inscriptions are made in Greek and Turkic languages:

European sources refrain from specific definitions, calling the inscriptions unusual. But the description of the items found in the treasure fits the description of the Scythian items. More about Scythian writing in the article "Petroglyphs and ancient writing of Siberia"

Elongated skulls of residents of France, Great Britain and northern Europe

But not only the Scythians had a tradition of lengthening the skull. Further from the book "Atlantis - antediluvian world":

Edward Tylor is a 19th century English ethnologist, cultural and anthropologist. Those. it turns out that even in the 19th century people with elongated skulls were quite common. In any case, in Europe. This book is on the Internet. Titled: Anthropology: An Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilization Sugar was sold until the end of the 19th century in the form of elongated cones with a rounded top, called sugar heads:

Sugar loaf production in Gothenburg, 1900
Sugar loaf production in Gothenburg, 1900

Sugar loaf production in Gothenburg, 1900.

This refers to the book by Joseph Davis and John Thurman "Outlines and Descriptions of the Skulls of the Indigenous and Early People of the British Isles"

Similarity of skull flattening practices in Eurasia and America

Ancient Swiss skull
Ancient Swiss skull

Ancient Swiss skull.

Peruvian skull, Chinook (flat-headed) after surgery
Peruvian skull, Chinook (flat-headed) after surgery

Peruvian skull, Chinook (flat-headed) after surgery.

Del Rio's book is on the Internet. It is called "Description of the ruins of an ancient city near Palenque" Illustrations are present there. The heads of the people depicted there are indeed elongated like the images from Palenque discussed above.

Knott and Gleeddon's book is also freely available: "Types of Humanity or Ethnological Research: Based on Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Turtle Races and Their Natural, Geographic, Philological, and Biblical History" 1868 (Types of mankind, or, Ethnological researches: based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philological, and biblical history)

Causes of artificial skull deformity

What is the reason for such a widespread deformation of the skulls in newborn babies? The book provides a likely explanation for this phenomenon:


Does this mean, apparently, the absence of the bridge of the nose?

Head of Venus de Milo, ser. II century. BC e
Head of Venus de Milo, ser. II century. BC e

Head of Venus de Milo, ser. II century. BC e.

Head of Diadumenos, sculptor Polycletus, c. 430 BC e
Head of Diadumenos, sculptor Polycletus, c. 430 BC e

Head of Diadumenos, sculptor Polycletus, c. 430 BC e.

Although there is no bridge of the nose, the head as a whole, nevertheless, is of quite modern proportions…. All the inhabitants of North America of the pre-Columbian period are called the builders of the mounds for the fact that they built so many different mounds. The complexity of some (or all?) Of them still boggles the mind.

Round holes in turtles

We read further:

Skulls with holes in the crown are also found here, for example, in the Stavropol region. Moreover, it is argued that these holes were made in the skulls not dead, but alive. This can be judged by the fact that the bone tissue in the studied skulls had time to grow after the operation. The version about the possible making of such holes for free entry and exit from the skull of the soul is no longer considered:


Comparison of the skulls of the inhabitants of America and Egypt

Further back to the main story:

Illustration of two heads: Central America and Egypt
Illustration of two heads: Central America and Egypt

Illustration of two heads: Central America and Egypt.


Elongated Giant Skulls

The article "The Giants of Easter Island" examined a book that dealt with giants. Unfortunately, in that book, nothing was said about the shape of their skulls, only about the long ears hanging down to their shoulders. The book discussed in this article talks about shape, but says nothing about the size of naturally elongated skulls, not artificially deformed ones. But, perhaps, high growth was combined with an elongated skull? Those. giants had elongated skulls, and then everything that is smaller is already an imitation. Or there was a transitional period during which the skeleton shrank while continuing to maintain the elongated shape of the skull. And then, upon reaching the current size, they switched to the practice of artificially pulling it.

Skull recovered from tomb KV55, probably of Akhenaten (Egyptian Museum, Cairo, photograph by J. Elliot Smith, 1912)
Skull recovered from tomb KV55, probably of Akhenaten (Egyptian Museum, Cairo, photograph by J. Elliot Smith, 1912)

Skull recovered from tomb KV55, probably of Akhenaten (Egyptian Museum, Cairo, photograph by J. Elliot Smith, 1912)

An alabaster embossed relief depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their daughter Meritaten
An alabaster embossed relief depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their daughter Meritaten

An alabaster embossed relief depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their daughter Meritaten.

Is it possible that Akhenaten was larger than Nefertiti, and the bas-relief depicts their real proportions, and not an allegory?


Another proof that perhaps quite recently there was a single state on the planet, with a single culture, a single worldview, habits and customs.

Author: i_mar_a