The Pentagon Lost The Virtual Sea War Between China And The United States. Why Would? - Alternative View

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The Pentagon Lost The Virtual Sea War Between China And The United States. Why Would? - Alternative View
The Pentagon Lost The Virtual Sea War Between China And The United States. Why Would? - Alternative View

Video: The Pentagon Lost The Virtual Sea War Between China And The United States. Why Would? - Alternative View

Video: The Pentagon Lost The Virtual Sea War Between China And The United States. Why Would? - Alternative View
Video: Third Eye Spies (FULL MOVIE) 2024, September
Anonim (pay): The United States will be defeated in a naval war with China and will fight to stop the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. This result was obtained in a series of war games hosted by the Pentagon.

US defense sources told The Times that several simulated US conflicts have led the US military to believe its forces will be overpowered by the Chinese. One of the simulated war games focused on 2030, when a modernized Chinese fleet will operate many new submarines, aircraft carriers, and destroyers.

The analysis also showed that Beijing's stockpile of medium-range ballistic missiles had already left every US base and any US carrier battle group operating in the Indo-Pacific Command area vulnerable to attack. In particular, the Pacific island of Guam, which is home to American strategic bombers such as the B-2 and B-52, is currently considered fully at risk.

“China has long-range anti-ship ballistic missiles and hypersonic [more than five times the speed of sound] missiles,” a Pentagon source said. This means that groups of US aircraft carriers will not be able to confront their Chinese counterparts in battle "without incurring huge losses."

The findings, which one military source calls "eye-opening," are corroborated by the latest analysis presented by leading US experts on China.

"All the simulations that were conducted with the threat from China in 2030, such as the Chinese invasion of Taiwan, all ended in the defeat of the United States," said Bonnie Glaser, director of the China energy project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and a government consultant. USA in East Asia. “Taiwan is the most volatile problem because it could escalate into a war with the US, even a nuclear war.

“In the Pentagon, the State Department and the White House, China is undoubtedly considered the biggest threat. We were too passive in the past … Guam is now in range of their ballistic missiles, so the US will be defeated in case of conflict."

Beijing has stepped up its military activities in the South and East China seas, chasing ships, militarizing islands whose sovereignty is claimed by others, and making threatening moves about the planned annexation of Taiwan. President Xi said he wants to return the island to One China by 2050 and is ready to use force.

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The US does not have a defense agreement with Taiwan, but Washington has increased its arms sales to help Taiwan create a deterrent. U. S. concerns are expected to be highlighted in a Pentagon report on China's military strength in 2020, which is due to be sent to Congress this summer.

A defense source said repeated warnings from Admiral Philip Davidson, the regional commander, and a push from within the Pentagon to fund hypersonic weapons to counter the Chinese threat have already resulted in significant resource diversions.

"Mark Esper [Secretary of Defense] has taken note of this and is aggressively taking steps to create the capabilities we need to keep China from engaging in a serious confrontation," the source said.

Hypersonic weapons are seen as the key to destroying China's ballistic missile capabilities, and the US also plans to deploy long-range, land-based cruise missiles in the Asia-Pacific region. Naval units are also to be armed with anti-ship missiles along a number of islets surrounding China's coastal seas.

U. S. relations with China have deteriorated to their lowest levels in decades as President Trump blames Beijing for the weakening American economy and, more recently, for trying to cover up the scale of the coronavirus epidemic before it sweeps across the world.

While these actions have not yet led to a direct confrontation, the US intensified its trade war yesterday (Friday) by announcing that it had ordered a Taiwanese company to open a computer chip factory in Arizona to move key technology industries away from China.

Washington also announced that it will limit the ability of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, which it considers a national security threat, to develop products overseas that use American technology. Beijing retaliated by saying it was willing to include American companies, including Apple, on its "list of untrustworthy organizations" and to investigate their activities in China.

Editorial comment

Although the translated article is in the original and paid, nevertheless, the "patriots of Iran" will certainly find a couple of free bucks and translate the good news about "hypersonic weapons" and "great and mighty China", which "kicked the Americans in the teeth", but in reality in fact, everything is very difficult here.

The Pentagon conducts this kind of war games 33 times a month, that is, almost every day, and on the 31st of each long month, three times a day. The consequence of these games is the constant modification of military strategy.

So, during the Cold War, for every Soviet nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles, the Americans had at least two, at most up to five multipurpose boats, which met each cruiser upon leaving Severodvinsk and guided it throughout the entire voyage. In the event of an attempt to shoot, the cruiser would immediately be sunk.

A similar situation was with all other forces and means - the Americans had a timely and high-tech answer to any Soviet wunder alphabet, as, in principle, no answers were provided for in the USSR. This is an axiom of military planning. And then, it turns out, they slept in the Pentagon for 20 years, watched China rivet something there - and did nothing? Then woke up, saw the light and carried secret information to the newspaper? This is a fairy tale calculated for the minds of housewives in Harlem, “Iranian patriots” and other imbeciles.

At best, we are talking about a hidden request from the Pentagon boys, who are hinting to Uncle Sam that it is time to give them money for new toys, but this is too simple an explanation. Especially if we take into account projects like TR3B, take into account the ashes of other unidentified forces, without whose consent a big war will never begin on Earth. That is, everything is very complicated and we do not even know how to interpret this Pentagon's message to the newspaper.

Nevertheless, something can be fished out between the lines - in particular, information about the transfer of important enterprises from Taiwan to Arizona. This is not an economic war - this is a preparation for a real war, in which Taiwan seems to have been decided to be given over to the Chinese. And this is also read between the lines, where it is reminded that “there is no agreement on protection”, that “the Chinese have many, many missiles” and so on. In general, the minds of Americans not only prepare for war, but also accustom them to the idea that China is a serious enemy and the war with it will be very difficult.

And the war will definitely be, as can be seen from the military references to the games of the 2030 model. The Chinese, of course, are far behind the United States technologically, but they are superior to America economically. It's like in the confrontation between the USSR and Germany, when a mountain T-34 was riveted on one exemplary German "Tiger" in the USSR, of which 120,000 were produced. And also 50,000 Shermans went to the USSR, not to mention tanks of other classes, self-propelled guns and other hardware. The Germans in this situation would not have been saved, even if they had learned to make "Abrams".

It will be the same with China - it will simply crush America in mass. It will make 500 pieces of destroyers, five thousand corvettes and put them on every square kilometer in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic. And there will be tens of thousands of robots and UAV clouds. And everything is cheap, low-tech, easily replaceable and does not require decades of crew training.

And for all-about everything, China just needs ten years, after which even kids in a sandbox will be able to simulate a battle for dominance at sea. Therefore, the United States now has one option: either to deal with China now, or never, gradually beginning to prepare itself mentally to call China “big brother” in about 10-15 years. We do not think that the heads of the United States are ready to go and receive a label for reigning in the Horde following the example of the heads of other countries, so we are following the development of events.
