Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View

Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View
Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View

Video: Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View

Video: Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Slavic Europe 2024, September

Now about the existence of the once country of Tartaria, they talk and write more and more. Maps of the 16-18 centuries, archaeological finds, historical "discrepancies" - all this directly or indirectly indicates that Great Tartary was once a cultural, technological, world center of the development of our civilization.

We learned about the very name "Tartary" from foreign maps, where this country occupies the territory from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian. From the sources known to date, it seems that Tartaria was first mentioned by the Navarre traveler Benjamin of Tudel in 1173. Great Tartary is on the maps of Abraham Ortelius in 1570, who published the first geographical atlas in history. At the end of the 18th century, mentions of Tartaria cease. One of the last references appears in the 1st edition of the Britannica in 1771:


It is not difficult to superimpose a map from the Encyclopedia Britannica on a modern political map of the world and see the territories of which modern countries were once occupied by Great Mogolia or the Russian Empire - these are other names of Tartary that appear on the same foreign maps. By the way, it was these names that allowed confusion in the modern interpretation of history. The first gave rise to the legend of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, and the second - with the second name, everything turned out to be much more complicated. The center of the Russian Empire, according to medieval maps, was the region of Great Tartary, which occupied western and eastern Siberia and the entire Far East. Neither in location nor in size it resembles a province in any way. Other areas of the empire bore their own names: Moscow, Tibetan, Chinese Tartaria, etc. Over time, the territories broke away from the empire, won back,other countries began to occupy them. Parts of one country used to become other states. However, according to the official version of history, the origins of modern Russia begin in the west - Russia originated in Kiev and Moscow. The history of the formation of Kievan and Moscow Rus is described in great detail. At the same time, there is no description of what was happening at that time in the central part of the Russian Empire, in Great Tartary. And according to modern history, Siberia and the Far East began to be explored only at the end of the 18th century. And after they were explored and annexed to Russia, this territory began to be called the Russian Empire. Thus, the development of Siberia and the Far East automatically became a continuation of the history of Moscow and Kievan Rus. However, according to the official version of history, the origins of modern Russia begin in the west - Russia originated in Kiev and Moscow. The history of the formation of Kievan and Moscow Rus is described in great detail. At the same time, there is no description of what was happening at that time in the central part of the Russian Empire, in Great Tartary. And according to modern history, Siberia and the Far East began to be explored only at the end of the 18th century. And after they were explored and annexed to Russia, this territory began to be called the Russian Empire. Thus, the development of Siberia and the Far East automatically became a continuation of the history of Moscow and Kievan Rus. However, according to the official version of history, the origins of modern Russia begin in the west - Russia originated in Kiev and Moscow. The history of the formation of Kievan and Moscow Rus is described in great detail. At the same time, there is no description of what was happening at that time in the central part of the Russian Empire, in Great Tartary. And according to modern history, Siberia and the Far East began to be explored only at the end of the 18th century. And after they were explored and annexed to Russia, this territory began to be called the Russian Empire. Thus, the development of Siberia and the Far East automatically became a continuation of the history of Moscow and Kievan Rus.what was happening at that time in the central part of the Russian Empire, in Great Tartary, no. And according to modern history, Siberia and the Far East began to be explored only at the end of the 18th century. And after they were explored and annexed to Russia, this territory began to be called the Russian Empire. Thus, the development of Siberia and the Far East automatically became a continuation of the history of Moscow and Kievan Rus.what was happening at that time in the central part of the Russian Empire, in Great Tartary, no. And according to modern history, Siberia and the Far East began to be explored only at the end of the 18th century. And after they were explored and annexed to Russia, this territory began to be called the Russian Empire. Thus, the development of Siberia and the Far East automatically became a continuation of the history of Moscow and Kievan Rus.

But after all, according to the maps, already in the 12th century, Tartary occupied not only Siberia and the Far East, but its borders were much wider than the borders of the modern Russian Federation or even the Russian Empire of the 19th century. The version that the center of the Russian Empire was located in Siberia is also confirmed by the results of recent studies by the method of DNA genealogy, which proved that on the Eurasian continent people migrated from east to west 5,000 years ago, and not vice versa. You can read more about this in the published in 2015. "Expertise of the Veles book" under the direction of A. A. Klyosov.

Also interesting is the fact that at the end of the 16th century. English diplomat Anthony Jenkinson, who was the first plenipotentiary ambassador of England to Muscovy from 1557 to 1571, compiled a separate map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartary. It was the most detailed map of areas at that time that were then inaccessible to Europeans. Those. in the 16th century, Tartary was a state closed to Europeans. (It is interesting that even the very name "Tartary" is not in any internal Russian source. Assia, Russeya, Russia - as soon as this country was called by its inhabitants, but not Tartary. Probably because of such closeness, foreigners had to give their the name of this country.) And if we proceed from the geography and central position of Great Tartary on the maps of the 16th century. and earlier, if you change the "center of gravity", it turns outthat after the annexation of Muscovy to Tartary at the end of the 18th century, the history of the latter was replaced by the history of Muscovy, and Muscovy, in turn, was assigned the name of the Russian Empire. The result was a substitution of names. It is no coincidence that since the end of the 18th century. "Tartaria" is no longer mentioned anywhere. This is possible, perhaps, only in the event of a military defeat. And given that the new redistribution of the world, without Tartary, was accepted by all other countries, it looks like it was a world war, on one side of which was the Russian Empire, aka Tartary, and on the other - all other countries of the world, including Muscovy.that a new redivision of the world, without Tartaria, was accepted by all other countries, it seems that it was a world war, on one side of which was the Russian Empire, she is Tartary, and on the other - all other countries of the world, including Muscovy.that a new redivision of the world, without Tartaria, was accepted by all other countries, it seems that it was a world war, on one side of which was the Russian Empire, she is Tartary, and on the other - all other countries of the world, including Muscovy.

The problem is that inside the country itself there is no evidence from the life of the former Tartary. Over the course of 200 years, the political system was changing, there were external wars, internal revolutions - for several generations a new history was created without a single mention of the once existing Tartary. And naturally, efforts were made to destroy documentary evidence of this. And the legacy left over from it (territories, people, achievements, traditions, etc.) was replaced by history, mentality, culture of western Muscovy and other countries. Modern expeditions to Taiga and the Far East confirm that these territories were once densely populated - ruined cities are found in the "wild" taiga, pyramids in the Far East, etc. And archaeological artifacts show that the level of development of people,living in these territories, significantly exceeds the modern level of development of our civilization.

And of course, it is simply impossible to completely silence the achievements of that civilization. It would be strange if no one guarded and passed on such knowledge. And it's not without reason that more and more confirmations of Tartary are now emerging. This would not have happened if the memory of that civilization had not been preserved by special "organs" - the Magi. At all times and in every civilization, they were and are for these purposes. In addition, the memory of that civilization is stored in the genes of descendants - and makes itself felt. People want to know the truth about their past, and now the time has come when desire coincides with opportunities. In particular, technological progress makes it possible to do this at an unimaginable speed: the Internet that appeared at the end of the 20th century erased geographical and temporal boundaries - both between countries and for centuries, and became a single collective information field,out of the control of the creators. If there is a "leak" of information to the Internet, this is already an irreversible process. Despite all the shortcomings and even the obvious pernicious influence of the Internet, one cannot but recognize its leading role in uncovering many secrets, especially of such a scale as a lost country. And patriots become the driving force: enthusiasts, writers, researchers of antiquity, who independently organize expeditions, find unique artifacts and publish them all on the same Internet.who independently organize expeditions, find unique artifacts and publish them all on the same Internet.who independently organize expeditions, find unique artifacts and publish them all on the same Internet.

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And it would seem that this process has been going on for over 20 years, and already all citizens of Russia should be aware of these amazing discoveries. However, these studies remain the lot of individual patriotic people, and perhaps only "advanced" Internet users who are interested in this issue know about Tartary. We see no government support, no official research, no coverage of this problem in the media. The struggle for Tartary - to be or not to be - continues. And strangers, as we call on this site "lovers of the stranger", use their old methods: suppression, falsification of historical evidence, sabotage of artifacts. The force that opposes them and which is capable of breaking through this wall is patriotism. Not a competition for your version of history, not a fight with the same patriots, but a sincere desire to find the truth,love for their homeland and their compatriots.