If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View

If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View
If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View

Video: If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View

Video: If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View
Video: Why Don't We Live Around a Red Sun? Featuring Prof. David Kipping from Cool Worlds 2024, September

Star forts, or as they are also called "star" fortresses - one of the most exciting mysteries of contemporaries - continues to pose more and more new questions, answers to which have never been, and still are not. And the most unpleasant thing is that, most likely, these answers will not be found in our lifetime.

Now it is quite obvious that all the albums of the nineteenth century with drawings and plans, descriptions of the construction of these mysterious, not even structures, but rather formations, are crude forgeries. Man most likely has nothing to do with the creation of star forts. At least, a person who is a representative of the civilization to which we, now living, belong.

And in favor of this argument, there is a considerable amount of evidence. The first and most convincing is the number of such forts scattered across all continents. Even the construction of one of them requires an enormous amount of resources and time. And if you add up all the "stars", then their creation would take millions of man-hours of work. Construction of such a scale simply did not make sense, and information about it could not but be preserved in history. But nothing has survived. Well … Not that it hasn't survived at all. Preserved. Only this was, rather, a reconstruction or completion.

Some of the famous star forts in Europe
Some of the famous star forts in Europe

Some of the famous star forts in Europe.

So, most of the forts that have survived in the European part of our continent have a refined appearance. For them, a stone cladding was erected, and the underground premises were built of bricks. Simultaneously with these perfect, even from the point of view of modern fortification, structures, there is an incalculable number of fortresses in the form of ordinary earthen ramparts.

Many of them are known, but most of these fortresses are not known not only by historians, but even by people who live in the immediate vicinity of them, and even directly on them. Such stars began to be detected in droves thanks to the widespread distribution of aerial and satellite images of the earth's surface. Moreover, it turned out that forts exist in the most unexpected places, in which, according to historians, nothing has ever existed. Some now have cemeteries or, as in the following photo, stadiums and sports grounds:


But there are those about which there is no information at all. For example, Khakassia:

Promotional video:

Surviving * petal * of a giant fort in Khakassia
Surviving * petal * of a giant fort in Khakassia

Surviving * petal * of a giant fort in Khakassia.

And on the Ustyurt plateau in Kazakhstan such a "fortress" was miraculously preserved:


Obviously, these are very ancient formations that have undergone changes that have occurred either over a long time, or as a result of an unprecedented scale of the catastrophe. Man-made or natural is the next question. Most important to us is the fact that most of these forts simply could not be built by man. After all, if you sacredly believe in the veracity of the official history of the origin of man, then it turns out that the fortresses were built in the era of the dinosaurs, when man did not exist yet.

Moreover, if the fortress is well preserved, such as, for example, in Gyumri, Armenia, then a legend was prepared for it and the history of the building was invented. This is what it looks like today:


Previously, the city bore a Russian name, and the "builders" portrayed its fortress as follows:


In my opinion, even the diagram shows that the hills to the left and right of the walls of the fort appeared later than the fort itself. And they don't build fortifications in the lowlands. Even people who have no relation to the army know very well that all fortifications are always built on dominant heights, and not in pits. Admire the Pechora fortress-star, on top of which a monastery was built in the sixteenth century, most likely, without even knowing what was on this place earlier:


And here's how it looks on the ground:

Tower of the upper grates. Pechora Fortress
Tower of the upper grates. Pechora Fortress

Tower of the upper grates. Pechora Fortress.

Well, who builds like that! Who builds like this, I ask? What a fool you need to be to build a fortress at the bottom of a ravine! And everything falls into place if you know that earlier, long before the monastery, there was already a star fortress on this place. The monastery arose on top of her remains, cut in half by a ravine, only because of the underground structures remained from the fort. This underground city, like Derinkuyu in Turkey, was chosen by hermits, who founded the monastery. And to this day, no one knows that there was a fortress-star.

Now it is completely unclear what to do with those "forts" that no one knew about before, but they all appear and appear? For example, in Pskov. I suspected for a long time that in such a city it simply could not have existed in the past at least one star fortress, but so far it has not been possible to find not only official information, but even traces of the fortress on the ground. No matter how I looked at the satellite images, I could not find anything until I found the "petals" on the ground visually. Right in the center of the city, on the Heroes-Paratroopers Square, near the Pokrovskaya Tower.


The very rare case when a find can be made not with the help of clever technology, but directly on the ground. From above, this "petal" is almost invisible, but on the ground all doubts disappear. These are exactly the remains of an antediluvian "star", from which only two tiny fragments remained: at the Pokrovskaya Tower, and three hundred meters to the northeast, on Victory Square, at the Botanical Garden. Both petals are absolutely identical.

Exactly the same story happened to me in the town of Skhodnya, Moscow region. I would never have seen the remains of the fort on the map if I had not seen them with my own eyes. Later, I studied images from space, and the suspicions were fully confirmed:


This, apparently, is only a negligible part of a giant fractal star with many rays at several levels, similar to those in the Italian city of Palmanova:


And I am sure there are hundreds of thousands of them all over the world. Could a man build them? It may very well be, but not ours. First, as I said, we did not have sufficient resources for all this stuff. Secondly, in order to build such fortresses, not only hundreds of thousands of skilled workers were needed, but also brilliant engineers, designers, mine surveyors, and entire institutes had to exist. And they also needed the most complex calculations, which we learned to do only in the nineteenth century.

Or do you believe that such calculations could be done using Roman numerals? But what about precision instruments, without which such construction is also impossible? Look at the fort dungeons in Kaliningrad Baltiysk:


Was it all done by eye? Today we cannot even make a brick of this quality and produce such a solution. No and no again. This is not all of ours, so historians, who have no idea what construction is, have to compose fairy tales, how and by whom it was built.

Was it built at all? After all, it is very similar that star forts are natural formations. Yes, a person could use them, adapting them to their needs. But it is not a fact that they are used as fortifications. It was our ancestors who began to use them as shelters, but in fact it could be anything from factories and factories to teleportation portals.

In this situation, the question is pertinent: if we see the highest level of construction of some forts, then why not assume that the earthen ramparts under them could also have been built by the same brilliant builders?

That's how it is. Here are just a few circumstances that directly indicate that a person is not involved in the appearance of star fortresses on Earth. The most important of these is that stars continue to appear where they never existed. Here are some examples:

Draaiburg in Holland:


The picture was taken in 2007.


And here is Aardenburg, also in Holland:

Photo from 2005
Photo from 2005

Photo from 2005.

Only two years have passed, and … Voila:

Snapshot of 2007
Snapshot of 2007

Snapshot of 2007.

There are not one or two such examples, but hundreds. The pictures convincingly prove that no construction was carried out, but the "stars" are being formed! This is a fact, a given that cannot be avoided. This means that we do not know something very important about our world. We are not surprised at the shape of snowflakes, which, as you know, a person does not make, but why not assume that similar formations can also arise on earth in a natural way, we do not understand its mechanism yet, but the fact remains.


Why not a small star fort?

The clue may lie in the nature of the appearance of the so-called Chladni figures. Such figures appear from bulk materials on a surface that is subject to fluctuations of various frequencies and amplitudes. It doesn't matter how these vibrations are created, acoustic or vibration, the main thing is to guess the required ones.

Granulated sugar on a vibrating sheet of tin
Granulated sugar on a vibrating sheet of tin

Granulated sugar on a vibrating sheet of tin.

And by changing the vibrations, you can create any stars, from the simplest four-beam, to complex fractals. Maybe a person himself is able to create conditions for the growth of "star forts"? Including unintentionally? After all, who knows how nature responds to the deeds, actions and emotions of large crowds of people? After all, it is known that where wars or other events occur, during which there is a massive surge of negative emotions generated by a large number of people at the same time, earthquakes, tsunamis, or abnormal cold weather occur.

Well, how can you not think about the fact that we, like foolish children, play with a grenade, not understanding what this can lead to.

Author: kadykchanskiy
