The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View

The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View
The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View

Video: The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View

Video: The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View
Video: Biblical Series VI: The Psychology of the Flood 2024, September

The Jewish Torah or Old Testament of Christians is a collection of religious and historical myths of the Jewish people and tells us about the Jewish God and the appearance of the Jewish people on Earth. However, the secret of its creation has a connection with the mythology of a much more ancient people - the Sumerians, from whom the Jews drew part of their own mythology. And one of these borrowed myths, which describes one of the global cataclysms of the past, is the myth of the Flood.

In the book "100 Great Secrets of Archeology" edited by A. Volkov, you can read about this:

Well, well, it is quite logical, considering that the Jews for a certain period of their history were in "Babylonian captivity", which means that they could well have familiarized themselves with the library of Babylonian kings, as well as more ancient Sumerian cuneiform sources. The only question is which of the World Floods is described in the Bible and the Torah, and, accordingly, in the "Epic of Gilgamesh"?

And the fact that such a thing happened in the history of ancient civilizations more than once has already been found out by many independent researchers of the true past. And some of them believe that there have been several such global cataclysms in the last 500-600 years alone. That is why there is no guarantee that the events described in the religious books of Jews, Christians and other peoples took place thousands, and not hundreds of years ago. Moreover, the times of "ancient civilization" were actually in the Middle Ages, and this becomes more and more evident every day.

Much of the evidence for this came from a group of independent ASPIK researchers during their expeditions. But even without this evidence, you can simply look at the table of the durability of the very stones and materials from which antique buildings and structures are made, as it becomes clear that if they were not hundreds, but thousands of years old, they would turn into dust. Thus, one can understand that one should not take the official chronology seriously. And many myths from history textbooks are clearly far-fetched, and they have been told about them more than once before. But the official history is diligently silent about the World Floods and other similar global cataclysms. And is it not because it is controlled by the very forces that benefit from hiding real knowledge and true history from us?

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