Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View

Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View
Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View

Video: Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View

Video: Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View
Video: Russia: Putin says he's ready to meet Trump in Slovenian capital Ljubljana 2024, September

One of the most difficult questions in the study of history continues to be the abundance of names of tribes and peoples, names of countries, cities, localities of rivers and mountain ranges. And this will not come as a surprise if you always remember that such concepts as "nation", "country", "state" and "empire" in their current understanding came into use only recently. The history of the world is not one thousand years old, and during this time many words have changed their sound, spelling and meaning. Toponyms and hydronyms "wander" on the maps as people migrate, which never ended, but continues in various regions to this day.

The names of the same peoples change over time, both in self-names and among the neighboring peoples around them. You don't have to go far for examples. Just a hundred years ago, there were no Estonians, Latvians or Kazakhs. Finns called themselves "Suomi", Moldavians "Bessarabs", etc. Until the 1939 Stalin census. many peoples on the territory of the USSR continued to consider themselves Vyatichi, Krivichi, Chud, Vody, etc. For the West, we were all considered Russians.

Even now, when the Baltic republics have become part of the European Union and NATO members, most Europeans and Americans continue to call all the Balts Russians. What to expect from medieval and ancient historians, if we ourselves are already finding it difficult to understand this "mishmash" of nations and peoples, which we all had to observe only during the life of three generations.

In addition, before the emergence of modern countries with clearly defined borders, huge masses of tribes and peoples led a natural way of life, which did not include living in one particular territory. People settled freely in any convenient place. And they lived there until certain circumstances arose that forced them to withdraw from the inhabited territory and go in search of a new one. Today we have only one nomadic people who do not recognize borders and citizenship - the Gypsies. But in the past, in every nation there were sedentary tribes and nomads. That is why the Scythians and Pelasgians found themselves in the most unexpected places, where they built their castles, cities and settlements.

Just like the Armenians, Greeks, Genoese, Veneti and other ancestors of today's Russians had colonies throughout the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, North Africa and the Middle East. And if we see ruins of a church with Russian inscriptions on floor mosaics and frescoes in the Arabian desert and in the sand-covered deserts of Egypt, this does not mean that there was a Russian province there. Just as the presence of a Greek colony in Melitopol is not proof that the Azov steppes were once part of the Republic of Greece.

Therefore, the names of the same people in different colonies in which representatives of the same people lived could be different. For example, the Armenians of one of the colonies on the shores of the Aegean Sea could call the Slavs who lived not far from them, Antas, and the inhabitants of the neighboring Armenian colony of the same Slavs at the same time could call them Antes, Aeneis, Trojans, or whatever else. And then historians began to unravel this complex tangle, sometimes in vain trying to figure out who the Pelasgians are and who the Scythians are.

Even the Greeks were unlucky, because to this day, scientists do not have a consensus about which peoples and tribes can be considered Greek and which are not Greek. In this regard, the Armenians were incomparably fortunate, because as they were Armenians, they remain so.

One of the ancient nicknames that the Europeans gave to the Slavic tribes was Pelasgi, which means "cranes". Those. flying constantly, from place to place. The origin of this nickname became clear after the discovery of the material culture of Tripoli. Archaeologists have established with a high degree of reliability that representatives of the Trypillian culture had the custom of burning their cities with all their property every 52 years in order to build a new city in a new place and re-create everything needed in everyday life: furniture, tools, dishes, etc. they have never been, so these are weapons. Apparently, they did not fight with anyone and did not fear attacks from outside. This is confirmed by the fact that the cities of the Pelasgians did not have defensive walls.

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E. Klassen was convinced that "Scythians" is not a self-name of the Slavs, but a Greek nickname, one of many. He made such a conclusion based on the assertion of Herodotus that the sketes themselves called themselves Skloven, or Chipped. However, many researchers are inclined to believe that the word "Scythians" (skith) should be read in Russian transcription, and then its meaning becomes clear. "Skeet" means "wanderer". Most likely, the Slavs called the nomadic tribes that previously existed in every nation as hermitages.

Therefore, it may well be that the various Skitia, and there were several of them, including the Siberian Skitia, were quite authentic names that were used by the sedentary Slavs. This is also confirmed by the presence in ancient Siberia, in the region of Grustina - Tomsk, Gothic tribes who called themselves Drangas. As you know, in modern German the word "drang" means "to penetrate", in the sense of "to travel." Therefore, Hitler's plan to conquer the USSR was called "Drang nah osten" (Marching to the East).

In general, most likely the Scythians were Scythians, and as in the case of modern Russians, after Constantinople began to use a single designation for all Scythian tribes, the Russians, the Hellenes, for a long time, out of habit, continued to call us Scythians.

  1. Herodotus writes that, according to the legend of the Scythians, the first person who came to their country, named Targitai, was the son of Zeus and the Dnieper maiden, whose name has not been preserved in history.
  2. Diodorus believed that the first Scythian was the son of Zeus and a virgin born from the earth (apia) named Echidna.
  3. The Greeks of the Black Sea and Azov region claimed that as if Hercules rushed into this country, he lived with a serpent-maiden named Echidna three sons: Agathyrsa, Gelon and Scythian, of whom the latter took this kingdom by the will of the gods, and the rest settled further to the west of it
  4. "Chronograph" 1679 reports:

As you can see, unlike Western thinkers, the domestic source of the late seventeenth century is still quite realistic with specific dates indicating what happened and when. Of course, we do not have the happiness to take our word for it, unlike believers, nevertheless, "Chronograph", although it refers to religious texts, evokes much more confidence than the versions of the respected "ancient Greeks".

What is especially pleasing is the indication of the exact date of the biblical flood: "… in the second summer after the flood …" is 3266 BC. It turns out that there is nothing more to argue about. But here are some other interesting data contained in the "Chronograph":

No matter how funny it may be, this information is fully confirmed by modern DNA Genealogy. According to the latest information, it was at this time, about 4500 years ago, on the Central Russian Plain as a result of an unknown mutation that a people arose that had in their DNA haplogroup R1a1, which is considered the reference Slavic. It turns out that such an event was the arrival in these parts of the bearer of this haplogroup, the prince - Russ. And naturally, according to the tradition that has been existing for a long time, either the ruling prince takes the name of his tribe, or, on the contrary, the name of the prince is transferred to the whole people over which he rules.

This is how the people of the Russovy people and the Slovenian people appeared. Those. peoples of groups of tribes led by Russ and Sloven. Here is the origin of the self-designation of the Slavic-Russ. But … here, just one of the most insidious moments of our history lies, due to which, most researchers make the erroneous conclusion that Russians did not exist until that time. How did it not exist !? It is clearly said in all the annals that Slovens and Russ, exactly like their patriarchal relatives Tartarus and Mogull, did not come to empty lands, where no one except animals, fish and birds existed.

They came to lands that were inhabited long before them by what we now call Aryans. This means that the mysterious "mutation" that initiated the spread of the haplogroup R1a1 is nothing more than a mixture of the descendants of Japheth with the Aryans. Thus, in the east, the tribes of the Moguls and Tartars arose, and in the west - the Russians and Slovenes. But these peoples, although they underwent some change in genetics and changed their names, they did not arise from anywhere, and did not come from anywhere. Our ancestors lived in the same places in which we live to this day, from the creation of the world. True, the descendants of the Tartars and Moguls were mostly exterminated by a flood that happened quite recently, but by mistake or deliberately, "merged" by historians into one with the biblical flood.

But here's what else can be gleaned from the message of "Chronograph": If everything became more or less clear with the descendants of Sloven and Russ, as with the generations of Tartar, Mogull and Turk, then where did Bolgar, Coman and Easter go? Easter may well be considered the founder of the peoples living in the northern Urals and Perm Territory. Biarmia and Velikaya Perm is the land where the Ister River flows today, in the Kudymkarsky and Yusvinsky regions. It may well be that Istra in the Moscow region is related to Prince Easter.

And with Coman, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. After all, the people of the Komana actually once lived in the Crimea and the Caucasus. In the Roman army, there were several legions, consisting exclusively of brave komans. And the current Abkhaz consider them to be their direct ancestors.

And everything is much easier with Prince Bolgar. I have practically no doubts that he is the father of all Volgars, who are now called Kazan Tatars in our country. The fact is that the definition of "Volga Bulgars" is a pure tautology. Volga Rha is pronounced in some languages as "Bolga Ra". Very often the letters "b" and "c" change places, and not only in Russian, in general in all. This is how the discrepancies "Babylon - Babylon", "Barbara - Barbara", "Boldyr - Blister", etc. appeared. And the spelling in some sources of the name of the Volga River, as "Voolga (Rha)", also changed the pronunciation of the second letter: instead of "o" appeared "y". So there was a discrepancy between "Volga Ra - Bulga Ra".

The Mogulls and Tartars were less fortunate. Their toponyms and hydronyms were preserved in isolated cases, and they themselves completely dissolved in neighboring tribes, assimilated with the Russians and Bulgars - the Volgars. And this, for sure, is the merit of a colossal catastrophe that covered the territory from Taimyr to Kazakhstan with mudflows and lowered the northeastern tip of Asia into Tartarary, or, to be precise, into the East Siberian Sea.

But that's not all. In the short excerpt from the Chronograph, which I quoted above, there is an absolutely startling indication of one very important fact, which "accidentally" remained outside the field of view of historians. I mean the mention that from Pontus the princes walked for 14 years in the desert until they arrived at Ilmer Lake. Those. it turns out that there was a desert between the Black Sea and the Baltic? Where does it come from, if all textbooks speak of impassable thickets with windbreaks? Apparently, the textbooks are lying.

And their lies are refuted as easy as shelling pears. Even the official data of soil science and geology of the region under consideration directly indicate that quite recently Europe and Asia were actually separated from each other by a wide strait connecting the White and Black seas. According to Herodotus, “Scythia occupied 16,000,000 square stadia, or 640,000 square versts. It occupied the entire southern part of the Ptolemaic Sarmatia, which is described below; in the north, it only reached the source of the Don; but to the west it went beyond Sarmatia, namely to Thrace (the later Mezen - Mosjen), part of Bulagaria (in the Balkans), and crashing into Moldavia and Wallachia; to the east, its border was the Sea of Azov, to the south, the Black Sea and Crimea; behind the Scythians sit Melanchlens (Melancholy, as you know, is sadness. Hence Melanchlens, these are sad people - Tomsk citizens)

Its peoples, the Calipids and Alazane, leading a Scythian life, are recognized by all later historians as Alans; agricultural Scythians sit next to them; ancient Kimrs, subjects of the Scythians and Alans; other agricultural Scythians-borisoenites; further the nomadic Scythians; the royal Scythians live from Gerros to Taurus. In addition, the Scythians sat by the Aral Sea - these are the Massagets, in Scythia intra Immaus, between the bends of the Jaxartes; in the battle with which Cyrus fell. And to the east of the resettled Scythians sat the Issedons (Azi-Dan)."

Descriptions of the territories located north of Pontus are absent from Herodotus, because he believed that the Baltic Sea goes in an arc towards the Caspian Sea. At least, this is exactly the explanation for this circumstance is given by Yegor Klassen, while clearly being ironic. However, in vain. He just did not see this map:

Map of 1796 from the Swedish Museum
Map of 1796 from the Swedish Museum

Map of 1796 from the Swedish Museum.

Most researchers consider it a fiction of a cartographer, but some are convinced that this is a late list from an ancient Norman map.

Probably, it is precisely this circumstance, which prevents the identification of the real lands on which the Scythians and Sarmatians were settled, and became a bone of contention between the ancient historians, who literally mired in the eternal disputes about whether the Sarmatians were Scythians, and which lands belonged to which of them. Meanwhile, the truth, as usual, is exactly in the middle. Herodotus claims that the Sarmatians are a Scythian tribe that speaks a Scythian spoiled language. It's a common thing, isn't it? Some of our closest neighbors also think that Russian is their language, only "spoiled".

And it did not work out to determine the boundaries of the settlement of the Scythians and Sarmatians for one reason - they simply did not exist. The barren, lifeless steppes that stretched from Azov northward to the White Sea could not have any boundaries. There, gallop in any direction, wherever you have enough glance, and anyone. Whether you are a Scythian, or a Sarmatian, or a Polovtsian. There was no need for anyone to declare their property the sand dunes, overgrown with grass here and there. And this is precisely the picture observed in the engravings of many medieval travelers. The views of Pleskov from the album of Baron Meyerberg, who made an embassy to Moscow in 1661-1662, are indicative.

Pskov Krom, Veles, as the coat of arms of Pskov. Panorama of Pskov
Pskov Krom, Veles, as the coat of arms of Pskov. Panorama of Pskov

Pskov Krom, Veles, as the coat of arms of Pskov. Panorama of Pskov.

Everyone can be convinced that at the end of the seventeenth century Pskov was in the bare steppe. Of the plants, only vegetable gardens and orchards indicated in the area of modern Zavelichye, which are clearly man-made. And that's all. No bushes, no trees … And what kind of forests could we talk about, if even at the beginning of the twentieth century nothing of the kind existed in this region.

However, at the beginning of the twentieth century it was just as deserted
However, at the beginning of the twentieth century it was just as deserted

However, at the beginning of the twentieth century it was just as deserted.

That is why Izborsk was the first stone city in Europe. Not by virtue of the builders' possession of advanced technologies, but for a simple reason: there was simply no other building material.

So it turns out that the division of our continent into Europe and Asia, in reality, took place not at all due to "cultural and historical peculiarities", but on the ground. And the myth of the "Abduction of Europe" is based on the event that actually separated the European Peninsula from Asia by a water stream that washed away the fertile soil layer from the north and washed away a thick layer of black soil in the south. That is why in Kurs, Belgorod and Ukraine the layer of fertile soils is in places a few meters thick, and in the north it barely exceeds a few centimeters.

That is why in the North-West of Russia toponyms containing the word "desert" have been preserved. These are not romantic-poetic names. Nikandrova Pustyn ', Feofilova Pustyn', these are all the names of places that have preserved memories of the time when there was a real desert in them.

An indirect confirmation of this version can also be the testimony of Ptolemy, who spoke about the numerous people of singers (Pskovs?), Who lived along the entire coast of the Gulf of Venet. Historians unanimously explain that the Gulf of Venice is the current Gulf of Finland. I will not argue and assert anything, but I think that it makes sense to consider this statement as a probability that it was not about the Gulf of Finland, but about the strait that divided Europe and Asia, which eventually turned into the Dnieper watershed, forming Khvalynskoe sea, which eventually turned into the Meotid swamps. Today only the marshes of Belarus remind us of it.

This is what the flooding picture might look like if the sea level rose by 150 meters
This is what the flooding picture might look like if the sea level rose by 150 meters

This is what the flooding picture might look like if the sea level rose by 150 meters.

Now it is clear where the ancient sea anchors come from in the Belarusian woodland in peat bogs. If you take a closer look at the map, you will find that most of the modern large cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are located at the very water's edge (including Moscow!). And this is not surprising. Most cities arise precisely on the coasts of the oceans and seas. Water is not only pestilence and death, but also communications, communication with the outside world and a source of food.

The Chronograph does not say anything about the flood, of course, but it does speak of two events that completely devastated the northwestern lands of modern Russia for many years.

Here it is clear that the Pomors came from the north, well, or "Vikings", if someone does not laugh at this word, and ruined all the cities. But they chopped up the newcomers from the south who came to settle in the deserted land of their ancestors. But nothing is reported about the reasons for this desolation. Well, then the classic story of the emergence of the Pskov and Novgorod republics already begins, as we are used to it. Almost so. Further "Chronograph" reports on the emergence of the East European Slavs, all of whom descended from the Novgorodians:

Everything is clear here and has long been known in the same form in which the history of the emergence of the Russian state is taught today. Yes, and in the oral legends of the land of Pskov all this is available, however, it all begins with the deeds of Prince Izbor, and about Russ and Sloven it is said: "In ancient times …". It turns out that not only historians forget to point out that the state of Russ and Slovenia had already flourished here long before Izbor, but for some mysterious reason it ceased to exist for centuries or even millennia.

Once again, we are faced with a similar phenomenon, when more ancient events contain much more factual material than the later field. But in the natural course of events, this is simply impossible. It does not happen that the events that took place thousands of years ago were known in detail, with the indication of dates and names, and then suddenly amnesia happened, and the further course of history began to be recorded only from the ninth century.

It is unnatural when, in antiquity, a man possessed amazing secrets, and then suddenly fell for a whole millennium into the "pitch darkness of the Middle Ages", during which they ate all the cats in Europe, and instead of Greek fire, they began to use silicon arrowheads and spears. It is completely incomprehensible what would have to happen for the world to forget how to control the weather, use rocket artillery, firearms, and re-invent porcelain, silk, gunpowder, methods of mapping, navigation, building sea vessels, and aircraft.

It is impossible to imagine a situation in which prehistoric dirhams of Great Tartary were minted at the level of modern machine stamping, and primitive medieval "scales" became the norm for mints. How to explain the degradation of artillery, which has slipped from goose-loading and bimetallic guns to bronze pipes loaded from the side of the barrel. All this can have only two explanations:

  • The chronology is mercilessly confused, and recent events are transferred on the timeline to the distant past, and the events of the "wild" past, on the contrary, are transferred to the future;
  • Everything was so in reality, but historians decided to hide information about some global event that threw the development of mankind from a highly developed civilization, almost to the "Stone Age".

There is, of course, the likelihood of a third option, in which both reasons took place simultaneously. And I do not exclude such a possibility. Undoubtedly, only one thing: if it were not for someone to hide events of a global scale, we would now live in a completely different world. Who is to blame for this? I would venture to express a seditious thought: we ourselves are to blame. We were not ready to own what we inherited from our ancestors. And so that, figuratively speaking, we do not gouge our eyes out with a fork, someone made sure that we do not know which cabinet contains dangerous items with which we can harm ourselves, in view of our immaturity and incompetence.

And this, you see, is not the worst of the options. Much more dangerous is the situation in which someone took advantage of our naivety and limited our knowledge and capabilities for their own selfish purposes.

Author: kadykchanskiy
