A Digital Trap: The EU Authorities Have Shown, Using The Example Of Gazprom, How To Turn Off Equipment In Russia - Alternative View

A Digital Trap: The EU Authorities Have Shown, Using The Example Of Gazprom, How To Turn Off Equipment In Russia - Alternative View
A Digital Trap: The EU Authorities Have Shown, Using The Example Of Gazprom, How To Turn Off Equipment In Russia - Alternative View

Video: A Digital Trap: The EU Authorities Have Shown, Using The Example Of Gazprom, How To Turn Off Equipment In Russia - Alternative View

Video: A Digital Trap: The EU Authorities Have Shown, Using The Example Of Gazprom, How To Turn Off Equipment In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Gazprom as a Geopolitical Instrument 2024, September

The Russian economy and industry, relying on Western technologies and software, cannot feel safe. Another proof of this common truth came from Gazprom, whose representative spoke about the forced remote shutdown of foreign equipment via satellite. We are talking about compressors manufactured by the Austrian company LMF, which have been "dead weight" on the balance of our "national heritage" since 2012. Now Gazprom is preparing to switch to domestic counterparts, and all lobbyists for Russia's digital transformation should think deeply.

“Remotely disabled via satellite, just turned into scrap metal. Now they are dead weight, they do not work to this day, Pavel Krylov, head of department N335 of OAO Gazprom, lucidly explained the decommissioning of Austrian compressors.

According to RBK, two mobile compressor stations manufactured by LMF were shut down in 2012 during pilot tests “at the facility of a subsidiary”. It is emphasized that this was done by the manufacturing company, i.e. the Austrian side. Mobile compressors, which allow maintaining pressure in the gas transmission network and increasing its throughput, have long been used by Gazprom's subsidiaries. After this sad experience, it is planned to stake on modular compressor stations of Russian production, the corresponding proposal has already been received from the Kazan enterprise ZAO NPP Compressor.

As you can see, the story happened even before the introduction of large-scale sanctions against Russia. At the same time, a source close to Gazprom notes that in the service contract with the manufacturer, as a rule, there is always a clause on the possible shutdown of its equipment. In the event of the imposition of sanctions, Western companies are obliged to comply with the sanctions conditions of their governments and simply stop servicing their equipment. In addition, Gazprom has old American and Swiss-made compressors, and the risk of their shutdown is also not excluded.

As you know, the "digital economy" implanted in Russia is based on Western equipment, standards and certificates. What happened to Gazprom is an excellent illustration of what can happen overnight to some Russian “smart city”, the infrastructure of which is fully provided, for example, by the Chinese company Huawei, or other “respected partners”. Or, for example, the American IT corporation Cisco, which controls all information passing through its network equipment in the Moscow electronic school (the Moscow Department of Education is closely cooperating with Cisco in the framework of the MES project), after the appropriate directive from the NSA / CIA begins to transmit information about the Russian " elite "and security officials where they should not, or even completely disables the system of" machine learning "in the Russian Federation. Or American companies Pax and Verifone,on the payment POS-terminals of which all non-cash trade in our country is based, they are turned off remotely and they cause economic chaos …

All these are more than probable scenarios, the need to prevent which in the course of his report at the parliamentary hearings on July 8 this year. Andrei Tsyganov, co-chairman of the Personal Data Protection Committee, told in detail. The adoption of legislative initiatives to create a "digital profile" of a citizen, an electronic passport, a unified population register, and other consolidated registers that combine any information about citizens from existing state information systems directly threaten personal and state security. Here we are already talking not about glands that are easily disabled by remote exposure, but about the well-being of millions of Russian citizens, the protection of their privacy, health, and financial independence.

Note that a number of attempts at Western digital expansion into Russia were successfully repulsed by our special services and security forces - with the modest support of RIA Katyusha and not without the screams of the liberal media shedding crocodile tears about the "slowdown of progress" by the defenders of national sovereignty. We are talking about the refusal of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) to provide frequencies in the Russian Federation to the Anglo-Saxon project of the global satellite Internet OneWeb (satellites were developed by Airbus Defense and Space, which specializes in military aircraft, communications, reconnaissance and security), as well as a similar decision of the SCRF (with active support of the Security Council) on the failure to provide the military range of 3.4-3.8 GHz for commercial use to operators of 5G networks. The guards must not lose their vigilance: they must not forgetthat the global project of the "masters of money" (the World Bank) called "digital economy" and the fundamentally new, anti-constitutional digital legislation being adjusted for it are incompatible with national sovereignty.