Man Is Not Only A Physical Body - Alternative View

Man Is Not Only A Physical Body - Alternative View
Man Is Not Only A Physical Body - Alternative View

Video: Man Is Not Only A Physical Body - Alternative View

Video: Man Is Not Only A Physical Body - Alternative View
Video: How to Open the Third Eye? | Sadhguru Answers 2024, July

Many researchers of out-of-body practices and lucid dreaming know that a person is not only a physical body. but also has energy-informational bodies, some of which are used during such practices. As for the differences between out-of-body travel and lucid dreams proper, there is no general opinion. Some researchers do not share them, while others consider them to be completely different things, suggesting that during OS a person travels to the inner worlds of his universe. in during the ESP - to the worlds of the outer Universe.

For example, what the Russian researcher V. Radov writes about all this in his book "Out of the Body":

And yet, in my opinion, V. Radov is not quite right. Indeed, one can get into the state of out-of-body travel both from the state of wakefulness and from a dream, including from a lucid dream. There are also methods when a person uses an intermediate state between sleep and wake up during falling asleep or at the moment of awakening to enter the ECP. Surprisingly, according to statistics, women use the former much more successfully, and men use the latter.

There are differences between OS and ECP. So during the OS, we completely control the course of dream events and everything there obeys our will, i.e. we are essentially endowed with the capabilities of God. This is a clear evidence that the action of the OS takes place in the worlds of our inner Universe. During the real ECP, we control only our own actions, but we cannot wander into the visited worlds themselves, according to which they exist. This is explained precisely by the fact that these worlds belong to the external multidimensional Universe, which is controlled not by our personal consciousness, but by the Creator of the Universe.

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Regarding the "disappearance of the human personality" after the death of the physical body, everything is also not quite the same, because after a certain time only the "lower" and those closest to the material plane of the body - the etheric and astral - disintegrate. The total number of bodies, according to the esoteric tradition, is no less than seven. Over time, only the personality that we had for a specific incarnation in the world of physical reality disappears, but our higher "I" is preserved, using the experience of physical incarnations for its evolution, taking place within the evolution of not only our planet, but the entire Universe.

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