Hack The Matrix - Alternative View

Hack The Matrix - Alternative View
Hack The Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Hack The Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Hack The Matrix - Alternative View
Video: MATRIX (Concentration / Programming music) - Original Matrix effect, not repetitive 2024, September

"If you have a cherished dream, you are able to create any world for yourself."

Vadim Zeland.

Imagine that we are in the Matrix, our life is a program, we are a software device with our processor (brain) and a hard disk - DNA, for billions of years we have been passing from one training program to another. Maybe we are part of a self-developing program, and our future has thousands of possibilities?


Perhaps all our knowledge is a distorted picture from the looking glass, and our whole life is virtual reality? What is the difference between matrix and reality? In the awareness of your freedom! And if we live in an artificially created matrix, then our task is to get out of it!


The world around us is just a mirror. How it works, no one knows, because the picture of the world is not static, but infinitely diverse, like an infinite series of reflections between two mirrors, set against each other. If you approach one mirror with another mirror in your hands, you can see the infinity of mirror reflections - a multidimensional model of our world. We are able to explore and understand only individual reflections - certain manifestations of multidimensional reality.


Promotional video:

The modern person is put on the "information needle" - he is no longer able to do without the external flow of information. Cinema, television, the Internet are a world of illusion, an invention of the matrix, designed to block a person's ability to create their reality.

Our thoughts are reflected in the "mirror of the world" and are realized in the reality around us. We take our thoughts for objects of the real world and are convinced that this is how it really is. With our thoughts, we shape our reality, build an individual version of our world.

When our attention is fixed on a mental image, the reality around us begins to change. On what our attention is fixed, it will inevitably, in the same or another form, appear in our life.

Max Handel wrote: “Through your desires, you attract life to yourself. There is a mental atmosphere around you that attracts everything, but not equally. This atmosphere is the manifestation of your desires. You also attract the people and events that make up the fabric of your life.”


Any consequence has its cause. As Vadim Zeland (“Hacking the Technogenic System”) writes, “human life, like any other movement of matter, is a chain of causes and effects. An effect in the space of variants is always close to its cause. As one flows from the other, so the nearby sectors of space line up in the life line. Each event on the life line has two branches - in a favorable and unfavorable direction. Every time, faced with this or that event, you make a choice how to relate to it. If you consider the event as positive, you find yourself on a favorable branch of the life line. However, the tendency to be negativistic causes you to complain and choose an unfavorable branch. As soon as something annoys you, a new nuisance follows. But a series of troubles follows not the trouble itself, but your attitude towards it. Patterns are shaped by the choices you make at the fork."


Moving between separate lines of life, nearby or distant (transgression), happens to us constantly. Only our intention gives us the opportunity to always get on the successful line of life. If there is an intention, everything will work out. The main thing is not to get involved in the game that the matrix imposes. As long as we unconsciously make key decisions at important “forks” and react painfully to small everyday troubles, our life is an uncontrollable transgression along unsuccessful life lines. If we treat the result of our actions with a feeling of complete impartiality, we express aloud our decision to change something so that the intention hears us, our reality begins to slide along the wave of luck.


Throughout life, a person constantly moves from one line of life to another. Two life lines, like two films, can have different events in the past. Sometimes a combination of a number of circumstances indicates that something similar has already happened to us sometime before, but we cannot remember exactly where and when such an event took place. These are displacements of the present, past, future and their merging in our consciousness. Quantum physics assumes the possibility of the appearance of the state "déjà-vu", Michio Kaku explains this phenomenon by our ability to "move between different Universes."

Currently, there is a strong information bias towards the technosphere, the purpose of which is to drive a person into a matrix cell, to erase his individuality. The goal of a person is to preserve his freedom, independence, uniqueness, awareness, energy, health.

To have free will, free consciousness, free energy, it is necessary to break the principle of society (matrix), to stop believing that “if everyone thinks and does this, then it’s right.” You need to get out of the general system.


A person's consciousness cannot be in a state of free flight, he needs support. If from the beginning of time religion could serve as such a support, now the initiative is shifting to the system - the energy-informational matrix. When people enter a common information network (or social network), they are at the mercy of the system. The social network serves to synchronize people's consciousness, to build a matrix and manipulate mass consciousness.

Bernard Werber's The Day of the Ant has this “brain puzzle”: name the next line of this sequence - 1-11-21-1211-111221-312211 … The key phrases to solve were: “The more intelligence you have, the less you have a chance to find "; “We must forget everything that you know”; "Like the universe, this mystery begins in absolute simplicity." The solution to this puzzle is simple, you have to act like children, say out loud what you see: the kids read "one deuce, one one" - 1211 and so on.

Stop thinking “like everyone else” and doing “like everyone else”, reality is a screen, reality is in your head. Each person is the ruler of his world, just from childhood he is disfigured by the matrix (society).

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya