Where Did We Come From? - Alternative View

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Where Did We Come From? - Alternative View
Where Did We Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did We Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did We Come From? - Alternative View
Video: Where did we come from? 2024, September

Where did we come from? "Man descended from ape" is a popular thesis commonly attributed to Charles Darwin. The philosopher Rudolf Steiner argued: apes descended from man, and the savages of Indonesia, the Amazon and Africa are in the stage of gradual transition into ape-like creatures. However, there is no exact answer to the question “from whom we came” yet. Someone continues, following Darwinists, to assure that man descended from a monkey, someone trusts in God, some argue that it was not without an alien mind. Or maybe we exist as holograms and are in the Matrix?


American specialist in the field of crossbreeding Eugene McCarthy put forward a new hypothesis about the origin of man, in his opinion, the genus homo began from a female chimpanzee and a wild boar. McCarthy believes that the offspring of the boar and the monkey have begun to "reverse hybridize" with chimpanzees, which is why people look more like primates. McCarthy stresses that while this is just a guess, but provides compelling evidence to support his hypothesis. Interestingly, in a number of sources, the percentage of coincidence of human and pig DNA is indicated from 90 to 94.


It is noteworthy that this version of the origin of man was presented in his novel "The Father of Our Fathers" by a modern French writer, philosopher Bernard Verber. While scientists argue about where man came from and whether he immediately became homo sapiens from a monkey, Werber found the missing link in our evolution back in 1998.

All ancient myths say that people came from water. For the Babylonians, the sea is the cradle of the world, a divine couple emerged from it: Apzu - fresh water, Tiamat - salt water, and from their union Lahamu and Lahmu were born - the first two people. The Assyrians believed that man came out of Nammu, the endless sea. The Indians are convinced that the ocean of milk gave birth to Vishnu, the snake of eternity Ananta and the tortoise that holds the world. Together they whipped up the ocean, and so people appeared.

Human races

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Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky formed the classification of existing earthly civilizations - the Indigenous human races: I race - angelic people, II - ghost-like people, III - Lemurians, IV - Atlanteans, V race - Aryans (WE). In The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky wrote that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of humanity.


By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, the Russian scientist, Professor Ernst Muldashev and his associates calculated what the average eye should look like. According to the proposed assumption, such an eye belongs to the representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was produced, as the final result, four hypothetical migration routes of mankind across the globe were obtained, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet. With the help of ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of a creature was compiled, which owns the eyes on temples in Tibet.

In the 1990s, Muldashev organized four scientific Himalayan and Tibetan expeditions in search of the mysterious "City of Gods" - the legendary Shambhala. Muldashev admits that the legendary Shambhala is located in the region of the "eternal continent" - in Tibet, where, in his words, "a construction of transition to parallel worlds has been created." The research of a group of scientists made it possible to put forward a hypothesis about the existence of a "gene pool of humanity", consisting of representatives of various indigenous human races in a state of "samadhi" (samadhi).

Nibiru - Annunaki

The analysis of the ancient Sumerian texts, carried out by the Novosibirsk scientist Selenok, showed that Adam was created as a result of experiments carried out by the Anunnaki gods from the planet Nibiru. " The Babylonian historian, the priest of the god Bela-Marduk in Babylon - Berossus left a story about the meeting of the Babylonians with aliens - mysterious creatures resembling fish that lived in spacesuits and passed on to people the first scientific knowledge. The writer, historian, philosopher Jacques Bergier in his work "The Cursed Books" writes that the book "History of the World" by Berossus, in which he described his first contacts with aliens, has been lost. This work was allegedly kept in the Library of Alexandria, and several fragments remain of it.


Robert Temple, in The Mysteries of Sirius, argues that, according to Berossus, “Babylon has carefully preserved historical records that spanned 15 billion years. These chronicles told about the history of the sea and the sky and the origin of mankind."

Alien version

In 1961, ten scientists, including Carl Sagan (who was at the origin of the message of earthlings to aliens aboard the Voyager 1 space probe), joined forces in order to assess the likelihood of extraterrestrial life. At the preliminary stage of research, Frank Drake proposed an equation that provided a mathematical justification for this problem. Based on this equation, only in our Milky Way galaxy there are 10 thousand planets on which intelligent civilizations with advanced technologies can potentially exist.


In response to Frank Drake's equation, physicist Enrico Fermi put forward another hypothesis, later called the Fermi paradox. “Since there can be about 10 thousand extraterrestrial civilizations in our Galaxy, then, logically, at least one of these forms of intelligent life had to somehow manifest itself. And the fact that, despite their supposed multiplicity, no one has tried to make contact with us so far is in itself proof … that they simply do not exist."

Paul Davis, head of the SETI project, hypothesized that the aliens, apparently … are ourselves. In this case, traces of organic life, alien to planet Earth, must be sought in the depths of our cells, in our very genome. And it is much easier to study a person than the depths of galaxies.

We are in the Matrix

Currently, the hypothesis that we all do not live in the real world, but in a computer simulation, has become very popular. Perhaps we are just part of the game created for us, while in virtual reality? Perhaps we get into the Matrix from the very moment of conception and live in a giant hologram?


It can be assumed that a person is a software device with its own processor (brain) and a hard disk - DNA. The fractal division of a tiny cell into billions of its own kind creates a person who for billions of years passes from one training program to another, wandering in the Matrix. Maybe the Matrix is not a wall of numbers, it is located in our DNA cells - a hard disk for storing information, and we are part of a self-developing program?

Someone started the mechanism of the Matrix and at birth we get a “mindset” for life, our future has thousands of probabilities, since reality is not generated by us with our thoughts and emotions, but the Matrix is the collective unconscious.

Perhaps we exist as holograms? Perhaps all the knowledge put into our heads is a distorted picture from the looking glass, and our whole life is virtual reality?


One of the most revolutionary assumptions of physicist David Bohm is that our everyday reality is actually an illusion, like a holographic image. Under it is the initial level of reality, from which all objects are born, including the visibility of our physical world, similar to how a hologram is born from a piece of a holographic film.

If you believe the theory of David Bohm that the whole world is arranged like a hologram, then our body holographically contains all the information about the Universe. Everything, including consciousness and matter, actively affects the whole, and through the whole, and all the components.

This means that each of us is a universe in miniature.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya