Is There A Formula For Success? - Alternative View

Is There A Formula For Success? - Alternative View
Is There A Formula For Success? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Formula For Success? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Formula For Success? - Alternative View
Video: Here's The Formula For Success 2024, September

Is there a formula for success that is universal for all life situations, and what is it all about? Is it possible with the help of some "golden model" to achieve everything you want? Such searches cannot but bring a smile. After all, if a person is looking for a formula that is universal for all occasions, then he is very reminiscent of an alchemist looking for a philosopher's stone with which you can turn everything into gold.

Very often a person lives without thinking about his life. He starts some business with great enthusiasm, and after a while realizes that he has been carried in a completely different direction, although a lot of effort and energy has been spent. Then the person begins to torture himself, facing a difficult choice: to start all over again or try to fix what has already been done. But at the same time he forgets that he does not have much time, and that in such doubts one can live his whole life without doing anything.

Currently, you can find a lot of information on how to achieve success - these are various kinds of programs, trainings, lessons. If you analyze them, you get the impression that many are initiated into the secret, after the comprehension of which one can become happy and successful. But if this is true, and if there are so many possibilities, why are so few able to do it?

However, there are formulas for success. There are quite a few of them. And they will work, but only if certain conditions are met. It is important to understand the very Formula of Life, which says that everything has its own time, place and its own person. That is, one tool is good in one period, the other - in the second, just as an umbrella is appropriate in the rain, and sunglasses - in sunny weather. One formula will only work in America, the other only in Russia. And, finally, different people have completely different goals, and if a banker's main goal in life is to eliminate all competitors, then a provincial one is to find a good party for herself in a big city.

One of the most famous is the formula for success from the American scientist, founder of personal performance coaching, Thomas Leonard. Its essence lies in the fact that success is 10 percent of the knowledge and skills of a person, 40 percent of his way of thinking and 50 percent of the environment. This formula proves why many intellectuals have not been able to realize themselves, because 10 percent is very little. Moreover, if at the same time a person also thinks in stereotypes, if he is subject to doubts and negative attitudes, and disappointed and unsuccessful people prevail in his environment, then there is no point in hoping for qualitative positive changes in life. Therefore, it is necessary to use your knowledge and skills, strive for self-development in order to change your way of thinking. Success depends on what criteria a person thinks. It is also very important what a person reads, whose ideas he accepts and what influence these ideas have. Does a person know how to analyze and question new information. And it is equally important to surround yourself with self-confident, self-worth, positive-minded people who will share the values of a person, which will give him more self-confidence and allow him to quickly achieve what he wants.

The disadvantage of this formula is pessimism, because it turns out that practically nothing depends on the person himself. Knowledge can be obtained, but if the soul does not lie, or hands grow from the “wrong” place, in other words, if there is no talent for the desired work, then there will be no success. It is also not so easy to choose the environment, because just approaching a successful businessman and offering friendship will look strange and suspicious. Therefore, this formula is more suitable for introspection in order to understand where to go next.

Popular blogger Ivan Pirogov offers his own formula for success. In his opinion, you need to do only what brings pleasure and enjoyment, constantly develop and live actively instead of setting goals, moving in several directions at the same time, avoiding excess and controlling directions. That is, you need to find what you love, constantly self-develop and improve yourself. This differs from most formulas in that there is no planning and setting more whole in it, instead it is the search for a space that will allow you to create. This formula also has its drawbacks, because it is impossible to change yourself. Therefore, it is worth using it to find your weaknesses. If success does not come, then you need to look for a weaker link, since all problems come from it.

Many other formulas for success can be found on the Internet. So, for example, one of them says that in order to achieve success, you need common sense, self-confidence, knowledge of your business, a high overall level of development, the ability to bring what you started to its logical conclusion, as well as leadership skills, luck, creativity, relationships with colleagues.

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There is a certain philosophical formula, which is based on the fact that future success depends on intense activity in the present. As a rule, this message is found in some religions, sacred knowledge, mystical movements.

One of the most popular formulas is the so-called “target” formula for success, which is based on the fact that success is based on purpose, knowledge, motivation and action. That is, this is what a person needs to do in order to be or appear to be successful for himself and others. The disadvantage of this formula is the lack of luck in it. Oddly enough, a lot of things sometimes depend on luck. In addition, this formula does not take into account the time, place and abilities of a person, although all this is partially taken into account at the stage of goal setting. Therefore, it is very important when applying the "target" formula to thoroughly understand how to set goals correctly.

All together, with outward simplicity, makes this formula very complex. That is why it is better to use it in order to learn how to achieve the first positive results on your own. In other cases, a person will simply be confronted with a large number of “iss”: if there is experience in the chosen industry, is there talent, is there enough self-confidence, honesty and self-criticism, etc.

There is also a cyclical success model or, as it is called in another way, the brute force method. Its essence lies in the fact that success depends on setting a goal and a large number of actions. That is, if a goal is set and a certain action is taken, but the result is negative, it is necessary to make another attempt or conduct an analysis, correcting the path to success, and again take the action. And move in the same direction ad infinitum, until the desired result is obtained. This formula can be compared with the so-called "operant thinking", when a person finds himself in unfamiliar circumstances or situations and, by enumerating actions, tries to find a conclusion.

This model is used to a certain extent by the military, in particular, when aiming a projectile at a target, when the first projectile is fired for correction, and the second is directly at the object.

Sometimes the brute force method is the only method available that does not require any prior knowledge. At the same time, this formula also has drawbacks, because life is not endless, and sometimes a person makes every effort, but in the end he does not get the desired result. Therefore, this model is suitable for those who know exactly where to start in order to get what they want.

There is also the so-called formula of winners, which says that in order to achieve success, it is necessary to set a clear, specific goal, know how to achieve this, love your job, be flexible, risky, be able to reason sensibly, act decisively, set priorities in time, find accordingly, the environment and love yourself. There is no point in commenting on this formula, since it partially contains all the above models of success.

Thus, it is impossible to say that there is a real formula for success that is universal for everyone. There is no such formula, and it certainly will not be. It all depends on the business that the person is engaged in, on what the person means by the word “success” and how much he wants to achieve it. Valuable qualities in any case are persistence in achieving goals and hard work, as well as constant self-development and improvement. If a person knows exactly why and where he is going, what is the point, then he is on the right path. Therefore, each person must himself find, choose, accept or question all those models of success that already exist, or come up with his own.