The Social System Of Values and Delusions - Alternative View

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The Social System Of Values and Delusions - Alternative View
The Social System Of Values and Delusions - Alternative View

Video: The Social System Of Values and Delusions - Alternative View

Video: The Social System Of Values and Delusions - Alternative View
Video: How economic inequality harms societies | Richard Wilkinson 2024, September

The craving for easy money makes us believe that happiness awaits on the trodden paths of the social worldview. We are imbued with sugary stories from movies and books, and buy into their fabulous happy ends. To fit into the patterns of these fictional stories, we have created a cutesy morality that we force our gut with from an early age simply to conform to the unnatural norms of the system. We believed that by following artificial social values, we would achieve real happiness. But in fact, happiness is just as artificial here. We played so much at "normal" people that we were deceived into mistaking collective ideals for our real desires. We rejoice in the fulfillment of another desire simply because we shake off its tormenting thirst. And the stronger the desire wasthe more powerfully the five-minute orgasmic sneeze of relief from this voluptuous itch is experienced. And only the eternal dissatisfaction reminds - something is wrong in all this. Another desire does not bring any joy other than liberation from his thirst. And instead of listening to the voice of this dissatisfaction, and understanding what we really need, we again and again, spellbound, rush to other people's goals in the hope of arriving at complete and final satisfaction. And again, everything returns to normal - this is how the social system of stereotyped values works.what we really need, we again and again, spellbound, rush to other people's goals in the hope of arriving at complete and final satisfaction. And again, everything returns to normal - this is how the social system of stereotyped values works.what we really need, we again and again, spellbound, rush to other people's goals in the hope of arriving at complete and final satisfaction. And again, everything returns to normal - this is how the social system of stereotyped values works.

The delusion system

The point is that no matter how complex our world is, we believe that we understand it. The first and most important step to becoming on the path of truth is realizing that you are lost. But we do not want to understand this. This is too humiliating for our self-esteem. It is much easier and more pleasant to divert your eyes to play another disgusting role of a more or less successful and advanced person in order to get a daily dose of respect that tickles the brain with this pretense.


Of course, we convince ourselves with our mind that we are not know-it-alls, because the universe is infinite and mysterious, and new discoveries only raise new questions. But these beautiful beliefs are just nonsense - some kind of creative self-deception. After all, if we omit our condescending rationalizations about our own modest knowledge, then in fact, that is, at the level of sensations, we all also … continue to blindly believe that we know this world. And the unknown against the background of honest feelings becomes some strange bizarre deviation from our blind "omniscience".

We meet the unknown with skepticism, because once we believed that our worldview is the ultimate reality. And when a meteorite flies over the clear city sky, as it happened a couple of days ago over the Urals, observing this “miracle” for a few seconds knocks out all the usual supports of the mind from under our feet. Surprise and fear make you understand that life is not a rehearsal or a rough draft. Everything is for real, and it can be anything. But such an understanding for the mind is too disturbing, too destructive for the everyday supports on which the mind flounders in the swamp of its illusory omniscience.

We choose to think that we understand the world because this illusion is soothing, immersing our consciousness in the dreams of the mind. And the unknown of these supports deprives, and plunges the mind into fear. We have built in our heads a whole system of knowledge about the world - a system of all kinds of ideas that our entire conspiratorial society encourages in order to extract from them a comfortable illusion of understanding the unknown.

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It's just so convenient for us … - to believe that we know the world, because with this knowledge we cover up a deep fear of reality, which does not exist in our mind, but outside, in reality.

In this article, I did not plan to talk about abstract infinities and mystical naguals. It will again be about the very actual life with which we all come into contact with our everyday unenlightened consciousness every day.

Rules of the game

It's actually not that bad. People live as they can and do not care. But somehow, there are no really happy people among us. That is, in fact, we all take a steam bath. We are all immersed in the search for the "right" solutions that would expand our comfort zone. We all want free progress, so that blessings pour in one after another, so that only the unnecessary is lost, and the knowledge of the unknown is limited only to pleasant impressions.


In my article on the rules of life, I have already tried to highlight the simplest "laws" according to which life happens not in theory, but in practice. One of the most relevant is the law of the driving stick and the rewarding carrot.

We live in conditions where we have to constantly be on the move in order to survive. We cannot, like lions, run after the game, and then lie down to rest. We are born unadapted to the local fauna, and are forced to use many tools of survival: clothes, cars, gadgets, etc. The conditions of earthly life spur our all-round development by the carrot and stick method.

And each of us, at the very core of all our desires, is puzzled by two basic questions: how can we make the whip whip weaker and the carrot sweeter?

Communism did not help in solving this serious and difficult issue. And even worse - led millions of people to a dead end. And even in those years when, in general, the inferiority of the communist system became quite obvious, for a long time the very phenomenon that I already mentioned at the beginning of the article took place: instead of taking the path of admitting our mistakes, all of us often it is much easier and more pleasant to divert the eyes to play the role of successful and advanced.

We agree to remain unhappy neurotics with a sour face in a bad game, if this game in anybody inspires a bit of respect for our eternally painful pride. And it seems that this "disease" haunts not only our long-suffering nation, but all of humanity.

Social worldview

A set of our typical beliefs is built into a social worldview - a system of ideas about how to live correctly so as not to worry about the meaning of our own life. For example, one of the most simplistic ideas about the "right" life is that a man should plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. Most of us believe that living “like everyone else” is the right thing to do, because no matter how wrong the general views are, this is the only way we get everyone's approval.

A lost society is ready to show sympathy and understanding for its own - that is, for the same lost and unfortunate. And if we avoid making typical social mistakes, the jealous society will not forgive us for this. In other words, no matter what whim the collective may drive, it accepts individual participants only under the conditions when they, together with this collective, are happy in unison. And, in my opinion, in today's actual time, this is one of the main principles of the social value system.


And if a person doubts the usual foundations, he is, at best, mistaken for an eccentric eccentric slightly moved by the mind, who, due to his “deviations”, can only sympathize with. And this is at best. At worst, an out-of-the-box person becomes a renegade and is perceived as an evil genius, a universal threat that society is relieved to eliminate.

In our information-satiated time, however, the opposite effect happens. Having become engrossed in our swamp comfort, we sometimes crave “threats” to our own worldview, to tickle our nerves, slightly shaking ourselves from the boring sleep of a “normal” life just for the sake of entertainment.

Serious measures to free oneself from collective visualization, more often than not, do not lead to anything sensible, because they become another self-deception within the framework of basic values from the system. By rebelling against established social foundations, we, as a rule, simply indulge our vanity with a new, slightly more sophisticated method - we choose to believe that we used to be in a herd of blind sheep, and now we are becoming free and strong lions.

In other words, this is the same race for the carrot of self-affirmation, generated by the social value system. It's just that earlier this carrot seemed to be for the approval and respect of fellow tribesmen - we tried to be like everyone else, so that these same “everyone” would take us for “their own”. And now, disillusioned with the social system, we perceive the crowd as a gray mass of mere mortals, above which, having become the chosen renegades, we majestically rise.

Often outcasts, rejected by society, become victims of various sects. There they find a narrow circle of fellow tribesmen, in which now a collective self-affirmation is taking place due to the rise above the social “herd”. The sectarian collective creates its own microsociium - another system of limited worldview, the main function of which is most often aimed at creating in its adherents a sense of their own chosenness. It is with this illusion that sects bind their followers. The main function of the sectarian worldview is to create among the sectarians the feeling that their new worldview is better and higher than the previous social one.

Thus, sectarians replace a more or less adequate social worldview with a new one, filled with "spiritual" illusions about their own superiority. If a person manages to go through this experience, having figured out what exactly happened to him, he gains a bit of wisdom - an understanding of what a worldview is and how it affects the psyche. Otherwise, the sectarian gets bogged down in his own illusions with his head, and finally breaks away from reality.

Values and misconceptions

If all artificial values are false, where is the truth? I recall the saying of Lao Tzu: "The Tao expressed in words is not the true Tao." In practice, this means that true values do not exist. All concepts are superficial. All that remains for us is to simplify life by eliminating tiered delusions. Then, even if the enlightening truth is not revealed, at least the tensions will definitely decrease.


It is possible to conventionally accept the principles that help to clear the mind from useless piles, divorced from reality, for the so-called "true values". But even here it is easy to be deceived, replacing practice with newfangled beautiful ideas for the fun of pride - this happens all the time.

I have already said above that our life at the basic level is dictated by the carrot and the carrot - that is, pleasant and painful anticipations. This is where our original delusions come from. Losing sight of the real strings that twist our minds, we begin to rationalize and wind around simple experiences a cascade of beautiful theories about noble intentions, right desires and high aspirations.

In general, all our aspirations can be reduced to success - to the achievement of well-being in work and relationships. And all would be fine, but that's just, as already noted above, for the most part we have forgotten how to listen to the voice of our insides. We don't know what we really want, but we believe in artificial happiness based on Hollywood values. We remain completely deaf and blind to our true needs, because we believe that happiness is contained in social success.

Following the influences of collective hypnosis, we sometimes achieve the long-awaited goals from the system, and as if we understand that something important has happened - a dream has come true. Just as in a dream we run from dreamed horror stories and rejoice in illusory benefits, socially approved "happiness" by the power of our faith can make you feel as if we have really achieved it, because all the external signs of achievement are observed.

Imagine an analogy. Empty cardboard box. A man has long sought to get one. It was suggested to him that it was happiness and success. And now, after years of efforts, he finally achieves his long-awaited dream, and of course, he rejoices. They envy him: “Oh, this man got the box! Wow! The most real ?! Yes! Cardboard …”He receives the desired dose of respect and approval from the society, striving for similar stereotyped goals. And that's it! Do you understand?

There has never been any happiness behind the goals from the social system. And all pleasant sensations are limited to the deceitful joy of achieving these goals. But due to our mental blindness, we believe that this fleeting joy was a piece of eternal happiness. It just seems to us that we missed something, did not complete it, or discovered some new circumstances, having coped with which, we will finally overtake happiness. These unfinished gestalts haunt us all our lives.

Social system

Many of us truly believe that money is happiness. We equate money with success and self-confidence. If there is money, then there will be happiness - the social system of values convinces us of this. She sells us our neuroses. The system sells our expectations. What do we expect? Of course, we all want an easy and understandable way where self-knowledge breaks are not required. You just have to remain sentimental neurotics, stare at a hypnotizer's box, buy fashionable expensive things, understand collective fetishes and pretend that everything is OK.


The demand for easy happiness generates its own false proposal. We are being sold slobbering, snotty films, where neurotic "love" is broadcast, which does not lead anywhere beyond the infantile attachment to narcissism, coupled with sexual instincts. We are being sold beautiful stories about success, where the cogs of the social system find Hollywood happiness with the help of office self-affirmation. Stay neurotic, "don't switch" and everything will be OK.

The social value system, as I understand it, is not some cunning animate creature, and not a state with its laws. Without the state, the world would live according to the laws of the jungle. The system is a set of collective expectations, a worldview that neurotics pass on from generation to generation, supporting and strengthening it with the help of mass information hoaxes.

When there is no self-knowledge, there is no self-confidence. Then a person ceases to understand who he is and what he is moving towards. And instead of investigating his true nature, he suppresses it, and rushes after values alien to him and other people's desires.

We want free happiness. All our lives we buy into this deception - we believe that the gifts of the social system will lead to a state of complete and final satisfaction. But reaching the goal, we inevitably find ourselves under the influence of the next pendulum of duality, where the new-found happiness is replaced by the fear of losing this happiness. The feeling of ownership, jealousy, irritation, vulnerability, self-doubt - become the payment for the gifts from the system.

We put on masks of movie characters and broadcast the images that are expected of us within the social system. And inside - suppressed "crap" - qualities that do not fit into the system. All psychosomatic ailments take their roots from here.

We want to be pretty cogs - normal guys and girls. Perhaps there are people whose deepest interests fit more or less smoothly into the framework of the system. But the overwhelming majority of "happy" people imitate their happiness - just like Hollywood actors.

And what can life be like outside the system? How is life free from the dictates of stereotyped expectations? Relationships cease to obey the rules, become alive and filled with awareness. Work ceases to be built exclusively around money and self-affirmation. It becomes an expression of the inner essence of a person, and only under such conditions can it lead to innovations and discoveries, making a person a master of his craft. Decisions are freed from the shackles of compulsion, and a person begins to understand that he is free to change his life at any time as he wants.

Being yourself is the only way to do what you love and forget about laziness. After all, laziness is simply resistance to other people's desires. Being yourself is the only way to remain a healthy person. To be yourself is not a pop stamped doll, but a real conscious person. And perhaps somewhere here is a bridge leading from social psychology to true spirituality outside of religions and outside of concepts.
