Has A Quantum Rocket Engine Been Created In Russia? - Alternative View

Has A Quantum Rocket Engine Been Created In Russia? - Alternative View
Has A Quantum Rocket Engine Been Created In Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Has A Quantum Rocket Engine Been Created In Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Has A Quantum Rocket Engine Been Created In Russia? - Alternative View
Video: Russia Is Testing A New Nuclear Spaceship To Beat SpaceX & Elon Musk 2024, October

In the new National Security Strategy, announced on January 17, 2019 at the Pentagon, Donald Trump bluntly stated: space is a new area of warfare. Star Wars goes to the next level. Is Russia ready for them? We discussed this problem with RSC Energia Advisor, Minister of General Machine Building of the USSR (1983–1991), Hero of Socialist Labor Oleg Baklanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kostin, Honored Tester of Space Technology at RSC Energia Alexander Kubasov, Head of Kvanton »Vladimir Leonov and its technical director Sergei Altunin, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Strebkov, chief of armaments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (1994-2000) Colonel General Anatoly Sitnov and member of the expert council of the Duma Defense Committee Lieutenant General Mikhail Sautin.

- Oleg Dmitrievich, you were in charge of the country's space industry when US President Ronald Reagan began deploying the SDI program, relying on reusable Shuttles. After the collapse of the USSR, it was closed. Now, it turns out, she's being reanimated?

Oleg Baklanov: Not quite so. Over the past 30 years, fundamentally new knowledge has been accumulated regarding the development of space systems. Fundamental science has penetrated into the nature of gravity and antigravity, the quantized structure of space. This makes it possible to create non-reactive engines for space that do not require chemical fuel. NASA, China and Russia are working hard on them.

For a specialist, it is clear: when Trump talks about non-ballistic missiles, he means primarily non-reactive quantum engines (KVD). The fact is that a traditional liquid-propellant rocket engine running on chemical fuel has reached its technical ceiling and its specific thrust does not exceed 0.7 Newtons per kilowatt of power (0.7 N / kW). This limits the capabilities of the carrier rocket on the liquid-propellant engine - it allows you to put a payload into orbit no more than three to five percent of the launch mass. In this case, there can be no talk of any additional maneuvers in orbit. And for "Star Wars" universal spacecraft are required, capable of actively maneuvering both in the atmosphere and in orbit. This requires engines based on new physical principles (warp drives). And NASA, I think, has real results. By the way,this was partly due to our achievements in the field of quantum engines, whose work is based on Leonov's fundamental theory of superunification.

- You were the chairman of the commission for testing the quantum engine of the Kwanton company. Test report published. What parameters were recorded and what did they show?

- A year ago I initiated the creation of this commission, understanding the importance of such engines for space. We were interested in the specific traction force developed by the KVD prototype, and we reliably determined it - 115 N / kW. This is 165 times higher than that of the best LPRE samples. It turns out that a quantum engine is at least a hundred times more economical. This is a revolutionary achievement in space propulsion, when new fundamental knowledge makes it possible to make a sharp leap in technical parameters.

- Why is this revolutionary achievement not being implemented?

Georgy Kostin: As the former director of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (VMZ), which produces rocket engines, it is clear that in the future a quantum engine will replace liquid-propellant engines. It is more economical, powered by electric energy, does not require chemical fuel, which means that it does not emit harmful fuel combustion products that uselessly heat the atmosphere and space. But there is a purely production problem. Its design is significantly different from the liquid-propellant rocket engine produced at VSW. In order to enter the production of VSW from the KVD, I first proposed to create a hybrid KVD + LPRE engine and thereby reduce the launch mass of the carrier rocket by at least three to five times. It is proposed to receive electrical energy for powering the KVD from a generator installed on the same shaft with the pumping unit of the liquid-propellant engine. All calculations and design of the hybrid are available. But we have not received the go-ahead yet.

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- Is this the short-sightedness of Roscosmos?

- Roscosmos has a lot of problems. Programs for a decade have been drawn up. The head has already reported that the Energomash Research and Production Association has completed the assembly of the RD-171MV liquid engine with a thrust of 800 tons. And now we propose to make, in essence, a new unit, consisting of two engines: quantum and liquid-propellant engine. He is not inscribed in any plans. Therefore, now we are at the stage of convincing the leadership of Roscosmos that this work should be started, and the sooner the better.

I repeat, the rocket engine has a specific thrust force of no more than 0.7 N / kW. The only way to reduce fuel consumption can only be a hybrid. Although a powerful quantum engine still needs to be brought to an industrial design. This, apparently, is the whole reason. As for VSW, the plant's capabilities are sufficient to carry out this work.

- And what is the attitude of Roscosmos to the quantum engine?

Alexander Kubasov: I was the head of the tests of the quantum engine at the Kvanton company. We have confirmed the previously stated characteristics of the KVD about its high efficiency. Judge for yourself: experts in the space industry have been struggling for decades to improve the characteristics of liquid-propellant rocket engines by several percent, but here - by a hundred times. I myself did not believe in this until I personally measured the specific thrust force of the KVD.

"Vladimir Semenovich Leonov today looks like Diesel in his time in front of the carriage craftsmen, whom he convinced that the carriage could move without a horse"

Hundreds of thousands of people work in Roskosmos and its subordinate units, and suddenly a small team from the Bryansk hinterland, without state funding, gives out such parameters. By the way, many people don't like it - they hurt professional pride plus traditional conservatism. And most importantly, no one understands what creates thrust at the KVD. After all, we were taught that this, in principle, could not be, and the reactive method is the only possible one for movement in space. We did not study the theory of superunification at the university, it simply did not exist then. Immediately, we are talking about a non-reactive way of creating a thrust force, antigravity, quantum gravity, about which we know nothing. Figuratively speaking, presenting his developments to us for expert evaluation, Vladimir Semenovich Leonov today looks like Diesel once looked in front of carriage craftsmen,whom he convinced that the carriage could move without a horse. And in response I heard: where are the shafts, the clamp, the reins.

- What is the principle of a quantum engine?

Vladimir Leonov: first of all, I would like to note that the Kvanton company has fulfilled its mission: a fundamental theory of superunification has been created, on the basis of which the principle of operation of a quantum engine is based. Successful tests of HPC have confirmed the validity of our theory, which substantiates new physical principles. The work of KVD is simple and is based on the creation of traction force due to the gradient of spatial energy. We have established that colossal energy is "spilled" over outer space in the form of a global electromagnetic field with very fine discreteness (quantization), about which nothing was previously known. This global field was discovered by me in 1996 as the fifth fundamental force (superpower) in the form of superstrong electromagnetic interaction (CMEA). Its carrier is a quantum of space-time (quanton),the size of which is ten orders of magnitude smaller than the atomic nucleus, but it concentrates energy far exceeding nuclear.

The quantum engine is repelled from the global CMEA field due to deformation in the desired direction (curvature according to Einstein) of the quantized space-time, creating an artificial force of gravity (thrust). The general reader may not understand everything, but this is fundamentally new fundamental knowledge.

- The Russian Academy of Sciences is responsible for fundamental research. Why is the RAS silent?

Dmitry Strebkov: I participated in a meeting of the working group of the State Duma Defense Committee and supported all the developments of the Kvanton Group of Companies. I have known Vladimir Leonov for a long time and have always supported him in his work on the theory of superunification and the development of KVD. As, indeed, our teacher - General Designer of NPO "Kvant", Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Lidorenko. Leonov swung at the fundamental foundations of physics, and academic science is fundamentally conservative. Moreover, not only in the RAS, but also in the world there are no other specialists in the theory of superunification. And this is completely new knowledge in modern physics. But the main confirmation of the efficiency of this theory is the quantum engine itself, a specific sample. This is better than the conclusions of dozens of academicians. In China, a quantum microwave engine was tested in orbit. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on the RAS website,Professor Georgy Malinetskiy made a statement on behalf of the academy: "Impossible engine" from China does not contradict the laws of physics and can work without fuel. " But the Chinese engine has a thrust of several Newtons, while Leonov's has several thousand Newtons. I believe that the test report of a quantum engine should be urgently considered in the Department of Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

- Will we waste time? And how do the military view this discovery?

Anatoly Sitnov: My position is unambiguous. Only fundamental knowledge gives impetus to the creation of promising weapons systems based on new physical principles. By revealing the secrets of the nucleus, we were able to create an atomic bomb, a powerful nuclear shield for the country. And now we are lucky that the superunification theory was created in Russia. For the first time, our science penetrated the mysteries of universal gravitation, explaining the quantum nature of gravity. This new fundamental knowledge forms the basis for the work of the antigravity engine and quantum generators of gravitational waves - grasers. We, the military, are well aware of the importance of new space technologies for defense. Therefore, the issue should be resolved at the state level, and not by one Kwanton company. Further work on the engine must be included in government programs, determine the parent organization,for example RSC Energia, leading design bureaus and a plant (Voronezh). Without this, the issue will not get off the ground.

Mikhail Sautin: We held hearings on this issue in the working group of the Defense Committee. At the initiative of Ivan Kharchenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, now Deputy General Director of Roscosmos, a technical task (TOR) was developed for a demonstration sample of a quantum engine. The TK was approved by the general designer of spacecraft launch vehicles with the appropriate ground infrastructure, Alexander Medvedev, and agreed by the director of the Research Institute of Space Systems (NIIKS), Mikhail Makarov.

In connection with the reorganization of Roscosmos, funding for the work was postponed. But already now Dmitry Rogozin has given instructions to start developing a quantum engine. As you can see, with some delay, the issue still begins to be resolved at the state level. At the same time, we constantly encounter domestic bureaucracy at the level of the middle management level, which does not understand the full responsibility of the tasks at hand. They say that since Kvanton is a private company, let it solve problems itself. If the United States treated Elon Musk this way, there would be no breakthrough. And the Kwanton company, having no government support, has created something that the Americans cannot do.

- As far as I can tell, work on the engine has been going on at Kvanton since 2002. What are the overall prospects?

Sergey Altunin: We do not have the same opportunities as the Voronezh Mechanical Plant, but we are ready to work together to create a powerful hybrid engine. Themselves have so far focused on the development of low-power KVDs to ensure the maneuverability of satellites in orbit, and we are also working on the design of an engine for an aerospace drone. However, there is something to worry about. Some time ago, the Russian ASPOS trackers OKP of the Astronomical Science Center (ANC) noticed the separation of two vehicles from a large US satellite. One of them has already completed more than four hundred maneuvers. It can be assumed that the Americans are testing Killer Satellites in orbit. We warned about this danger. If such technologies are implemented,It is tempting to disable Russian military satellites and blind our space systems before launching a preemptive nuclear strike.

- What to do next?

Oleg Baklanov: First, we urgently need to convene a meeting with the head of Roscosmos and outline a program of action.

In addition, I have sent corresponding letters to President Vladimir Putin, to the government. It is about the formation of a new branch of space propulsion engineering. In the days of the USSR, a decision of the Central Committee and a corresponding resolution of the government would have been urgently adopted on this issue.
