14% Of Scots Have Met Mystical Creatures In Their Lives - Alternative View

14% Of Scots Have Met Mystical Creatures In Their Lives - Alternative View
14% Of Scots Have Met Mystical Creatures In Their Lives - Alternative View

Video: 14% Of Scots Have Met Mystical Creatures In Their Lives - Alternative View

Video: 14% Of Scots Have Met Mystical Creatures In Their Lives - Alternative View
Video: Five Celtic Mythological Creatures 2024, September

According to a recent mass poll, 14% of Scots said they have encountered mysterious creatures at some point in their lives. Moreover, in Glasgow, every fifth respondent saw mystical creatures (20%), but in Edinburgh, only one in ten saw them.

The survey was conducted after the discovery of what looked like a mermaid on the banks of the River Thames. In the end, as it turned out, it was a skillfully made in honor of the new television series "Siren" ("Siren") doll.

After the noise due to this find, it was decided to question the inhabitants of Great Britain if they believe in mermaids, fairies, Nessie and other creatures from fairy tales and myths. Scottish Field tells about curious calculations.

As mentioned above, 14% of Scots believed that they had personally met such creatures, and in the UK they were seen by 13% of those surveyed. Where and how the survey was conducted is not indicated, but judging by the numbers, it was a very large-scale study.

At the same time, it turned out that since the last such poll, the number of those who believe in the existence of the monster Nessie from Loch Ness has increased. Previously, 1.8 million Britons believed in him, and in a new poll, 2 million.

Also, 22% of Britons believe that mermaids may well exist. Of these, 3% of Britons surveyed saw mermaids in person. While 26% of Scots believe in mermaids.

One in five of the respondents believes that a mysterious large animal may be hiding in the River Thames, and 51% of those surveyed believe that we know more about space than about who lives in the depths of the ocean.

And almost two-thirds of Britons (65%) believe that scientists have yet to discover many more living creatures living on Earth.

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