What Is Comet 67P Hiding? NASA Fake Or Alien Artifact? - Alternative View

What Is Comet 67P Hiding? NASA Fake Or Alien Artifact? - Alternative View
What Is Comet 67P Hiding? NASA Fake Or Alien Artifact? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Comet 67P Hiding? NASA Fake Or Alien Artifact? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Comet 67P Hiding? NASA Fake Or Alien Artifact? - Alternative View
Video: NASA reports seeing the 1st confirmed alien object to enter Earth's solar system 2024, June

On October 23, 1969, the Soviet astronomer Klim Churyumov discovered the short-period comet 67P, which later received his name (Comet P67 / Churyumov – Gerasimenko).

The discovery of a new comet in the solar system cannot be called something extraordinary, since there are incredibly many comets around the sun, but for some unknown reason, the Churyumov comet interested NASA with terrible force - so much so that in 2004 the Rosetta spacecraft was sent to it.

How much the pleasure in general cost NASA does not report, however, it is known that only the delay in launch cost the agency 70 million euros of "minor incidental costs" spent "on the storage of the apparatus and other needs."


In other words, the postponement of the launch cost like the new F-35 fighter, for each of which the Pentagon has a whole battle with the mean guys in the Senate, and the whole mission was worth, apparently, like a nuclear submarine. Quite large costs for the sake of "scientific interest".

When Rosetta flew to the comet, NASA reported something about anomalies found there. In particular, everyone was surprised by the comet's shape, which resembles either an hourglass or a dumbbell.


However, the most interesting thing was that the comet's magnetic field vibrates in the range from 40 to 50 MHz, as a result of which the comet emits a constant radio signal. The human ear does not perceive this frequency, so NASA reduced these frequencies by 10,000 times, receiving a sound perceived by the ear:

Promotional video:

After the appearance of audio on the network, everyone, of course, listened to it with great interest and forgot it the next day. However, as express.co.uk reports, citing ufologist Scott C. Waring, Scott continued NASA's experiments with a sound file, proportionally increasing and decreasing the frequencies according to an algorithm he invented. The result is the following picture:

If, when using the NASA algorithm, the study of Comet Churyumov looks like a set of some wild cracking sounds, then when using the Scott C. Waring algorithm, it turns out that a meaningful signal, similar to which is often used when editing scenes of science fiction films. On this basis, Scott suggests that the signal is definitely of artificial origin and that the comet itself is a trace of the activities of aliens.

Although Scott's version is quite fantastic at first glance, however, the sound made by a comet looks really very strange. In addition, above we noticed a few words about the mission budget, which was only officially over one billion dollars. Nobody throws such money into a vacuum for the sake of simple curiosity, so anything can happen.

On the other hand, one cannot help but notice that the file used by Scott C. Waring is, in general, a NASA file and its origin is not clear. And since the sound of Churyumov's comet strongly resembles a sample like “space sounds” from an audio library for game developers, all this “Rosetta” and “singing comet” may be another NASA fake.

Moreover, either a small fake, that is, the presentation of the processed audio file from the game to the audience flapping ears (to slightly justify cutting such a monstrous dough), or a big fake, according to which this “Roseta” flew somewhere in Alias Maya (it became an autopart only in 2006) or in general in the pavilion left over from the "lunar module".