The Vatican And The UN Are Building A New Socialist Pyramid Of Slavery - Alternative View

The Vatican And The UN Are Building A New Socialist Pyramid Of Slavery - Alternative View
The Vatican And The UN Are Building A New Socialist Pyramid Of Slavery - Alternative View

Video: The Vatican And The UN Are Building A New Socialist Pyramid Of Slavery - Alternative View

Video: The Vatican And The UN Are Building A New Socialist Pyramid Of Slavery - Alternative View
Video: Pyramid of capitalist system 2024, September

How a new world order of Satanism is being created under the guise of Christian values and humanism

The talks between the presidents of the United States and Russia, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, in Helsinki highlighted one extremely rarely mentioned by the media, observers and analysts, but, in my opinion, a key problem. This issue dominated all the issues that were raised during the negotiations. This problem was not directly voiced, but indirectly it sounded in all the answers of both presidents during the final press conference. This is the problem of the fiercest struggle between the supporters of globalization, a single world government, the so-called "deep state" and the concept of a multipolar world with the preservation of national states, nations, races and genders.

However, it would be a great oversimplification to reduce modern geopolitics to the struggle between these two factions. Within each there are many currents and structures, which in turn pursue their own interests and see the future world order in their own way. And this applies not only to the Western world and the United States, where the struggle has reached a pre-revolutionary state and the possibility of a civil war. To a lesser extent, this also applies to Russia, where it is simplistically assumed that the antagonistic interests of the world's elites are concentrated in various “Kremlin towers”, and Putin, in order to avoid bloody upheavals and revolutions, is trying to maintain a balance between them. In the series of articles "Donald Trump: the bad guy among the villains," I showed what forces are behind Trump, their interests and plans for the future world order. In this article I will talk about his rivals,with whom Trump, with varying degrees of success, is fighting for life and death - by neo-Marxist globalist structures.

It is generally accepted that there are two factions of evil in the world that fight for the human soul. Both are ancient and have always been shrouded in mystery. Both have always had large-scale intelligence networks, their agents in every major bank, corporation, financial group and any political organization. Their history has thousands of years of experience in fraud, corruption and murder. The faction leaders are conventionally called “the man in black” and “the man in white”.

Since 2015, both factions have been preparing and promoting the end of the world, or Armageddon. Each of them has its own plan of hegemony - world domination under two rulers who will rule the religious, cultural, judicial, legal, economic and military aspects of the globe. A new world order, a unified world order or a transnational globalist republic, in their opinion, are only a few steps away from implementation. But all the aspirations of these plans are tied to two key knots - Jerusalem, where Armageddon is to take place, and the claim to rule over the entire Earth.



The previous attempt to create a single world republic and erase national borders was made 100 years ago in Russia.

Promotional video:

Rabbi Baruch Levi, one of the founders of Zionism, wrote to his young student Karl Marx:

“The Jewish people themselves will become their own Messiah. His reign over the world will be realized through the unification of the rest of the human races, the abolition of monarchies and borders as the basis of isolation (particularismo), and the proclamation of a world republic, which everywhere recognizes the rights of Jewish citizenship.

With this new organization of humanity, the children of Israel, now scattered across the entire surface of the Earth, all of the same race, of the same traditional education, without much resistance, will become the leading element everywhere, especially if they can impose the leadership of the Jews on the working masses. Thus, the victory of the proletariat will hand over the governments of all the nations into Israeli hands, together with the establishment of the World Republic. Then the governments of the Jewish race will be able to abolish individual property (individual; privada - private, personal - personal; approx) and dispose of the wealth of the peoples everywhere. Thus, the promise of the Talmud about the coming Messianic times, when the Jews will own the property of all the peoples of the earth, is being fulfilled."

Salluste "Les engines secretes du Bolchevisme"

Having conquered power in Russia as a result of the 1917 revolution, the international globalist forces decided to make the Russian statehood and the Russian people firewood for fomenting the world revolution and establishing a single world republic. The culmination of this attempt was the Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921, when the troops of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, under the general leadership of Leon Trotsky, rushed through Poland to help the Bavarian Soviet Republic and further to Europe. However, the "Miracle on the Vistula" happened, the Soviet troops were defeated, and tens and hundreds of thousands of Russian people paid with their lives, dying on the battlefields and later from hunger and torture in Polish concentration camps.

The people of Russia did not want to be a “sacrificial lamb” in the cause of globalization, which was perfectly understood by Joseph Stalin, who, through various “appeals”, began to “dilute” the ranks of the CPSU (b) with nationally oriented cadres. After Trotsky's unsuccessful revolution on November 7, 1927, Stalin began to transform the Marxist communist doctrine, leaving in it only the outer shell of slogans and paraphernalia, leaving mainly the ideas of social justice, seasoned with modified conservative Christian values. But, most importantly, Stalin began to get rid of the multitude of international theorists and practitioners of globalism, who poured into Russia after the revolution and literally pervaded all the party, state, economic and scientific structures of the new state. The Great Purge began, which in the West is called the Gulag and the Stalinist repressions.

A huge part of the communist elite left the USSR, and its intellectual part settled in Germany, in the city of Frankfurt, where they formed the backbone of the teaching staff of the famous Frankfurt School of the Goethe University. But, after the Nazis came to power in Germany, for obvious reasons, the communist intellectual elite moved mainly overseas, where they received departments and laboratories at leading American universities, in particular, Columbia. Almost all of the current political, economic, cultural and scientific elite in the United States are students of schools led and founded by fugitive communist intellectuals, the so-called "Frankfurt chicks", the founders of "cultural Marxism." The highest concentration in the powerfulscientific and social structures of the United States neo-Marxists - globalists have achieved during the administration of President Barack Obama.

Alexander Nikishin, "Bell of Russia"
