UFOs In Photographs From 1980 To 1989 - Alternative View

UFOs In Photographs From 1980 To 1989 - Alternative View
UFOs In Photographs From 1980 To 1989 - Alternative View

Video: UFOs In Photographs From 1980 To 1989 - Alternative View

Video: UFOs In Photographs From 1980 To 1989 - Alternative View
Video: Secretive program tracked UFOs for 5 years 2024, September

1980 - France. The eyewitness who took this picture on that rainy day was filming nature from the passenger seat of a car. Suddenly this luminous object appeared.

The photograph is part of the collection held by the National Gendarmerie and there is no further information about it. Click on the photo to enlarge the image.

What's really impressive is the huge beam emanating from this UFO hovering over mountain forests.


October 8, 1981 - Vancouver, Canada. Hannah Roberts and her friends were heading towards Kelsey Bay on Vancouver Island. On the way, they stopped to take pictures of the landscape.

A few days later, the film was developed and in one of the photographs they found a disc-shaped object in the sky. On the day of shooting, none of them saw this object.

Richard F. Haynes, a former NASA scientist turned UFO scientist, performed a thorough analysis of the film and found no anomalies.

Its analysis is given in the scientific report "Sturrock Panel".

Promotional video:


1981 - Argentina. This photo was taken by Leopoldo Diaz in the Argentine city of Saavedra.

There is no other information at the moment.


1982 - 1983 - East Germany. This beautiful photo was taken by Michael Hesemann, who is involved in UFO research.

A retired GDR National People's Army officer handed the photo to Hesemann, saying that his comrade took the photo during a night exercise. A photograph taken in this area is truly a rarity.


May 9, 1984 - Hoboken, New Jersey. Photo by Philippe Orego. The photograph shows either a triangular-shaped object, or three or more objects flying as a whole.

The picture was taken in Manhattan. The experts who studied this image found no signs of a fake. This is a really good photo.


1985 - Nazidat, Israel. This photo was taken in Nazidat village and published by Jil Bar, with the help of technical equipment from Adrian Dvir.

Looking at the picture, it is difficult to draw any conclusions. What is it? The bright light from the three-hole UFO dome just below, or something else?


August 23, 1987 - Coridon, Indiana. At about 10:20 pm, eyewitnesses spotted a brilliant orange object that suddenly appeared in the southeast.

At the time of its appearance, it was at around 20-25 degrees. Nothing like this has been seen here before.

The object was orange light, which just hovered in the sky, or moved towards the eyewitnesses. At some point, the light moved to the left, and the reflection changed slightly.

Several times the light went out and flashed again. After about 5-8 minutes, the object headed east, at a relatively slow speed, around 10-15 degrees. In reality, this is not a photo, but a frame from a video.


1987 - Connecticut. Randy Eting was walking outside his house. As an airline pilot for over 30 years, he always looked up at the sky … that day he saw orange and red lights approaching from the west.

He took the binoculars and called his neighbors. The lights continued to approach, and were already over I-84, east of Eting's house.

The lights flickered as if under the influence of engine fumes, but no sound came from them.

“When the UFO crossed I-84, cars in both lanes began to pull over and stop. The UFO looks like bright multicolored lights arranged in a semicircle.

Five motorists reported that when the UFO appeared, some of the cars became simply uncontrollable and the drivers were forced to turn off the highway.


1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Of the numerous UFO references, photographs, and videos, these eye-catching reports from Gulf Breeze are some of the most controversial.

During the wave of UFO sightings that began in the winter of 1987, the small town of Gulf Breeze had an estimated population of 6,000. News of UFO photographs spread very quickly and became the focus of newspaper and magazine articles, television programs and the world community in general … continued in the next paragraph.


1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Despite the fact that many have managed to capture this aircraft, the most attention was focused on the image of Edward Walters, a local construction contractor.

According to Walters, the lights appeared on November 11, 1987. He was working late at night and noticed the light coming from the yard. When he approached the window, he saw a luminous object next to a 9-meter pine tree.

He ran outside to get a better view of the object, but the bright light made him take a few steps back. He gazed intently at this UFO, along the perimeter of which was….


1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. A row of dark squares, evenly spaced from each other. The flying ship with a luminous ring around the lower part of the hull seemed to be floating above the ground.

Ed ran into the house and took his Polaroid camera. He took some pictures of the UFO and decided to come closer. He headed for the road.

When he found himself in the middle of the street, the object began to circle almost directly over his head. Walters was later knocked down by a bright blue UFO beam …


1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. He had to make an effort to get up from the ground. Then he heard, "Don't worry, we won't harm you."

Pictures began to change in his head. Ed admitted that it was like flipping a book. Walters remembered nothing more, only how he woke up.

The glowing UFO was nowhere to be seen. Only a few days later, on November 17, Walters accidentally saw an article and photographs he had taken in the local newspaper Bkreeze Sentinel.

Ed spoke with the editor of the newspaper and all the details of the incident became associated with him. Thus began the story of the Gulf-Breeze's unidentified flying objects …


1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Soon the news of the flurry of UFO sightings spread outside the town and the whole world began to follow the events taking place in Gulf Breeze.

Soon after Walters' photographs hit the local newspaper, other UFO eyewitnesses began to tell their stories and observations, supported by photographs; UFO images grew in number, and this was only the beginning.

Opinions were divided - someone considered Walters to be a kind of leader, someone - a fraud.


1988 - Puerto Rico. As you can see, the picture shows a fighter in pursuit of a disc-shaped / wedge-shaped object. One of the readers sent the following information:

Photo taken by Amari Rivera. He also took some pictures with the camera in his car.


1988 - Near Alton, Illinois. I was scanning some of my old photographs when this object suddenly appeared. It looks like it is a disk.

The photograph was taken in the fall of 1988 in Altona, Illinois. Paul Sharp.


August 15, 1988 - Czechoslovakia. This photo was sent by a man whose grandfather worked with government classified files.

He claims that after the death of his grandfather in 2001, he discovered a lot of materials related to UFOs: videos, photographs, etc. An excellent shot, if it is genuine.

This is one of those photographs that little is known about.


1988 - Wloclawek, Poland. Jan B. spoke about his observations of unidentified flying objects. In 1988, he even managed to photograph one of them.

He first saw a UFO in the summer of 1988. In the afternoon, while he was in the room with his cousin, his son suddenly began to scream that he was seeing a shooting star.

They went out into the street and saw a floating disc 300 meters from the house. The UFO blinked and reflected the sun's rays.

Jan B. went to get the camera while the others watched the object through binoculars.

Polish Ufological Journal, 2006.


July 1988 - San Jacinto, California. This photo was taken by John English, former director of the International Aerospace Hall of Fame (IAHF), San Diego Aerospace Historical Center.

He was involved in the study, selection and dispatch of several astronauts from the United States and other countries, and other candidates related to aviation.

He was an SEL Licensed Pilot with 18 years of experience with over 400 flight hours, 350 of which he flew high quality gliders in a variety of flight areas and conditions.

The pilots of 2 planes observed this anomaly, and the next plane took a picture of it.


1989 - El Progreso, Guatemala. This picture was taken in March in El Progreso. The object was seen by a huge number of people.

The photo is eerily similar to the pictures from the islands of Trinidad, but of slightly better quality. The image was printed in local newspapers, after which witnesses began to present other evidence confirming the appearance of this object.

A dark cavity is clearly visible at the bottom of the UFO. Great shot.


September 27, 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. Photos of these UFOs were provided by US Navy officer Graham Bethune.

He took these photographs from a close friend, who, in turn, received them from an intelligence officer and asked not to be named.


September 27, 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. These photographs are believed to have been taken on September 27, 1989, near Nashville, Tennessee. Subsequently, this model began to be used in theatrical performances.

The photographs show massive pillars of light emanating from a flying ship suspended in mid-air.

Moreover, ordinary spotlights are not at all like them. Below are 3 more photos …


1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. Image number 3.


1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. Image number 4.


1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. Image number 5.