Is The End Of The World Near? - Alternative View

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Is The End Of The World Near? - Alternative View
Is The End Of The World Near? - Alternative View

Video: Is The End Of The World Near? - Alternative View

Video: Is The End Of The World Near? - Alternative View
Video: Watching the End of the World 2024, June

“From now on, everyone should remember his name: Judgment Asteroid 2012 TS 4. It is inevitable like rock, destructive like thermonuclear energy, and is already near. Every earthly hour brings the denouement closer. Are you still making plans? But the asteroid TS 4 will not change its trajectory,”the media reported, citing American scientists.


“On October 12, the owners of underground bunkers or escape capsules will survive,” lovers of apocalyptic themes scare us, frightened ones. Say, according to the calculations of the astronomer from the University of Texas Judith Gjord-Ries, this asteroid, twice the size of the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite of 2013, could collide with the Earth on October 12.

European astronomers, more restrained towards Hollywood special effects, do not dispute their American counterpart, making an important addition: the chance of an asteroid falling to Earth this October is only one in a million.

The well-known Russian astrologer Pavel Globa treats this hype with a smile and says: “The current asteroid is just a small hindrance that we simply won't notice. So the end of the world is categorically canceled."

But still, what is interesting about the date of October 12, since the attention of mankind is so riveted to it? After all, accidents are not accidental; what is the lesson and what can be the conclusions?

On the night of October 12, three planets - retro-Uranus, the Black Moon and Venus - will be in the 27 degrees of Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo, belonging to the Upper Zodiac and meaning an illusory, unreal perception of the world. This position of the planetary aspects prepares the ground for new disappointments in contact with reality. The conjunction of Venus with Mars in the sign of the Shepherd reminds that the main "combat unit", the key figure of the events taking place now is a certain shepherd, leader, or guru who is well versed in the problems of the collective unconscious and knows how to lead a crowd with the help of a whip (Mars), gingerbread, cookies and other pleasant delicacies (Venus).

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Retro Uranus in the sign of Whale draws attention to the theory of controlled chaos and gives a real chance to trap in a karmic trap that difficult force that is planting devastation that is beneficial to it in different countries and continents.

Opposing Uranus, Jupiter in the sign of the Raven is ready to "punish" humanity with just punishment for creative apostasy from the Creator.

The Descending Lunar Node in the sign of Pegasus develops this theme, reminding artists, musicians and poets that the time has come to devote (give) to the Creator your best creative achievements and artistic ability to break through into Heaven alone.

The Ascending Lunar Node in the sign of the Knight calls on everyone to streamline the world and unswervingly fulfill their duty, to perform those noble functions that distinguish Homo sapiens from any other representatives of the animal world, namely, the purely human ability to think about the future and take care of grandchildren and great-grandchildren (animals only care for the cubs of the next generation is inherent).

The conjunction of the Black Moon with Saturn in the sign of the Tree indicates that the forces of Evil will try to combine fateful information in an erroneous way and, confusing the roots and the crown, plant the World Tree upside down (translated from Greek, the devil is a confusion, a deceiver).

The aspect of a large karmic debt (centagon) connects retro-Uranus with Pluto - the personification of the most powerful elemental forces. The manifestations of the Sentagon are sudden and unpredictable, like a gust of wind, they mean a sharp deceleration of uncontrolled processes that have gained strength, the limitation of anarchy, and the forced submission to the established world order. Only by accepting these restrictions will it be possible to gain control over the situation.

The half-square aspect that connects retro-Uranus with retro-Neptune warns that any attempts to rely on schematic, “cabinet” solutions are certainly doomed to failure. The retro phase of both planets reminds us that even a brilliant victory in a single battle often leads to the loss of the war as a whole.

Harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) between Saturn and the lunar nodes make it possible to keep a solid footing for everyone and everyone who has managed to accumulate solid professional and life experience.

Lean on what you are firmly convinced of.

Observe morality and remember the Higher powers and the highest destiny of each person. The Apocalypse is too simple, the way of working on yourself is much more complicated.

Astrologer Lydia Nevedomskaya