Shaman Tree - Alternative View

Shaman Tree - Alternative View
Shaman Tree - Alternative View

Video: Shaman Tree - Alternative View

Video: Shaman Tree - Alternative View
Video: The Three Worlds of the Shamanic Journey 2024, June

Shaman-tree - all indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, practicing shamanism, have their own shaman-tree at the entrance to the village. Its branches are dotted with many amulets, bows, rags, ribbons. It is believed that if you do not stop and offer the tree an "offering" - let it be a small coin, a cigarette or a piece of bread - the tree can punish for disrespect and then there will be no good road. There is a belief that the shaman tree differs from other trees by its extraordinary psychic power. Initially, this unusual tree is found in the forest by a young shaman who takes a kind of tonsure, then he associates his entire fate with it: he draws energy from it, gets the ability to travel to heaven or to the underworld during rituals, and generally exists only at the expense of the shaman tree. And if a tree dies, then the shaman also dies.

The tree "automatically" becomes a kind of totem and amulet for the whole family from which the shaman comes. The tree cannot be chopped down, its branches must be broken, etc. This applies not only to local residents, but also to all visiting travelers, geologists, tourists passing or passing by this place. It should be noted that this tradition in the same regions does not disappear over time, but on the contrary, continues to exist and even grows stronger.