TOP-10 Cases Of The Mysterious Appearance Of UFOs - Alternative View

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TOP-10 Cases Of The Mysterious Appearance Of UFOs - Alternative View
TOP-10 Cases Of The Mysterious Appearance Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: TOP-10 Cases Of The Mysterious Appearance Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: TOP-10 Cases Of The Mysterious Appearance Of UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, June

More than half of the world's population believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life, as evidenced by numerous polls of researchers. Some of them claim to be eyewitnesses to the appearance of UFOs, and some claim to have contact with aliens, which radically changed their lives. Journalists of the site "Territory novostei" made the TOP-10 of the most mysterious cases of UFO sightings, which were told by eyewitnesses.

State of California 1896-1897

One of the first places where an unusual object first appeared is the state of California in the United States, and this happened more than 100 years ago. Eyewitnesses report that a luminous object appeared in the sky above the city of Sacramento, which easily moved against the wind at a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour. A week later, he reappeared, provoking hysteria among the population and the media, and the next appearance occurred two months later, but the object flew along with a large cigar-shaped ship. Modern experts suggest that this object could be an airship or an aircraft of the engineers of that time, however, evidence of this theory has not yet been provided.


Witness K. Arnold 1947

Pilot and businessman K. Arnold from Seattle witnessed the appearance of "UFOs moving in waves" over Mount Rainer in 1947. The pilot talked about objects that moved at incredible speed, and the nature of the movement was compared to jumping saucers on the surface of a pond. It is this comparison that gave rise to the name "flying saucers", which is currently the most common.

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Roswell New Mexico crash in 1947

Farmer Matt Brazell of Roswell, New Mexico has discovered many pieces of metal and wood of unknown origin in his field. After reporting the incident to the military, speculation about a UFO crash emerged and spread among the public. Despite this, in the 90s, the Air Force said that they themselves had scattered these debris in order to divert public attention from the secret Mogul project, but ufologists did not believe such statements and still believe that the fragments belonged to a huge alien ship.


The Mantell incident in 1948

This is about the pilot of the National Air Guard, Thomas Mantell, who died in a fighter crash, intending to pursue a UFO in the form of a silvery disk. The pilot climbed to a height with a low oxygen content, because of which he lost consciousness, and the fighter crashed to the ground. This incident gave rise to the theory that alien life could pose a threat to humans who are trying to learn more about them.


Washington DC 1952

More than half a century ago, in the District of Columbia in Washington, several objects hit the radar of the local airport staff. They emitted a powerful light, and their number alerted the authorities, so a decision was considered to launch fighters to approach UFOs. At the government level, a commission of scientists was formed in 1952, which went down in history as the Robertson Commission analyzing UFO sightings. The project was named "Blue Bird", and its documentation included fixed events with 12 thousand observations of unknown objects in the sky.


Kidnapping of spouses Barney and Betty Hill in 1961

Barney and Betty Hill were the first people they say came into contact with aliens. During a trip in their car in New Hampshire, they noticed a mysterious object in the sky, after which they “fell out of reality” for several hours. A few days later, the couple began to report strange dreams in which experiments were carried out on them by aliens. These statements became the reason for seeking specialized help, after which the doctors put forward the assumption that the spouses are simply under a strong emotional impression after watching TV programs about humanoids. Nevertheless, this case laid the foundation for subsequent testimony of contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.


Fireball in Kexburg, Pennsylvania 1965

In early December 1965, residents of several American states witnessed a fireball flying in the night sky. He disappeared from sight near the town of Kexburgh in Pennsylvania, after which the military arrived at the site of the alleged crash, who, according to local residents, removed the bell-shaped structure from the forest. Until now, the case has not received an explanation, although some skeptics claim that a Soviet satellite fell on the territory of the city.


Randlesham incident in 1980

Several UFOs appeared in Randlesham Forest in Suffolk, UK in December 1980, as reported by US Air Force Base personnel. For several days, triangular objects and numerous luminous objects were visible in this area, which, according to some sources, left traces of their presence in the forest. This incident is considered one of the most famous cases of the appearance of flying objects.


Case in Trans-en-Provence in 1981

The incident took place in France in 1981, when a farmer from the village of Trans-en-Provence noticed an unknown object near his home. According to him, the unusual flying machine slowly descended to the surface of the earth, and then quickly disappeared in an unknown direction, leaving behind a trail in the form of a ring with a diameter of 1.8 meters. This case interested ufologists and gendarmes of the nearby town of Draguignan. Experts have repeatedly taken samples of soil and plants at the site of the landing of the UFO, and as a result of research, it turned out that the samples were significantly different from those taken elsewhere. Ufologists are sure that it was the ship of extraterrestrial origin, built with the help of alien technologies, that had an irreversible effect on the vegetation and soil in this place.


Lights over Phoenix in 1997

The incident occurred on March 13, 1997, and was witnessed by residents of Arizona, as well as the governor of the state himself. UFO in the form of a chain of luminous objects that followed a huge triangular ship, which "hung" in the sky for more than three hours. Versions with military planes and infrared distraction traps were considered as an explanation, but they never received confirmation.


Zeynalova Svetlana