Aliens In The Russian Geographical Society - Alternative View

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Aliens In The Russian Geographical Society - Alternative View
Aliens In The Russian Geographical Society - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Russian Geographical Society - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Russian Geographical Society - Alternative View
Video: A Russian drone operator encounters a UFO, then must decide what is real and not. | The Occupant 2024, September

One of the leaders of the RGS commission gave a sensational interview: "We just do not notice that there are aliens around"

Wars of civilizations, doubles of earthlings with an alien filling - who were not fond of such fiction. And everyone, even children, knows that this does not really happen … But the other day the world turned upside down for me. “Who can prove that there are no aliens? I think that they have been among us for a long time, and if everyone believed in it, life on Earth would become much better! " With these words began the interview "MK" with the Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) Evgeny LITVINOV.

Let's make a reservation right away: everything that Litvinov told us most of all resembles a fantastic story. And hardly serious people will believe it. But in the Russian Geographical Society itself, the stories of their employee are treated only with a certain degree of skepticism. Therefore, "MK" and considered it possible to give the floor to the specialist on aliens. Like an experienced agent Kay from the MIB, retired captain 1st rank Yevgeny Litvinov has known the whole truth about aliens for several years and only laughs sadly at those who still have not "seen the light".

UFOs put the question squarely in front of Americans

Evgeny Petrovich, why did you and your associates believe in aliens?

- After comparing the facts received from the inhabitants of different parts of our planet. They all agree on one thing: in ancient times, all the peoples inhabiting the Earth had so-called paleocontacts with representatives of more highly developed civilizations. In our card index there are more than 20 thousand evidences of direct or indirect influence of aliens on our life.

Where do you get information from?

Promotional video:

- From the press, from the secret military archives. Sometimes we organize an exhibition in St. Petersburg. On it visitors come up to us and tell their unique stories.

Psychologists say that the belief in the existence of aliens on Earth is either one of the forms of persecution mania, or evidence of the need to escape from a cruel reality …

- You know, if you talk to me from the point of view of a skeptic, we will not be able to talk, - the interlocutor sharply cuts me off. - Believe me, people would be many times happier if they turned to “our elder brothers” for help. They often convey useful information to us. And as for the evidence of their existence, they are in the stories of eyewitnesses, contactees, and the military. You can't think of that.

For example?

- For example, in July 1952 over Washington, many watched an unusual air parade: dozens of UFOs of the most exotic forms hovered over the city, performing unthinkable pirouettes. For example, at a speed clearly exceeding the speed of sound, they made turns by 90, 180 degrees or for a long time, up to several days they hovered on the edge. Apparently, it was a demonstration of strength, a kind of unambiguous message to the power that unleashed a nuclear war in Japan.

In 1994, a disc-shaped aircraft with a dome appeared over Paris. It was very long, and the height of the dome was about one hundred meters. The device was at an altitude reached by conventional liners (by the way, they flew over this object, but did not really find out anything. And then it disappeared without a trace). And in 1999, over one Chinese province, a giant saucer hovered at all 300-400 m above the ground. She closed half the sky for local residents. Well, how, tell me, could such a huge apparatus hang or move slowly and not fall? All this unique information has been confirmed by the military archives of various countries, including the Russian archive.

But if this really happened, then why is ufology not recognized at the official level? Here in Great Britain this year they closed a department very similar to your organization

- This is an interesting question, to which I myself would like to get an answer: why do the authorities of many countries do not recognize the obvious facts of unannounced visits to our planet? I have several versions. Are governments trying to avoid public panic? It is also possible that they, the authorities, hope to adopt the latest alien technology. The prospect of having an advantage over your neighbors, you see, is worth a lot. By the way, we have data that the US military department has already established some contacts with representatives of another civilization …

Well, this is too much

“Yes, and they seem to have a dedicated UFO landing base in Puerto Rico. As soon as a modern observatory with the world's strongest telescope appeared near the local city of Arecibo, we received reports of the establishment of American contact with aliens. After all, the telescope was just created by them for research in the field of radio astronomy, atmospheric physics and radar. Apparently, the work was very successful. We have several eyewitness accounts of some cigar-shaped UFOs diving into the water off the coast of Puerto Rico. Apparently, from under the water they fall into an underground giant bunker, where something like a base has been built for them. Information about her was leaked from some local residents who were recruited there to serve what they call "incomprehensible flying objects."The Americans have rented this coastal area for 50 years and guard it very seriously.

By the way, we also have information not only about secret bases, but also about whole flying cities of aliens. This information was conveyed by a Chilean pilot who, flying over the vast mountainous region of his country, suddenly saw a city that had never existed, glowing with millions of lights. The surprised pilot handed his coordinates to the dispatcher in order to clarify the location. In response, he heard: "You are following the correct course, there is no city under you …". In the next second, the liner commander was completely speechless, because the city he had discovered suddenly seemed to rise above the ground and began to shift to the side.

We miss the Annunaki

But why do they come to us, what is their interest here? And in general, how long ago did these visits begin?

- Let's start from the very beginning, from the so-called paleocontacts. Humanity did not originate on Earth by itself, but was cultivated by the highest civilizations, perhaps it was even created "in their image and likeness." They, most likely, flew to us in spacesuits, which people then drew in the form of halos over their heads, it was they who taught our ancestors to cultivate the land and build dwellings.

For what?

- Perhaps for some of their purposes, for example, mining on Earth. As bio-robots, we were very well suited for this. True, then we finally "got out of hand": we don't believe in the ancient gods - we don't believe in aliens, we don't save the planet with its fossils …

Somehow your story is very reminiscent of some biblical events …

- And we do not exclude this either - all the stories of eyewitnesses and contactees with aliens very harmoniously fit into the biblical stories. Let us consider the example of the highest civilization of the Anunnaki who visited the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. Ancient Sumerian tablets testify to their coming. Having deciphered them, the researchers obtained interesting information. In the Sumerian messages, for example, it is mentioned that they owe all their knowledge of astronomy, shipbuilding, navigation, the ability to make dishes and smelt bronze to the Anunnaki, which in ancient Sumerian means: "Those who came down to us from heaven." By the way, in addition to crafts, it was the Annunaki who instilled in the Sumerians state laws, the rules of a civilized community and the foundations of morality. Those who did not accept them, apparently, faced some kind of punishment.

Did the Sumerians leave images of the Anunnaki?

- They were painted humanoid. In one case, walking on land, in the other - for some reason, more often with fish heads, in which human features were guessed. In addition, in many pictures they were depicted coming out of the water. Apparently, the Anunnaki port was based under the water - thus the aliens could hide their aircraft from the wild inhabitants of the Earth. Escaping from under the water in shiny, scale-like spacesuits, the aliens could really resemble marine life.

And so much work was done by the Anunnaki just for the sake of mining? They themselves, with the help of their technology, could dig up the entire planet …

- It is possible that their goals were more noble - to create a model of their civilization, to study us, to communicate … Isn't that why they began to come to visit us again, transmit information, hint to come to their senses, remember who we are and what we are for ? But another message is quite probable: live, develop, extract fossils for us, raise animals, supporting life on the planet, so that later, when we need it, we can safely move to your home. And to destroy us …

Never Speak to Humanoids

“I would like to believe that we are treated“humanly”,” says Litvinov, “but we must face the truth. Analyzing the information we have accumulated - only on contacts with aliens we have 6 thousand messages and more than 2.5 thousand related to the abduction of people - we came to the conclusion that civilizations that somehow influence our life are of three types: loyal to us (about 20%), neutral (60%) and aggressive (20%). If we put neutrals closer to aggressive ones, that is, those who have some kind of “selfish” interest in us, it turns out that we should be afraid of 80 percent of aliens.

What can they do with us?

- They can't, but they are already doing it. In our database there is a story of the head of the department of the Naval Academy about one of the cadets. Having received a vacation, the future submariner came to a friend in Moscow to stay. There was a January frost on the street, the cadet was walking down the street, wrapping himself in an overcoat … Suddenly, a strange man dressed in a completely summer-style, more precisely, in a tight-fitting overalls without buttons, without a single seam, met him. Approaching the young man, the eccentric stopped and … asked for a light. As soon as the cadet handed him a cigarette, the passer-by took out a matchbox, opened it and … the young submariner seemed to have fallen into oblivion. All that he could remember in the first hours after he woke up was the same passer-by without a coat and the interior of some strange room.

Apparently, the guy was kidnapped for some time and taken to an aircraft - a special alien laboratory that was on duty in the sky over Moscow. A means of communication with the ship was disguised under the boxes. As soon as the "eccentric" opened it, special rays descended from the ship, most likely hollow, along which a couple was lifted up.

So what did they want from the poor guy?

- In 90% of cases of such abductions, people told that they underwent a thorough sanitation of the body, medical examination. Perhaps this is necessary to study our species, but it is possible that some of them are “brainwashed” or even worse - they insert implant chips for subsequent manipulations with us. Any civilization is interested in the presence of its agents on an alien planet.

Just like in the movie "Avatar". By the way, why didn't you examine that submariner boy more thoroughly? Maybe you could find some kind of transmitter?

- Such a thought arose. First of all, we thought about a special hypnosis that could restore the full picture of the story that happened to the cadet. But for this, the colonel would have to report the incident upstairs. After the report, the guy would have been dragged into psychiatrists and would certainly not have been allowed later to serve on a submarine. We did not risk his fate.

It turns out that any alien alien can do whatever he wants with us and there is no control over him?

- This is true. But our commission exists to gradually eliminate our illiteracy in relation to representatives of other civilizations. We are also trying to develop at least some kind of safety technique. First of all, you need to know:

- firstly, if a ship or an alien “appeared” in front of you, you should never shout or scream. All this, judging by the stories of people who were in such troubles, turned out to be numbness or amnesia for them. It's good if the memory loss is temporary. But it happens that intruders erase memories completely, including information about the name, place of residence and professional skills;

- secondly, contacts with aliens are not welcome. The whole initiative is only with them, if they need it, they will come into contact with you, if not, they will turn around and fly away. When they try to talk to you, be sure to ask: “Who are you? Where from? Why do you need me? Loyal aliens most often respond kindly, talk about their good mission, the aggressors can refuse to contact you and simply leave;

- thirdly, if you can, try not to think about the bad. Aliens are able to read our minds. After all, thoughts are nothing more than some kind of waves that are a means of communication for the entire Universe. We think in images and sometimes, before we have formed its verbal version, we can get an instant reaction from aliens.

By the way, they can transmit information to us in such waves, as if talking to us in the same images (we can see them as in a dream). Isn't that the way their brilliant works come to some artists and musicians? I'm afraid we won't learn all the intricacies of their communication with us for a long time. Even the cosmonaut German Titov said that it is impossible for us earthly to understand the logic of aliens.

But why can't they teach us, raise us to their level?

- Perhaps we are as far from them in development as the simplest insects are far from us. Well, try to explain to the ant why you are removing its anthill from the road or crushed half a dozen of its brothers, who tickled your heel when you were sitting near the fire … The ant will definitely not understand you. This is how the higher civilizations are. It is also good if they are loyal, that is, they behave with us carefully, but there are also aggressive and neutral ones, and I remind you that there are probably much more of them. It costs them nothing to kill us, crush us like ants. Their plans are unknown to us, since they do not enter into conversations with people, but mainly use us for some kind of research or the introduction of their agents into our society. And we even know where they place the implants.

Where to?

- For the chest.

Or maybe they are changing our hearts for new ones?

- Don't be ironic. One visitor to our exhibition was in no mood for jokes when her husband was replaced … Hold on, otherwise you will fall when I tell you this story.

On the matrimonial bed was a double of her husband

In the mid-70s there lived a happy family in St. Petersburg - a wife, a husband and two weather children. But one day the long-awaited head of the family did not return home to spend the night. A day or two he is gone, and then he suddenly returns and says: "I was on board a UFO."

Well, yes, they all say so …

- Treason could not be there - Elena and Victor loved each other very much. The wife believed and the next time, when her husband was again taken on board for some research, she took it for granted. Thus, the man had contact with the aliens in the period from 1973 to 2003: if he disappears for a few days, he will return as if nothing had happened … But one day he disappeared, and returned instead of him … another man. No, outwardly, according to Elena, it was her Vitya, but he suddenly had a lot of oddities: he held the cup with the wrong hand, went to bed on the wrong side, treated children differently. In the end, the dog began to behave very strangely in front of him - barking, growling. The woman's suspicions intensified day by day, and in the end the clone (most likely it was the double of the missing Victor) was rigged up in a plane crash. Thus, the poor woman lost two of her men at once. After the catastrophe, she turned to the authorities with a request to give the body of her deceased husband, but she was not given it … Elena decided at least to light a candle in the church about the deceased. She just went to the crucifix, and the old woman was alone and said: "Don't put a candle on your husband, he is alive …"

But listen, how can you believe in that ?! - again I do not hold back

“And we would not believe such stories if they were solitary,” says Litvinov. - But in different parts of the Earth, similar stories are repeated. Who knows how the higher civilizations think to use us.

And what do you lean towards more?

- It is hard to say. Probably, loyal and aggressive civilizations are fighting for our planet at the "highest level". Whoever wins will establish his own rules here. We have little information about who lives in what corners of the Universe. So, loyal aliens come to us from the constellations Canis Major and Taurus, neutral ones - from the constellations Grid, Centaurus, Cygnus, Libra, Andromeda. Aggressors also appear from the constellations Orion and Dragon. By the way, according to our information, it was they who established cooperation with the Americans.

If you believe in the existence of UFOs, you should probably be the first to establish contact with them

- No, I do not strive for this. If they had to, they themselves would have contacted long ago. And in general, practice shows that everyone who did it died early. Despite my advanced age, I do not want to be born yet.


Tell me honestly, why did you need a department whose employees carry … how could it be softer … complete nonsense?

“Our Society is called upon to discuss all kinds of theories, even such fantastic ones as the theory of Litvinov,” a representative of the Russian Geographical Society explained to MK. - If there are specialists, scientists who can refute the theory of commission members on anomalous phenomena, the Russian Geographical Society is waiting for their letters, they are invited to meetings that are held once a month according to the approved plan.

What can you say … "If a person goes crazy, you shouldn't bother him" - this is how Dmitry Kvon, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics from Novosibirsk, once said about one of his colleagues who put forward a fabulous theory about UFOs. Many of the scientists I know have about the same opinion. However, if there is a Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience, created on the initiative of Academician Vitaly Ginzburg, then, probably, its antipode may also have a right to exist. But whether the UFO supporters have great chances to persuade the representatives of official science and you and me is a big question.


The official site of the Russian Geographical Society about the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena: “Many scientific commissions of the Society have existed since the foundation of the Society. For example, the department of physical geography and ethnography. Some appeared relatively recently: in 1980, the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena and the Scientific Tourism Commission began work. Scientific commissions of the Russian Geographical Society exist in each branch of the Russian Geographical Society. They are created for the exchange of experience and information on the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science."

Interviewed by Natalia Gladysh