Energy Vampires - Occult Version - Alternative View

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Energy Vampires - Occult Version - Alternative View
Energy Vampires - Occult Version - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires - Occult Version - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires - Occult Version - Alternative View
Video: “No Energy Vampires Allowed” | Steve Ornelas | TEDxCentralArizonaCollege 2024, September

Why are there energy vampires among humans? What or who makes you become them? One of the hypotheses has been proposed by occultists.

Communication channel with the noosphere

Energy vampires have been known since ancient times. The Slavs believed that such people “harass” those around them and that this quality is “written in the family” for a person. In the East, energovampirism was explained by the heavy karma imposed on a person for crimes in a previous life.

Modern occultists, based on ancient teachings, believe that energovampirism is caused by the rupture or weakening of the invisible channel that connects the personality with the cosmos. According to adherents of secret sciences, people draw energy for their life, as well as information received in the form of intuitive insights, from the noosphere surrounding the Earth. Each person has their own channel of communication with her. And for energy vampires, such a channel has a defect: energy either does not flow through it at all, or enters in very small doses, while the "information component" of the channel continues to work properly, allowing the vampire to be a completely normal individual in all other respects.

Psychics who are able to see a person's aura (or the astral body, which is somewhat larger than the physical one), sometimes notice the energy channel. Most often it is described as a very thin, weakly luminous thread extending almost vertically upwards from the top of the aura. Vampires have a weak aura, the channel is not visible. An explanation for this was offered by the modern American occultist and medium D. Dzhebrailovich. During his practice, he examined over a hundred people who showed themselves as very powerful energy vampires. Spiritualistic seances were also held in their presence. Such experiments, by the way, are unsafe for the researcher himself: the “energovurdalak”, even being immersed in a hypnotic trance, continues to take energy from others. Rather, it is "automatically" done by his astral shell. As soon as the aura of a person is in its zone, the aura of the “ghoul” immediately bites into it and starts pumping out energy. Therefore, you have to prepare thoroughly to work with vampires, constructing a protective force shield, or a cocoon, around yourself.

Energy is needed not only for people

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Jebrailovich says that some vampires in a trance state claimed that some spirits were preventing them from receiving energy from outer space.

Spiritualists and esotericists have long known that our world is filled with invisible entities that show clear signs of intelligence. We know almost nothing about the nature of these invisibles (as well as about everything that concerns the subtle world). However, we can assume that they, like all living beings, need energy. Spirits are not able to receive it, like people. Therefore, they have to steal: they "stick" to the channels connecting people with the noosphere, and draw energy from them.

Ken Dougherty, an energy vampire from Oklahoma, told under hypnosis that he left his body several times and met with a certain entity, which, he believes, was stealing from him the energy that God was sending him. Ken found it difficult to describe what the imp looked like; according to him, he was extremely vicious and laughed at him.

19-year-old Elsa Charlton in a state of trance said that she was forced to “vampire” by two representatives of the subtle world who are constantly nearby, and, no matter how much she sucked out the energy from the surrounding, this couple very soon took everything from her, leaving mere crumbs.

In 1959, curious information was told by a spirit who appeared at a seance conducted in London by the medium Henry Barker. There was a strong energy vampire N., who, in fact, was the main object of research. The spirit spoke through N. in a very low voice, forcing the person to remain stony still and look ahead of him with a fixed gaze. According to the spirit, he blocks N.'s connection with the cosmic source of energy, since he needs it himself. In the hierarchy of spirits, the "alien" occupies a high position, he is stronger than many of his fellow creatures, which means that he must consume an increased amount of life-giving substance.

When the medium asked whether there are many like him, the spirit replied that there are not too many. Each of the - strong - spirits chooses a person and uses him as a constant energy donor, thereby forcing him to use someone else's energy.

In addition, the spirit said that energy is taken from all inhabitants of the Earth. Do this "ordinary" perfume, and there are a lot of them. Only some remnants of "cosmic recharge" reach people, the human body is already accustomed to its scarcity and has learned to make do with what is.

Go to the "radiant" phase

On the basis of these and other sources, Dzhebrailovich and his associates conclude: there is a numerous "tribe" of invisible entities, or spirits parasitizing on people, on Earth, to which these entities are mostly neutral, sometimes hostile or benevolent. Almost all spirits steal life-giving energy from energy channels through which it comes from space. Since information circulates through the same channels (in both directions), the invisibles, as a rule, are well aware of the circumstances of life and even the innermost thoughts of people, which they prove during their contacts with energy donors and, in particular, at spiritualistic sessions.

Dzhebrailovich believes that the higher forces that created man and set him apart from all living creatures prepared for him a completely different existence than that which he is forced to drag out because of these invisible thieves. If people received cosmic energy in full, then by now human civilization would have had a radically different look and would have been built on different principles, becoming a community of superhumans with extrasensory abilities, who are able to move through space with the effort of thought and visit other dimensions. That is, humanity at an accelerated pace would pass into the "radiant" phase, about which K. E. Tsiolkovsky wrote that this is the final result of the evolutionary development of man as a species.

The light will win

The path to the stars, according to the Latin proverb, is through hardships. Such thorns, an obstacle on the path of humanity to transformation, are demons. Some of them, "strong", absorb almost all the energy from the energy channel of a person, turning him into a vampire. But most demons are "weak", they only need a part of the energy sent to people.

There are, apparently, quite weak demons, who leave energy donors, on whose channels they "hung", a sufficiently large amount of energy. There are few such lucky ones among people. As a rule, these are psychics, levitants, mediums, clairvoyants and other unique individuals who exhibit paranormal abilities.

According to Dzhebrailovich, humanity will not get out of its "semi-animal" state until all the evil spirits parasitizing on people from the subtle world are destroyed. We ourselves are not able to make a breakthrough, so we can only rely on those higher forces that once created us.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №6. Author: Igor Voloznev