The Mystery Of The Forefathers Of The Emperors Of China Is Revealed Scientists Have Confirmed The Explosion Of The Planet Of Dragons - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Forefathers Of The Emperors Of China Is Revealed Scientists Have Confirmed The Explosion Of The Planet Of Dragons - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Forefathers Of The Emperors Of China Is Revealed Scientists Have Confirmed The Explosion Of The Planet Of Dragons - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Forefathers Of The Emperors Of China Is Revealed Scientists Have Confirmed The Explosion Of The Planet Of Dragons - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Forefathers Of The Emperors Of China Is Revealed Scientists Have Confirmed The Explosion Of The Planet Of Dragons - Alternative View

The Celestial Empire lives up to its name. Astronomers from Chile found evidence of the death of a star, documented by the Chinese more than 2 thousand years ago.

In 48 BC, Chinese astronomers discovered a planet that appeared in the constellation Sagittarius and almost immediately disappeared. In ancient Chinese treatises, this event is referred to as the beginning of a new era and the end of the travels of the ancestors of the emperors of China to Earth. Until now, the revelation of the Chinese sages was considered a legend, however, scientists from the University of Göttingen confirmed the explosion of a star, described by the Chinese as the disappearance of the Planet of Dragons.


True, modern scientists note that the place of the explosion of the star in the ancient Chinese texts is not indicated entirely correctly, however, the relic discovered in a distant nebula clearly indicates that the event definitely happened 2060 years ago. The shortness of observations is explained by the fact that when a new one is formed, hydrogen flares up on the surface of the white dwarf and the glow can be seen for only a few days.


The Celestial Empire lives up to its name. Astronomers from Chile found evidence of the death of a star, documented by the Chinese more than 2 thousand years ago.

In 48 BC, Chinese astronomers discovered a planet that appeared in the constellation Sagittarius and almost immediately disappeared. In ancient Chinese treatises, this event is referred to as the beginning of a new era and the end of the travels of the ancestors of the emperors of China to Earth. Until now, the revelation of the Chinese sages was considered a legend, however, scientists from the University of Göttingen confirmed the explosion of a star, described by the Chinese as the disappearance of the Planet of Dragons.

True, modern scientists note that the place of the explosion of the star in the ancient Chinese texts is not indicated entirely correctly, however, the relic discovered in a distant nebula clearly indicates that the event definitely happened 2060 years ago. The shortness of observations is explained by the fact that when a new one is formed, hydrogen flares up on the surface of the white dwarf and the glow can be seen for only a few days.

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Some conspiracy theorists believe that the confirmation of the astronomers of the Chilean observatory of the explosion of the star proves the very existence of the Planet of Dragons and the secret of the ancestors of the emperors of China has finally been revealed. Moreover, the Chinese have repeatedly provided the world with convincing evidence of the alien origin of their ancestors, as mentioned by Cicero in his "De Divinatione".


China has a lot of evidence. For example, on the island in Lake Tuntin there are granite stones 45 thousand years old, with images of unknown pilots in cylindrical cars. The Chi manuscript says that China was ruled by the Gods for 18 thousand years, which is also confirmed by the book Huainan Chiu, which contains a detailed description of the centuries-old idyll, when the body and spirit were in harmony with the cosmos. Later in the book "Shanghai Chin" there is a mention of winged humanoid creatures - Miao and their quarrel with the "Lord of the Heights", which led to a terrible war 24,000 years ago.


Scientists have not yet confirmed the alien origin of the rulers of ancient China, but they also cannot explain the mines and adits of the late Paleolithic period in the Tien Shan mountains, as well as the contents of tombs dated 15 millennium BC.

Author: Shura Ash