Tartary, Sunken Territories. Novosibirsk Archipelago. Lyakhovsky Islands - The Remnants Of The Mogul Country - Alternative View

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Tartary, Sunken Territories. Novosibirsk Archipelago. Lyakhovsky Islands - The Remnants Of The Mogul Country - Alternative View
Tartary, Sunken Territories. Novosibirsk Archipelago. Lyakhovsky Islands - The Remnants Of The Mogul Country - Alternative View

Video: Tartary, Sunken Territories. Novosibirsk Archipelago. Lyakhovsky Islands - The Remnants Of The Mogul Country - Alternative View

Video: Tartary, Sunken Territories. Novosibirsk Archipelago. Lyakhovsky Islands - The Remnants Of The Mogul Country - Alternative View
Video: Remnants of Crimean Tartaria - Massandra 2024, September

Previous part: "Tartary, flooded territories. Wrangel Island - the remnants of the Mogul country …".

The archipelago of the New Siberian Islands, which include the Bolshoi and Maly Lyakhovsky Islands, is located 75 ° 16 ′ north. sh. 145 ° 15 ′ E etc.


Let's take a look at the old maps, the first one at the bottom (1633. Willem Jfnszoon Blaeu) what is there at this latitude-longitude? Well yes. there is the country of Mongol, the territory of Great Tartary. Despite the old maps, the latitude-longitude walks back and forth, it is approximately clear that this place is now the archipelago of the New Siberian Islands (because there are no other islands in that place)

The turquoise stripe shows the approximate border of the inundation of the Mongol country, the eastern longitude (marks 140 and 150) is highlighted in red on the top, and the designation 70 north is highlighted in red on the right. As we can see, the approximate location point (75 to 145) falls on the very tip of the mainland. there are our islands but in the distant happy past.


The same is approximately on Jan Jansson's map of 1640. (these are few maps of the 17th century with a more or less intelligible grid of coordinates).


Promotional video:


"Soaked" call the archipelago the remains of Arctida, Hyperborea, Northern Land. However, the location of the islands on the shelf of the mainland indicates that the archipelago belongs to it. The water area of the archipelago is difficult, with a lot of shallows, and the snapshot (below) from a Yandex satellite allows you to end the battle with the soaked ones ahead of schedule (because of their painful search for the origin of the islands) with a knockout in the first round, like young Tyson..


But it will be uninteresting, and I will continue to kick them with my feet, shod in brand new, specially bought "Grinders" and scoff at the wingless thought with the urine in the golden cage imprisoned. to the devil, "he agreed with his conscience, and now he is looking for only what will be ordered, and he hides the truth and truth from a conscientious taxpayer, so that he is not" left without sweets "by those who now" call the tune "..


In the picture, even small children in the sandbox (I showed them) it becomes clear that the islands are a shelf, part of the mainland. And it is painful to search for an explanation of the origin of the islands only by a person who does not understand anything at all (which would be incorrect to assert) or a rigidly engaged deliberately misleading naive, kind and gullible people who, like little children, completely relying on the nobility and sincerity of scientists, knowingly respect the opinion of the scholars in advance. What could be more cynical and immoral than this?


Bayjarah - Head Fuck !

Okay, let's go further, our ammunition load is not even 10% shot, and the enemy is already running, or the defeated one is lying! The island is full of so-called bayjarakhs. When ice pillars are thawed, herbs typical for steppes grow on bayjaraks, and not for arctic tundra … I need to write about why herbs typical for steppes grow on bayjaraks, or have everyone already guessed?


But the "soaked" puzzle - why the islands of the icy arctida consist of wood and not of ice (they have such a job, to break their heads) Having broken their heads about bayjarahi and wood, having rest a little in this way, they return to breaking their heads about the block of the origin of the islands.


The islands are full of fossil mammoths, they began to mine it back in the 18th century, when armed gangs of marauders from all over the world rushed here to look for something to profit from after the disaster. They lived here richly, they ate from gold dishes, drank from silver jugs. Servants bought themselves every year. a new flying carpet, homeless people in taverns ate free of charge (just a joke).

In general, they began to mine mammoth bone back in the days when the seismic activity had not even finished its activity. Mammoth is still being mined, you can see this by looking at the photo below. Unfortunately, some islands are "melting" in the truest sense of the word, because global warming however, whole carcasses of individuals fall out of the dumps.


In general, regarding mammoths - there is evidence that even Peter the Great, the lizard, merchants reported that they say they saw “hairy elephants” in the taiga. I think that the mammoth died in a catastrophe along with the rest of the animal (and not so much) world, but some individuals are small his herds, which somehow survived, wandered for a long time, right up to the beginning of the 20th century - there is such evidence, wrote about this by Turgenev, Jack London, other scientists and researchers.


Take, for example, Turgenev's story "Khor and Kalinych" from the series "Notes of a Hunter". There is an interesting phrase there:

".." Yes, here I am, a man, and you see.. "At this word Khor raised his leg and showed a boot, probably made of mammoth skin."

In order to write this phrase, Turgenev needed to know several things, rather strange for the middle of the 19th century in our understanding today. He should have known that there was such a mammoth beast, and know what kind of skin he had. He should have known about the availability of this leather, because, judging by the text, the fact that an ordinary man living in a swamp wears mammoth leather boots was not something out of the ordinary for Turgenev.


However, this thing is still shown as somewhat unusual, expensive, uncharacteristic for the peasant class. Jack London also wrote about living mammoths, and invited everyone to have a look at mammoth leather moccasins. In the Tobolsk Museum of Local Lore, there was a 19th century harness made of mammoth skin.


It is from these dumps of permafrost on the coast that brave mammoths extract mammoth bone


The islands are “melting” … There is an opinion of experts that several small islands have already “melted” and disappeared, the existence of which was previously considered questionable.



The last few weighty cuffs by professionally unsuitable soaked, who sold their learned (and now soaked) soul to the "scientific devil" If you read my previous posts devoted to the search for the guards of Tartarus and Mongul - there I had photos from the mainland - remnants, kizilyakhs or kekura..


Attention - we look at the photo from the mainland, this is near the coast, near the Chaunskaya Bay. Everything in these pictures is right here (indicated by the white arrow).


And now attention, a photo from the Novosibirsk Islands (as well as a photo in the top of the post - Bolshoi Lyakhovsky).


And finally, a control shot in the head - a photo from Umkilir Island (Wrangel).


What is called - "find eight differences"! Well, for a long time we will puzzle about the "origin of the islands", ladies and gentlemen? Or will we find another, more appropriate application for the God-given device?

Tomb of the rulers of Tartaria


There is also an interesting point - on the map above, the tombs are marked (with a turquoise rim) - "the tombs of the rulers of Tartaria on the Altai mountains." Apparently these are real Altai mountains, like the real Mongol country.

Duplicate again, on another map - see the peaked peaks? There are the tombs of the rulers of Tartaria (according to the inscription on the maps).


Comparing latitude and longitude on old and modern maps, it is hoped that the memorial complex of the rulers of Tartary, or the place of its location in the past, is on land, approximately in the region of 65-68 degrees. s.sh. and 145 gr. vd … But it would be more correct to deal with this topic separately.


Approximately somewhere here.



Continuation: "Tartary. Novosibirsk archipelago, Kotelny island - part of the territory of the sunken Mogul country".