The Reign Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Reign Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View
The Reign Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Video: The Reign Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Video: The Reign Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View
Video: Ivan the Terrible - The First Tsar of Russia 2024, September

- introduced a jury trial;

- free primary education (church schools);

- medical quarantine at the borders;

- for the first time there was a regular army (and the world's first military uniform - at the archers); - (note A. N. - the army in Russia has always been at all times)

- local elected self-government, instead of the governor;

- equality was established between all strata of the population (do you know that serfdom did not exist in Russia at all at that time? The peasant was obliged to sit on the land until he paid for its rent, and nothing more. And his children were considered free from birth, in any case!).

- slave labor is prohibited (source - Ivan the Terrible's code of law);

- the state monopoly on the fur trade, introduced by Grozny, was canceled only 10 (ten!) Years ago.

Promotional video:

- the territory of the country (approx. A. N. - Muscovy or Moscow Tartary) increased 30 times!

- the emigration of the population from Europe exceeded 30,000 families (those who settled along the Zasechnaya line were paid a lifting 5 rubles per family. Expense books were preserved).

- the growth of the welfare of the population (and the taxes paid) during the reign amounted to several thousand (!) Percent.

- for the entire time of the reign there was not a single person executed without trial and investigation, the total number of "repressed" ranged from three to four thousand. (And the times were dashing - remember St. Bartholomew's night).

Now remember what you were told about Grozny at school? That he was a bloody tyrant and lost the Livonian War, while Russia was shaking in horror?

Alexander Prozorov