Pentagon Generals Refused To Study UFOs Due To Religious Beliefs - Alternative View

Pentagon Generals Refused To Study UFOs Due To Religious Beliefs - Alternative View
Pentagon Generals Refused To Study UFOs Due To Religious Beliefs - Alternative View

Video: Pentagon Generals Refused To Study UFOs Due To Religious Beliefs - Alternative View

Video: Pentagon Generals Refused To Study UFOs Due To Religious Beliefs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

One of the main reasons for the closure of the UFO study program is the contradiction of the results obtained with the religious views of representatives of the highest generals of the US Army.

Earlier, the Pentagon reported that from 2007 to 2012. spent $ 22 million on the Advanced Aerospace Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Within its framework, unidentified flying objects were also studied. This secret program was officially closed due to budget cuts, however, as it turned out, its closure has religious motives.

Some high-ranking officials and the military have closed the program out of fears that the results of the research could confuse the minds of subordinates and conflict with religious beliefs. A former intelligence officer told the media about this.

According to him, the investigation of UFOs is difficult because the belief of some people in God means that they either do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, or believe that UFOs and aliens are a manifestation of a demonic entity.

However, not all US security officials seem to agree with this decision. In particular, the former head of the secret AATIP program, Luis Elizondo, told the public that the program is still active, but the research is being carried out with extrabudgetary funds. Resources for the continuation of the program are provided by officials from the US Navy and the CIA, and funding is provided by private commercial structures.

He noted that there have been “many” UFO sightings during the AATIP program. Most often they appeared near nuclear installations and power plants. The AATIP, in particular, examined audio and video of two US Navy pilots pursuing an unidentified flying object near San Diego. The Pentagon has confirmed the authenticity of the recording.

The recording was made in 2014 off the coast of San Diego
The recording was made in 2014 off the coast of San Diego

The recording was made in 2014 off the coast of San Diego.

Elizondo's words should probably be taken quite seriously. Moreover, he is not the only representative of the intelligence community and a retiree who regularly injects information into the media about the existence of UFOs, as well as secret government programs to study them.

Promotional video:

Around the same time, when the American intelligence officer reported on the religious fears of representatives of the top generals of the United States, ex-employee of the British Ministry of Defense Nick Pope, who, during his service, was involved in, among other things, studying UFO reports, also opened up. He confirmed the words of his US colleague.

“I was aware that the Pentagon was cursing UFO research in part because of the religious beliefs of some,” Pope said.

He also added that the UK's UFO research focused on "the possible threat to the United States from foreign hostile powers and the acquisition of technology." And the military had little interest in other aspects of the possible activities of aliens. For example, such as kidnapping.

We are talking about long-term investigations related to the appearance of UFOs on the territory of the country. In 2008, the UK government began to declassify long-term observations. It was assumed that the dossier will be fully made public within 3 years. However, key documents have not been published until today. Why the government did not declassify all the data remains unclear.

Conspiracy theorists believe that the US is deliberately leaking UFOs. Thus, they prepare public opinion for the official recognition of the existence of aliens. And drawing attention to the religious aspect of recognizing extraterrestrial life fits very well with that assumption.

Sergey Sergeev