The Healing Properties Of Gold And Silver - Alternative View

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The Healing Properties Of Gold And Silver - Alternative View
The Healing Properties Of Gold And Silver - Alternative View

Video: The Healing Properties Of Gold And Silver - Alternative View

Video: The Healing Properties Of Gold And Silver - Alternative View
Video: The Healing Properties Of Gold 2024, September

Ancient healers believed in the healing power of precious metals: gold and silver. Let's not consider this a prejudice of doctors of previous eras, there is much that is true in their beliefs. Gold is still used in medicine.

Healing properties of gold

Gold has been used in Indian Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine. In the old days, it was believed that this noble metal improves the functioning of the heart, relieves depressed mood and even lengthens life. True, the latter statement is controversial, because rich people, whose chests are full of gold, died just like ordinary mortals.

In the Middle Ages, healers prescribed patients to take so-called "drinking gold" to relieve heart pain. Moreover, the treatment was not limited to this. Patients were also instructed to chew thinning gold leaves and sprinkle food with gold shavings.

Gold has bactericidal properties, so it is useful to wear jewelry made of it during epidemics of infectious diseases. According to healers, this metal energizes the body. It is also believed to activate the brain. Indeed, gold has many amazing properties that set it apart from other metals.

Healers advise to hold your favorite golden thing in your hands to recuperate and raise your mood. If your heart hurts, you need to heat the gold thing (without stones) to a pleasant, warming temperature and apply it to the sore spot. It is recommended that people with joint pains wear a gold bracelet. It is also believed that gold relieves bad breath, for this you need to hold a gold product in your mouth.

The so-called "golden water" was considered especially useful. She was known back in the second millennium BC. To prepare it, put a golden thing (without stones) in an enamel pan, pour 0.5 liters of filtered water into it and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer until the amount of liquid is halved. This water should be taken within a week. Reception mode: 1 teaspoon three times a day, before meals.

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Important note: for the preparation of such water, gold must be of the highest standard, without impurities. If alloys have been used in it, drinking may cause allergies.

It should be borne in mind that there are contraindications for taking gold water. It can cause side effects: fever, irritation of the intestines, etc. Therefore, if you notice the slightest discomfort, stop taking it immediately.

Also, golden water should not be taken in case of diabetes, tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver.

Nowadays gold is also used in plastic surgery. The finest strands of this metal (less than a hair thick) are inserted under the skin. This encourages the cells to produce collagen, which makes the skin firmer.

The healing properties of silver

The bactericidal properties of this metal have been known since time immemorial. Even the ancient Egyptians knew about them. Along with plantain herb, they applied silver plates to the wounds for speedy healing. The soldiers of Alexander the Great kept water in silver vessels and ate on silver dishes to avoid contamination.

This metal was widely used in the 20th century, up to the time when antibiotics were invented, and even later. For example, US Army soldiers during the Iraq War used silver water for drinking, cooking, and treating wounds.

The ability of silver to act as a disinfectant is based on the fact that its ions inhibit the vital activity of microbes. They destroy the causative agents of diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, etc. Also, these ions are destructive for salmonella, streptococci, etc.

Due to its pronounced bactericidal qualities, in the Middle Ages, people began to use silver dishes. This tradition continues to this day, it is not for nothing that almost every home has silver spoons, glasses, glasses, etc.

The beneficial properties of silver are shown by the waters of the Indian River Ganges. For many centuries, they have been considered healing. Sick people with skin lesions, ulcers, fistulas are brought there. Bathing in the Ganges quickly heals their wounds.

When the composition of the water in the river was examined, it turned out that there are huge silver deposits at the bottom. This explains the high degree of ionization of water by silver.

Healers recommend using silver for health purposes, as it:

• disinfects the respiratory tract during epidemics, for this you need to gargle with silver water;

• increases resistance to gastrointestinal infections;

• disinfects children's toys (just wipe them with a cloth soaked in silver water).

Silver Water is widely known. You can easily prepare it yourself. Place a piece of silver (no stones) in a glass dish. It can be a spoon, a glass, a ring, etc. After a few hours, silver ions will appear in the water. Their concentration will be minimal, but quite sufficient for the manifestation of its bactericidal properties. Store this water in a dark place (for example, in a closet). If you keep it in the light, it quickly deteriorates.

You can drink silver water and cook food on it. But you should not get too carried away with it, you must also use ordinary water.

Inga Kristinskaya
