NASA Experiment Proves The Cosmic Origin Of Life On Earth - Alternative View

NASA Experiment Proves The Cosmic Origin Of Life On Earth - Alternative View
NASA Experiment Proves The Cosmic Origin Of Life On Earth - Alternative View

Video: NASA Experiment Proves The Cosmic Origin Of Life On Earth - Alternative View

Video: NASA Experiment Proves The Cosmic Origin Of Life On Earth - Alternative View
Video: Did Life on Earth Come From Space? 2024, June

Scientists from NASA for the first time in history were able to obtain in laboratory conditions simulating the space environment, a complex carbohydrate deoxyribose, which is considered an essential element for the development of life. This experiment proves that this compound can form in outer space. Thus, the results of the study support the assumption that life on Earth in the form of primitive organic matter was brought precisely from space. The results of the work of scientists are reported in an article published in the journal Nature Communications.

As part of the experiment, scientists simulated the environment of outer space in laboratory conditions. For this, a mixture of water vapor and methanol placed in a vacuum chamber was cooled to -260 degrees Celcius, and then the resulting ice was exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Thus, scientists tried to recreate the conditions that exist in clouds of interstellar gas and matter. Analysis of the obtained samples showed that various carbohydrate compounds, including 2-deoxyribose, were formed on the aluminum surface.

Earlier and similar experiments in which ribose, the main structural component of RNA, was obtained, showed that carbohydrates can be formed as a result of reactions involving a simple molecule of formaldehyde, which was found in comets. However, until now, scientists have not been able to obtain deoxyribose, which contains fewer oxygen atoms than the compounds obtained by researchers earlier. In addition, earlier scientists have already found amino acids and nucleotides in space.

The new discovery confirms that there are enough building blocks in space for life to begin. Thus, comets and meteorites can potentially bring them to the surface of the planet. It also means that a lack of complex organic matter cannot be considered a limiting factor for the emergence of life. At the same time, scientists note that their research speaks only of the possibility, but does not prove the existence of living beings on other planets.

Recall that at the moment there are two space missions (the Japanese Hayabusa-2 and the American OSIRIS-Rex), during which it is planned to take samples of asteroid soil for further research in terrestrial laboratories. Scientists will be able to analyze and look for traces of deoxyribose and other organic components important for life.

Nikolay Khizhnyak

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