The Monster Of Ladoga And Other Mysteries Of The Karelian Lakes - Alternative View

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The Monster Of Ladoga And Other Mysteries Of The Karelian Lakes - Alternative View
The Monster Of Ladoga And Other Mysteries Of The Karelian Lakes - Alternative View

Video: The Monster Of Ladoga And Other Mysteries Of The Karelian Lakes - Alternative View

Video: The Monster Of Ladoga And Other Mysteries Of The Karelian Lakes - Alternative View
Video: The republic of Lakes: 7 Facts about Karelia 2024, September

People living in Karelia consider lakes to be something as common as a handful of blueberries in August. It is somewhere out there, far away, in the lake inhabited by a monster called Nessie. What do we have? We have pikes in lakes. But if you look, it turns out that the Karelian reservoirs keep no less secrets in their quiet dark waters.

The site "Petrozavodsk says" tells about the most mysterious lakes in Karelia.

Ladoga lake

On the Web, you can find videos showing UFOs over Lake Ladoga. We do not undertake to assert what are the luminous points in the frame. But there is a mass of evidence that some strange objects regularly plow the expanses over the lake.

In addition, a relative of the same Nessie was even seen in the lake.


“The bay of the lake between the two capes was covered with ripples and the noise of schools of fish jumping out of the water, and a mass snaked above the surface of the water, creating large waves. Closer to the shore, a huge head appeared above the water, merging with a thick neck. She made a hissing-whistling sound and plunged into the water again; it was followed by a serpentine body.

Promotional video:

The length of this "miracle Yuda" was about twenty meters, but it moved swiftly and gracefully, "biologist Anatoly Shimansky wrote to the popular science magazine" Miracles and Adventures ".

An eyewitness also said that the local fishermen are very annoyed by the "miracle Yudo" when he tears the nets.

“His body is about ten meters long; it was massive, dark gray in color. A large head rested on a long neck. We even noticed the expression in this monster's eyes; they were widely spaced and felt ferocious and angry.

Before reaching the shore a few tens of meters, it stopped, then vigorously thrashed in the water, raising a cascade of splashes, and dived,”said one fisherman from the Pitkyaranta region at one time.


Mysterious "balls of fire" have been seen here many times, sliding in the air above the water. And also - we heard some kind of strange hum, accompanied by an equally strange glow of the water itself.

In 1908, when the mysterious Tunguska meteorite fell in Siberia, a large ball of fire allegedly landed in a Karelian lake.


The mysteriousness of the reservoir is added by its meteoric origin. At the bottom of the lake, scientists even found two rocky lava islands. It is assumed that there is nothing special about fireballs - they are just fireballs. True, for some reason they especially "love" Yanisjärvi. And they do not explode, colliding with objects, but simply appear in the air.


The same one into which the "meteorite" fell in December last year. The fishermen saw not the fall itself, but its consequences - cracked ice.

Rescuers were called. And it started spinning. In general, what landed there at the bottom of Vygozero is unknown. But it is known that the locals consider the lake to be difficult. Above it, they constantly see the same glowing balls and hear strange sounds.



Unlike other lakes, Urozero does not hide anything in its waters. Because it cannot. Urozer's second name is Bright Lake. Compared to other bodies of water, Urozero does not even look transparent, but bluish. The fact is that rivers do not flow into Urozero, it is replenished by rain and snow, as well as by underground drains. And water is comparable to underground water in all its characteristics.


Indeed, through the multi-meter water column, you can see stones at the bottom. Urozero is also very cold. When vacationers are splashing in the neighboring water bodies, here only desperate daredevils get into the water.

But the water collected in this underground-above-ground lake can be stored for quite a long time without boiling. And locals generally believe that there is nothing better and tastier than Urozero water. Because it is allegedly fed by bottom springs passing through silver ores.


Unlike Uroser, it is a real secret of secrets. There are legends among the locals that a mysterious pyramid sank into the waters of the lake four centuries ago. And then, they say, all sorts of unprecedented events began. For example, once the water from the lake went somewhere.


Moreover, in a short time. And then she returned in a huge wave that killed everyone who was on the lake at that time. It was in the 70s of the last century. And a little earlier, the water left the Bald Bay of the lake. And the fish remained. True, people did not have time to collect a rich "harvest", because the water came again in the form of a wave. For some reason - warm.

The editorial board of "Petrozavodsk Says" does not urge readers to believe neither in UFOs, nor in Nessie, nor in giant waves, nor in mysterious objects. We just want you to look at Karelia not the way you used to.
