Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View

Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View
Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View
Video: Faime - I Wish (Official Lyric Video) 2024, September

A video shot by a camera from the ISS appeared on the world network and quarreled astrophysicists around the world. The recording, according to American astronomers, captures the moment when the Moon was substituted for a fake.

This discovery of a universal scale was made by the American ufologist Scott Waring by watching the broadcast from the ISS on the Internet. His keen eye was able to discern a sensation in this pitch darkness. The bright, luminous object in front is probably the Moon. But after checking the map of the starry sky, comparing the time, position and speed of the ISS and the trajectory of the luminous object, the American came to the conclusion that the moon is not real. If the conclusions of the amateur astronomer are to be believed, then a certain aircraft disguised as the moon hit the lens of the space station camera.

According to Scott's version, what at this very minute hovered over our heads, perhaps, not any satellite of the Earth, but an alien spacecraft that imitates the Moon. If so, why did they fly so close to us, and where is the real moon?

Scott's compatriots have been on the moon more than once. The satellite of Earth that we see every day is still truly unexplored, despite the fact that every night thousands of telescopes, professional and amateur, aim at this pale yellow disc. Self-taught astronomers generate dozens of sensations a year. Someone finds runways on the lunar surface, while others find pyramids, towers and even entire cities.

Ufologists from the United States have long suspected their government of links with aliens. Scott also found evidence on this score. So, at the speech of the American president in Washington, Scott saw in the protection of Barack Obama a reptilian - a fantastic cross between a humanoid and a reptile. However, the Secret Service, guarding the head of state, then mysteriously kept silent. And the brutal guard was probably also offended.

However, what Scott saw near the ISS, many have found a completely earthy scientific explanation. Valentin Esipov is a man who has been engaged in space for more than half a century, it was he, together with Sergey Korolev, who participated in the launch of the first stations to the lunar surface. One glance was enough for an authoritative scientist to understand that this object is of completely terrestrial origin.

Valentin Esipov, Leading Researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after V. I. PK Sternberg Moscow State University: “This is some kind of satellite that turned on the engines for a while. He either corrected the orbit, or lifted, or shifted sideways. It can be seen that this shape is very similar to the ejection of gas that exits the nozzle."

The recent failures of the Americans in space make their compatriots even more scrupulous to search for the truth, which is somewhere nearby. One of these days, another overseas earthling became the author of an unearthly sensation, having posted another exclusive video on the Web.

Promotional video:

The footage, according to the American, is nothing more than an alien ship, shooting the surface of the satellite with a laser cannon. Hits are not visible, but the author of the video assures that they are. After striking an invisible blow on a lifeless surface, the device hides on the dark side of the moon.