How To Make Friends With Brownie - Alternative View

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How To Make Friends With Brownie - Alternative View
How To Make Friends With Brownie - Alternative View

Video: How To Make Friends With Brownie - Alternative View

Video: How To Make Friends With Brownie - Alternative View
Video: How to Make Friends with New Neighbors (*hint* with brownies) 2024, September

Since ancient times in Russia, there have been beliefs about brownies, goblin, courtyards, banniks, field, mermaids, water. … But who are they - these invisible entities that seem to be there, but no one sees them? The sorcerers say: "You go out into a new field, cover the field with a hump, and you will always get there on time, you will not get lost." He settled in a new house - respect the brownie, supply milk and bread, saying that this is for the joy of the brownie …

So, today we will talk about Brownies - the spirits of houses.

A brownie is the soul of the house, a spiritual entity that lives in a given area of the territory where the house stands, which lives with the emotions of its inhabitants, therefore: what tenants, such is the spirit (energy) in the house. A brownie is the personality of a given piece of territory (land). This is a part and manifestation of the great Soul of our Planet, its manifestation in this territorial area. They say that as if there are no brownies in new buildings, this is a delusion, if settlement occurs, then people, radiating live (energy), strengthen and feed the brownie, and it begins to manifest itself more clearly. Brownies are present wherever people have been or are. Our souls, like little suns, radiate Live in the form of emotions and thoughts, and other things, which are what other, lower spirits, such as the brownie, feed on. A similar analogue for us: the Sun and people. The brownie belongs to the category of lower spirits,who do not have such a developed body as people. Brownies, serving people, go through the lessons of development faster and are born faster as already more developed souls, if they interact with people correctly: they do the specified work. Likewise, a person, interacting righteously with the Universe, learns to be the Creator.

How to determine if there is a brownie in the house?

First, if someone's presence is felt in the house when there is no one else. When involuntary rustles are heard, other sounds in those places where there is nothing to reproduce them. When objects often disappear, and then are in one place. When door locks break frequently. When pets look for a long time, as if into emptiness, as if into nowhere, while their eyes move. Especially cats react to spirits. They usually fall on their backs and play with their paws with someone who is clearly not visible. Sometimes, if you sit in one place in your house for a long time, you can see with a peripheral vision that a shadow is moving around the house. All these are signs that the spirit-goblin is present in your home.

Such residents look differently, these are the visions I had. After an active day at work, I sat at home in complete silence on the couch and read. With peripheral vision, I began to notice flickering. I thought: the insect flies, but no, the end of autumn, it's cold, as if not. Later, the flickering was replaced by strange sounds in the corridor, I decided not to pay attention, you never know, until the figure stood in front of me and deliberately waited for someone to pay attention to it. The vision was as follows: a little more than a meter, a creature resembling a small elongated shock of hay, with a pronounced depression resembling a mouth, was looking at me, I felt it. There were no eyes, but there were eyebrows clearly distinguished from the whole form of the creature. After standing this way for about 30 seconds, it began to move to the side and disappeared, clearly showing that it is there that somehow it lives. After that I always go to that place on the kitchen cabinet,brought modest treats: donations for faithful service and the safety of things in the house.

The place for treating the brownie should be determined independently, usually it is the kitchen or the area near the attic. It can be where involuntary strange sounds are heard, or it can be a hard-to-reach place, but near a constant accumulation of energy, where people are often found, communicate or eat. That is why, as a rule, it is the kitchen.

Promotional video:

In the place where, as you have determined or chosen, the spirit is present, you can give treats on the saucer, ideally at the beginning of each month, for the new month. Some food from the festive table, necessarily from the large kolodarny saints. Give blissful food: honey and milk, festive Loaf. You can give sweets, cookies. Exclude vodka, meat, food of passion, which inharmoniously affects the spirits in general, and especially those who live near you, making them capricious, obsessive, aggressive, arrogant, animal-hating, simply ill-mannered. Once every six months, the brownie can be given porridge.

Does the brownie really eat this food? Of course not, he absorbs the Living coming from the food offered to him. Also, a huge role is played by the fact that a person - a higher spiritual entity - presents him with food-energy, the act of transfer means that the spirit is given energy for something, believe me, he knows about this and appreciates your gift.

The food that you gave to the brownie is then better given to the animals.

Why feed the spirit? When we give, we must condemn to whom and for what we are giving treats, addressing the following words: “Brownie Father, take yourself for a treat, for our consolation, so that evil people do not come to us, so that sleep does not wander, so that the children are calm, but the evil winds went around the house! " In this simple poetic form, we see how you can refer to the spirit and what instructions to give, clearly regulating the "relationship of the parties": attention and food to you, and to us: and here we describe something that we want in return, a program contract comes out.

Or maybe such a service spirit is different. In his "competence": the protection of pets, even the fun of children, the protection of household property and more. But the main thing is the processing of inharmonious energies at home, such as drowsiness (energy of stagnation) and dead (negative negative energy), all this is taking care of the energy of the house. This is the main function of the brownie, it seems to feed on this, like kombucha sugar syrup, in return giving a pleasant drink.

How should you interact with the brownie?

In addition to feeding, mentioning him in prayers and praises in order to guide him I Live is the most valuable thing that he can receive. When the house is in order and harmony to say: "This is how you create a housefather, we love you, and you create harmony in the house and strengthen order, and preserve wealth." Remember: by turning your attention to his existence, you give Live, thereby doing good for him.

Even if you do not feel it, do not live in an ancient castle, it exists, it will come and grow stronger with your help. It will grow energetically, grow up as a person, and will help you as a faithful friend, sometimes even incarnating with you.

You should know a few signs and beliefs on how to get along and make friends with the brownie.

Brownie is the owner of the house. If someone, in the absence of the owners, tries to spend the night in the house where a good brownie lives, then the uninvited guest will sleep very badly. The brownie will interfere with sleep in every possible way, and may even lean on his chest and try to choke.

To prevent this from happening, if you had to spend the night in an unfamiliar house (even with the permission of the owners), say the following words before going to bed: "Daddy-brownie, take not forever, but spend the night overnight." - and the brownie won't bother you.

Brownie loves the birthday of the brownie very much when he is remembered, they turn to him with requests, bring food, celebrate his name day. The brownie celebrates its birthday on February 10.

In ancient Russia, this holiday was called Velesichi (Kudesy). It was believed that if a housekeeper was not supplied with food for the night on Kudesy, then from a good neighbor he could turn into an evil spirit. Try not to be offended by your little housekeeper for not paying attention to him, before going to bed on the night of February 10-11, leave him treats in the kitchen. E

If possible, cover the table with a tablecloth, put a saucer of sugar, a salt shaker, a bun or cookie and a glass of water. Stand in front of the table and turning to the right corner of the kitchen say quietly: “Brownie, master-father. You have bread and salt, and I (your name) will be happy and healthy for the whole year in this house. Lad and love. After that, without looking back, leave the kitchen. Be sure to warn your household so that no one comes into the kitchen until morning, so as not to frighten off the birthday man. On this night, he can, in gratitude, come to you in a dream and say his name. When you really need his help, you can repeat this name to yourself three times, then the brownie will hear you and help you in difficult times. Do not ask anything more, what he knows to do himself.

It so happens that in addition to treats, another housekeeper may need things. If you notice that spoons, forks, or any other items are missing, give the householder coins or something shiny by placing them in the corner where he lives.

If you can't find the missing thing for a long time, say the following words: "Grandpa brownie, play, and give it back." and your loss will definitely show up soon. Where does the brownie usually live?

In the old days, the Russian stove was considered the most favorite habitat of the brownie. In modern times, of course, not every house can find such a rare element of everyday life, and even more so in apartments it is simply absent. Now a brownie can settle at the doorstep, in the attic, he really likes to live in the kitchen, but he will never settle in the bathroom (or bath), brownies simply do not go there. Brownies love to choose their own place to live, and if they settle down, they will never leave.

If you live in friendship with a brownie, you can turn to him in case of misfortune. To do this, you will need a painted egg left over from the feast of Holy Easter and a candle with which you need to defend the morning service in the church. This ceremony is done in the hour before dawn, before the first roosters. If the rooster has crowed, and you have not finished, consider it - work down the drain. Take the egg in your left hand, the candle in your right. Cross yourself first with a candle, then with an egg, with your right hand, swapping the candle and egg. Then read the following words three times:

“Uncle brownie, uncle courtyard, Come to my light from a candle, That kulechi sanctified, On greenery, like an oak leaf, On blue, like a river bank. Come as I am myself. I'll give you a Christ's egg. Take my grief (describe) from my house, From my yard, from my family, from me. Host-master, help my trouble. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you want to make friends with your brownie, you do not need any intermediaries, try to mentally communicate with him more often, thank him for keeping the well-being at home and leave him treats. He will be very glad that you acknowledge his existence. The only thing you should not ask him about is that he appears to you, since it is not safe to see the brownie. It is not surprising that many who have had a chance to see the brownie suffer from nervous breakdowns or remain stutterers. If the brownie wants, he can appear himself, usually in the guise of this person himself, as in a mirror reflection, only dark and shaggy.

The brownie is a useful and sweet creature, but it must be remembered that it belongs to the other world, and therefore there are ways of protection from it. The main thing is not to anger him and live with him in peace, not to do those things that he cannot stand.

Brownies do not like it when they whistle in the house, he is greatly irritated by tobacco smoke. If the brownie rages (which is now called a poltergeist), you should fumigate the house with incense and read the prayers "May God rise …", psalm 90 "Alive in help" and "Our Father" and sprinkle all corners with holy water.

If you still fail to come to an agreement with your brownie, he is very angry and prevents you from living peacefully in the house, such a brownie must be kicked out. To do this, you need to sweep the floors in the house with a broom every day, starting from Monday (except Friday). Carefully sweeping every corner of the house, saying the following words: “I’m sweeping you out, stranger, harmful brownie, I’m driving you out.” When you feel that the bad brownie is gone, you can call into the house a new, good one, who will protect your home from troubles.

Remember that it is bad to live without a kind brownie; it is better to make friends with the brownie.