When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 3 - Alternative View

When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 3 - Alternative View
When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: Tiktok Sad POVs (part 2) *emotional* 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 -

Further. History of dynasties.

A very important section. It is at the turning points of historical eras that the ruling surnames change.

In Russian history, the change of dynastic surnames has been recorded twice. The first time when the Rurikovichs came, the second when the Romanovs. There were also Shuiskys, but not for long. Under the Romanovs, formally, all the tsars and emperors were, as it were, the same surname, but as you know, in fact, everything is not so rosy. There are very big claims to the personality of Peter the Great. I will not be distracted by this topic, I think everyone who is more or less fascinated by history knows perfectly well what I am talking about. I mean the version of Peter the Great's substitution in his Grand Embassy. The arguments and factual material on this issue are quite serious. Even the place and time are calculated. Accordingly, all subsequent kings and queens (except for Peter II) were already at least not Romanovs. And since Peter III, even according to the official history, they were only nominally Romanovs.

It is still much more difficult with the Rurikovichs. There, the devil's leg will break who is who, disputes have been going on for a long time and they do not add clarity. Leapfrog with dates of life, families, family ties and so on. The same Oleg (Prophetic), according to various sources, ruled either in Kiev or in Novgorod, a snake bit him either in Kiev or in Ladoga, he was also buried in different places. And the dates of life in different sources do not coincide. By the way, he was not Rurik, he was allegedly a tribesman of Rurik and was the regent under the minor Igor - the son of Rurik. Svyatoslav, the son of Igor and grandson of Rurik, managed to give birth to three sons by the age of 16, and the first two sons - Oleg and Yaropolk by the age of 13. And to the third he gave birth not to anyone, but to the baptist of Rus Vladimir, whose grandmother Olga for some reason had a Christian confessor and with him had a Hajj to Constantinople 15 years before the birth of Vladimir himself. By the way, Olga is canonized at our church. Whom and why, in this case, her granddaughter baptized her, it is not clear. By the way, Olga's son, Svyatoslav, who by the age of 16 had acquired three sons, managed to walk up to Vladimir from some housekeeper Maklushi of Khazar nationality. And the Khazars, according to the official history, have professed Judaism since the 6th century, and I think you are aware of how sensitively the Jews honor the norms of morality. Or were they not yet such moralists then? By the way, the pagans also considered moral standards to be no less strict. Under the age of 21, they were also strictly forbidden to marry. And here there are some Sodom and Gomorah. And not only Sodom. And not only pedophilia. Things were worse than that. Yaroslav the Wise dug from the graves the remains of Yaropolk and Oleg, who, unlike Vladimir, did not want to accept Christianity during their lifetime, and baptized them! He baptized rotten bones. I'm not making up anything. This is the official story. And what a sexual rapist and tyrant the baptist of Russia Saint Vladimir was is better not to remember. This is according to the surviving narratives, and how much we do not know, how many monks have deleted from his biography. Apparently he accepted Christianity only because in Christianity you can change your name (he became Basil), repent and be forgiven. And among the pagans, a fire was waiting for him, and his heels were already burnt. And among the pagans, a fire was waiting for him, and his heels were already burnt. And among the pagans, a fire was waiting for him, and his heels were already burnt.

Okay, let's leave these passions and other nonsense to the devastation of official historians and the Christian fathers who have joined them. Let them boil themselves in this porridge. We will do business more worthy and interesting. And the interesting thing is that several years ago, geneticists decided to track down Rurik's haplogroup, tested all the descendants of Rurik known to date. Considered several algorithms, according to the official history and the New chronology of A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky. The results of the study only added turbidity. They revealed that the overwhelming number of today's Rurikovich, as much as 97.1% - are impostors. And of those 2.9% (9 people) who can be identified as a descendant of Rurik, had a common progenitor who lived in the period 1150-1460. Let me remind you that according to the official version of history, Rurik lived from 830 to 879. And according to New chronology in the first half of the 14th century. When the category books were written when Finland, Poland and the Baltics became part of Russia, many apparently decided to call themselves the descendants of the Rurikovichs. In addition, the Scandinavians could confuse their legendary Rurik of Jutland with our Rurik. In addition, there are a number of other assumptions, in particular, the fact that all the descendants of the Rurikids could have been destroyed at the turn of the 16-17 centuries, and the governors who replaced them and other officials simply ranked themselves among their family. This assumption is voiced by A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky. Who is interested in this question, I give a link to the article by A. M. Tyurin.could confuse their legendary Rorik of Jutland with our Rurik. In addition, there are a number of other assumptions, in particular, the fact that all the descendants of the Rurikids could have been destroyed at the turn of the 16-17 centuries, and the governors who replaced them and other officials simply ranked themselves among their family. This assumption is voiced by A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky. Who is interested in this question, I give a link to the article by A. M. Tyurin.could confuse their legendary Rorik of Jutland with our Rurik. In addition, there are a number of other assumptions, in particular, the fact that all the descendants of the Rurikids could have been destroyed at the turn of the 16-17 centuries, and the governors who replaced them and other officials simply ranked themselves among their family. This assumption is voiced by A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky. Who is interested in this question, I give a link to the article by A. M. Tyurin.

What should we do in this case to avoid mistakes. We will not rely on historical personalities, especially since they are duplicated with a high degree of probability, and some may generally be phantom or invented, but let's see what was known and unusual in general. The first is the dynastic names themselves. They changed. We will not be limited by the framework of Russia or Russia. The second is a change of faith. And the division of religions. This is what we will do.

The global changes were as follows. We have Ruriks, Romanovs. Under the Ruriks, Christianization began. Under the Romanovs, the Church was split. There was confusion between the dynasties. What happened before the appearance of Rurik, we do not know anything at all. And this is very strange. Rather, we know that there are a number of sources, including the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but the official historiography does not take them into account, considering them a fake. Moreover, since 2016, by a court decision, they are considered extremist material with all the ensuing consequences. Such is our pluralism and freedom of speech today.

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In the world. The heyday and decline of several eras of civilization. Egypt, Sumerians, Assyria, later Greece, Roman Empire (Eastern and Western), Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburg Empire associated with it. Do not forget about the Byzantine Empire, it is very close to us in spirit. In religion, paganism, moreover, ubiquitous and with a single pantheon of gods, then the implantation of blood and sword of monotheistic religions, their endless division. Each section of religions was characterized by the arrival of new dynasties and the formation of a new political map of the world. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the Golden Horde, this is also an empire. And not only the Golden Horde, there were several hordes. Of the unrecognized officially, it is necessary to single out the Great Tartary. She jumped out like a devil from a snuff-box fifteen years ago and now stands across the throat of all official historiography. Some stubbornly do not notice it, others try to distort its essence, passing it off as a phonetic version of the sound of the Tatar-Mongol kingdom, while others come up with a version of stuffing, that is, a worldwide secret conspiracy to separate Siberia from Russia. Etc. However, we will not refer to the machinations of the State Department, and even more so we will not wear black glasses in front of our eyes. In the fiction of different centuries and different states, this country is, in documentary it is, it is on the maps, it is on the globes, it even had its own heraldry, as it turned out. And right up to the 19th century. And even in domestic sources. And for this reason, we have no right to reject or deny the existence of an empire with the name Great Tartary. Here is one of the detailed maps of Tartary. Even the roads are marked. And the locks on the Hangar. And the city of Bratsk on the Angara, which, according to the official history, will be founded in 250 years. All claims to a certain Cossack prison with the name Bratsk are untenable, the scale of the map is not the same as to indicate each shack. Moreover, Bratsk is marked in red, confirming the status of a city and a large administrative center. The excuses that rapids are supposedly marked on the Angara are also not consistent. There are rapids on many rivers. Including the famous rapids on the Dnieper and Volga. But they are not marked. I also brought this map because it is directly related to our topic. We see that there is no river Neva. There is a strait, a channel from the Baltic to Ladoga. A little further on this will go in detail. The map is clickable, click on it. Moreover, Bratsk is marked in red, confirming the status of a city and a large administrative center. The excuses that rapids are supposedly marked on the Angara are also not consistent. There are rapids on many rivers. Including the famous rapids on the Dnieper and Volga. But they are not marked. I also brought this map because it is directly related to our topic. We see that there is no river Neva. There is a strait, a channel from the Baltic to Ladoga. A little further on this will go in detail. The map is clickable, click on it. Moreover, Bratsk is marked in red, confirming the status of a city and a large administrative center. The excuses that rapids are supposedly marked on the Angara are also not consistent. There are rapids on many rivers. Including the famous rapids on the Dnieper and Volga. But they are not marked. I also brought this map because it is directly related to our topic. We see that there is no river Neva. There is a strait, a channel from the Baltic to Ladoga. A little further on this will go in detail. The map is clickable, click on it. A little further on this will go in detail. The map is clickable, click on it. A little further on this will go in detail. The map is clickable, click on it.


Now let's separate the flies from the cutlets. What do we know about ancient Egypt? Few. In fact, only the fantasies of representatives of the ancient era. Of the artifacts, only the Giza Valley. Pyramids and temple zodiacs of Dendera. The authors of the New Chronology A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky paid a lot of attention to the zodiacs, their conclusions are extremely interesting. In general, they are understandable and most likely correct. Personally, I disagree only with the fact that the date of the crucifixion of Christ is spelled out in the long zodiac. Maybe so, but not necessarily. You never know what they could write down. However, the date is important. This is 1185. On the other zodiac the date is 1394. Another date is 1404. There were several more zodiacs that were deciphered by dates, but they were inside the burial chambers and, according to the authors of the New Chronology, recorded the dates of death of those who were buried. We will not take them into account,I will only note that this is the 13th century. But the dates of the temple zodiacs most likely reflected some epochal events. Some victories, achievements, possibly a disaster. It is unlikely that the death or birth of any person, even a prophet. By the way, it is also interesting to note here that the zodiacs of the 12th and 13th centuries mean the New Year on the day of the summer solstice, and the zodiacs of the 14th and 15th centuries on the day of the autumnal equinox. And further. These dates do not mean at all that the zodiacs were made at that time. Not. They were most likely made later, maybe even much later. And what they dated we can only guess. By the way, when these zodiacs were discovered in the 19th century, their preservation was very good. It is unlikely that the death or birth of any person, even a prophet. By the way, it is also interesting to note here that the zodiacs of the 12th and 13th centuries mean the New Year on the day of the summer solstice, and the zodiacs of the 14th and 15th centuries on the day of the autumn equinox. And further. These dates do not mean at all that the zodiacs were made at that time. Not. They were most likely made later, maybe even much later. And what they dated we can only guess. By the way, when these zodiacs were discovered in the 19th century, their preservation was very good. It is unlikely that the death or birth of any person, even a prophet. By the way, it is also interesting to note here that the zodiacs of the 12th and 13th centuries mean the New Year on the day of the summer solstice, and the zodiacs of the 14th and 15th centuries on the day of the autumn equinox. And further. These dates do not mean at all that the zodiacs were made at that time. Not. They were most likely made later, maybe even much later. And what they dated we can only guess. By the way, when these zodiacs were discovered in the 19th century, their preservation was very good.maybe even much later. And what they dated we can only guess. By the way, when these zodiacs were discovered in the 19th century, their preservation was very good.maybe even much later. And what they dated we can only guess. By the way, when these zodiacs were discovered in the 19th century, their preservation was very good.

We will not touch the Sumerians and Assyrians, especially since there is nothing to touch there. There are more speculations and fantasies than truth. Let's go straight to the so-called antiquity. Whether this means Byzantium, Greece or Rome in different variations, in general, it does not matter. By the way, here you need to add India and all of India. And there were many of them. True, it is not customary to talk about this. It is only mentioned in passing that Christopher Columbus sailed to look for India. But he found America. And out of ignorance, most think that he made his way across the Atlantic and the Cordillera to modern Hindustan. No, Columbus was not an idiot. And he sailed about knowing where and roughly understanding what he had to find. There is the famous Piri Reis map. It has the outlines of the Americas and Antarctica. Antarctica without a glacier. And surprisingly accurate. Piri-reis himself mentioned that he copied this map from the "map of Christopher Columbus."In the early 1930s, the United States even put this very map of Christopher Columbus on the wanted list, but did not find it, its traces seem to be lost somewhere in Turkey. But the Turks were very happy about such an interest in Piri-Reis, they were so happy and proud that they even began to print a fragment of a map with the Americas on their banknotes.


By the way, this card is not the only one, there are others. And, I almost forgot, I have to finish about India. They were not only on the Indian subcontinent. There were also in Asia, and America itself was also called India. Actually the very name "Indians" confirms this. I will not go further into this topic, this is unnecessary. To anyone interested, I give a link to the material on this topic.

So that's about antiquity. This is a very vague concept. Official historians have stretched it for millennia. They stuffed everything that is possible from that which is not Christian. Antiquity is characterized by a single society, a single social structure, a single worldview in the form of reverence for many gods. Moreover, all these gods in different parts of the world had a similar pantheon, that is, they had a single ranking scale. As studies by the authors of the New Chronology have shown, almost all famous personalities from antiquity had many of their replicated duplicates. At the same time, it was not always possible to find out which of them was primary, that is, taken as a basis. Antiquity is characterized by a fairly high technological order, a single architectural style, in some cases with the construction of grandiose megalithic structures. All the famous wonders of the world belong to the era of antiquity.

Then the so-called dark ages come. According to the official history, they last for about 500 years. Although in fact they can be easily stretched for 1000 years. It is extremely difficult to understand what was happening at that time, there are almost no documents, or rather there are some, but their authenticity is extremely doubtful, mainly lists (correspondence) of a late period. Most of the materials are of a church nature. But I personally have no faith in them. Until some piece of paper reaches the archive shelf, it will be rewritten a hundred times by the monks with corrections and approvals in accordance with the latest decision of the Central Committee of the Party. The papal chancellery played the role of the Party Central Committee. Yes, and in the archives were all the same monks as a rule. In particular, the modern chronology was compiled by a monk and a cardinal concurrently named Petevius. In official historiography, the Dark Ages, or their second name - the Middle Ages,characterized as the decadence or savagery of the ancient world.

Then comes the so-called Renaissance or Renaissance. There is also the term New Time. Everything is very well described and documented here. First of all, in Europe, which was stewing in its enclave independence without devastating influence from the outside and where hereditary affairs are honored and observed. Half of Europe's shopkeepers live off the business organized by their great-great-grandfathers in their tenth generation, hundreds of years ago. Actually, this is one of the main reasons for the relatively high standard of living in Europe today. They had no communists, no one nationalized anything or dispossessed anyone, there were no civil wars, the janissaries did not come to them, and Napoleon and Hitler received everything on a silver platter with flowers and orchestras, and even with the passage of the parade through the main streets.

Okay, back to the Renaissance. Rapid flourishing of science, art and technology. Discovery and description of new lands, expeditions around the globe. Ruling dynasties, ruling estates are created, elites are formed. All modern religions, languages, writing, calendar, social foundations, moral values and, in general, everything that we know and have now are taking shape. At some stages there were some swings and even with the transition to extremes, but they did not change the general vector of development. I mean the decentralization of power, the fragmentation of states and the collapse of empires, the fight against dissent (witch hunt, etc.), industrialization, urbanization, etc. … And this is very important for our research on the designated problem, and we will fix it as a fact …

Further. Architecture or Artists ruinists. This section crawls straight out of the previous section. I deliberately combined artists with the theme of architecture. Everything is connected. However, I'll start with our territory. The architecture of Russia and even late Russia differed from the European in particular and the world in general. Which is very strange. In the world of the pyramid, the seven wonders of the world, the whole world is drowning in the "antique" style of architecture. Temples of Artemis, Poseidon, Parthenon, Colosseum and so on and so forth. We have nothing. The Renaissance, the so-called New Time, began in the world, cities, fortresses, various cathedrals of St. Peter, St. John are being built, Gothic is in full bloom (Seville, Milan and other cathedrals), later they smell in all the beauty of Baroque and Rococo. Apart from a few kremlin, we have nothing to remember. Well, a couple of churches, where the most will be the Protection of the Moat. Although, in comparison with any European Gothic cathedral, our temple will lose. True, all these Gothic cathedrals have a script written as a carbon copy. It was allegedly built in the 15-16 centuries, but the tower was not completed and was completed only 300 or 400 years later in the 19th century. Some in the 20th century. And some of them are still not completed. Which leads to a very great skepticism on this issue. Well, okay, this is not the topic of our conversation today. In general, there is an imbalance. I did not show examples from ancient America, ancient India and ancient Asia. The picture there is the same as in Europe. Everything is blooming and fragrant, luxurious palaces and temples. But here everything is somehow completely empty and gloomy. Dugouts, some shacks, unpretentious churches. No monuments are erected to anyone, no portraits are painted by the artists. Maximum icons. And in general there are no paintings as such. None. Only handicrafts, spoons and cooks. And this is in the largest state in the world. Strange, isn't it? On the one hand, backwardness and wretchedness, on the other, no one can conquer and conquer. Well, except perhaps, except for some Tatar-Mongols, traces of which geneticists could not find.

Now to the ruinist artists. There were such in the 17-19 centuries. They painted the ruins. The official history assures us that artists see this way. This was not really the case, but artists see it that way. That's why they are artists, to see differently than everyone else. Especially if you have crooked hands and slanting eyes. And if you do not share the point of view of the cross-eyed and crooked-handed artist, then it is worse only for you, because you do not understand anything in art. And in general there was such a fashion. It was supposedly fashionable to represent a post-apocalyptic society. However, let us not be naive and too trusting, and even more so cross-eyed. We will proceed from the fact that the artists were not idiots either and did not paint a world that was fictional in a fevered brain, but what they saw. That is, what really happened. By the way, there are many such artists. Most of the artists and paintings of this style date from the 18th century. The most famous of this series is undoubtedly the 18th century Jean Battisto Piranesi. He is not just an artist, but also an architect, and therefore all the ruins were drawn technically competently and in great detail. A couple of examples, but in general there are a lot of drawings.


The scale of the structures is amazing.

Of those who are less known and not a classical ruinist, but still painted several paintings with ruins, Pietro Belotti can be distinguished, he also lived in the 18th century. A couple of examples of his work.


This is exactly what southern Europe looked like in the 18th century. Not just Rome as some will start to think. Precisely all of southern Europe. And not only Europe. The entire Middle East, northern Africa, modern Turkey, modern Central Asia. Moreover, until the end of the 19th century, and in some places almost until the end of the 20th century. For example, this is how Samarkand looked.


And so now.


By the way, artists are generally honest people, probably the most honest of those who leave documentary traces to their descendants. For example, we can judge how the Dutch village actually lived. This is the one that is the most civilized and the most advanced in European values. And to which the Russian Tsar Peter went to earn money as a carpenter and a blacksmith, with breaks for studies. For example, there was such an artist David Teniers Jr. He was very fond of village holidays, and in general, apparently, he was a cheerful person, and painted many paintings on this topic (village). Often with riotous gaiety and its consequences. Here is one of the illustrations, I photographed this in the Hermitage. We see how in the foreground some people are dancing, other shura-muras are twisting, and in the background we see a drunken brawl with stabbing and a stool on the head. This is just a fragment of the picturethere, behind the fence, there was also something unformatted.


In general, what is important to us. We have a documentary fact of the post-apocalyptic world. And the fact that in the 18th century the ruins were already in a state of little use for restoration or restoration.

Yes, I almost forgot. With regard to St. Petersburg, there are also several evidences of the presence of ruins. And one of them was left not by anyone, but Monsieur Montferrand. In the form of the destroyed St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Hermitage.


The second evidence is the Ruin Tower in the 1783 drawing. The official history assures us that this is how it was conceived and that is how it was built.


But that's a lie. The entire garden and park ensemble is replete with traces of the fact that it was restored on the remnants of something very ancient. There are traces of artificial ramparts, with two contours, through one rampart the road passes under the arched bridge. Anyone who knows the Catherine Park well will understand what I'm talking about.

Now the ruin tower looks like this. It was recently restored "antique".


And in 1949, roughly as in the drawing of the 18th century.


The Tsar Bath, which is located in the neighboring Babolovsky Park, must certainly be attributed to the artifacts of those ancient times. It's not far, about 30-40 minutes on foot. It is noteworthy that the bath is below ground level. This, by the way, saved her during the Great Patriotic War. The Germans could not pick it up and take it away. If it were at least at ground level or outside the walls of the building surrounding it, I am sure that the Germans would have found a way to immerse the bath on a tractor. But it did not work out, too heavy - 48 tons. And do not crawl up to her. And there is nothing to catch on, licked and slimy from all sides. By the way, I carefully examined her. Granite on it has very distinct traces of erosion. It can be seen that once upon a time it was polished and, perhaps, even polished. Although I'm not sure about the polish. And now the caverns are deep and loose throughout the entire area. The state of the granite on it is much worse than on the forts whose photos I showed in part 1 of the article. It is many hundreds of years old. And they found her, apparently by accident, some mushroom picker could have tripped over her corny. She was buried underground. When it was dug up, they decided to build a roof around it, under this roof it is now. True, the roof is in disrepair and no one moves to do anything there. In Europe or America, they would have made the eighth wonder of the world from this bath long ago and would have taken pilgrims from all over the world there. Video about the bath. True, the roof is in disrepair and no one moves to do anything there. In Europe or America, they would have made the eighth wonder of the world from this bath long ago and would have taken pilgrims from all over the world there. Video about the bath. True, the roof is in disrepair and no one moves to do anything there. In Europe or America, they would have made the eighth wonder of the world from this bath long ago and would have taken pilgrims from all over the world there. Video about the bath.

So, returning to the outskirts of St. Petersburg, we smoothly approach the next part.

Continued: Part 4

Author: zodchi1