Nazi "Hollow Earth Theory" - Alternative View

Nazi "Hollow Earth Theory" - Alternative View
Nazi "Hollow Earth Theory" - Alternative View

Video: Nazi "Hollow Earth Theory" - Alternative View

Video: Nazi
Video: Godzilla vs. Kong: Hollow Earth Conspiracy Theory Explained (Nerdist Now) 2024, October

In April 1942, when the situation on the fronts was extremely difficult and nothing seemed to be able to distract military scientists and engineers from their immediate tasks, an expedition was organized that had nothing to do with the course of hostilities. Nevertheless, the permission to conduct this expedition was obtained at the very top, it was approved by Himmler, Goering and the Fuhrer himself.

Among the members of this expedition were the best radar specialists. Led by Dr. Heinz Fischer, famous for his work on infrared radiation, they landed on the Baltic island of Rügen nem. Rugen, an island near the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western (Pomerania). They had the most modern radars with them. At that time, these devices were still very rare, and during the preparation of the expedition they were taken from even the most sensitive points of the German defense.

Upon arrival, Dr. Fischer pointed all the radars toward the sky at an angle of 45 degrees, although it seemed that nothing could be detected in the chosen direction. The rest of the expedition initially did not know about the task assigned to them and thought that we were talking about field tests of new military equipment. But to everyone's amazement, the direction of Fischer's radars remained unchanged for many days. Clarifications were received later. It turns out that the Fuhrer had reason to believe that the Earth is not convex, but concave. The purpose of the expedition was to scientifically prove this idea. As you know, radar waves propagate in a straight line. Therefore, with their reflection, Fischer hoped to get an image of the most distant points inside the sphere.

Already after the war in 1946, Professor Gerard Cooper devoted a series of articles to the doctrine of the hollow earth, which served as the theoretical basis for the expedition. He wrote: “Many representatives of the German navy and aviation believed in the theory of the hollow earth. It was thought, in particular, that it would be useful for the detection of the English fleet, because the concave curvature of the Earth would allow observations to be made at very great distances using infrared rays, which have a lower curvature than visible rays. Incredible, but true - the highest Nazi officials and military experts denied what seemed obvious even to a child.

For hollow-earth proponents who organized an expedition to Rügen Island, we all live inside a ball formed in a mass of rock that stretches infinitely far. The sky is at the center of this ball: it is a mass of bluish gas with points of sparkling light, which we mistake for stars. There is only the Sun and clouds, but infinitely smaller than orthodox astronomers claim. The universe is limited to this. We are alone in the universe, and we are enclosed in a rock like a cage. It is curious that the doctrine of the hollow earth was first formulated not in Germany, as one might think, but in the United States of America. On April 15, 1818, members of the US Congress, rectors of major American universities and some scientists received a letter with the following content:

“Saint Louis, Missouri, North America, April 10. The whole world. I declare that the Earth is hollow and inhabited on the inside. It contains many hard spheres, concentric, lying within one another, and is open at the pole from 12 to 16 degrees. I undertake to prove the reality of my thought and I am ready to explore the interior of the Earth if the world agrees to help me in this endeavor. Clive Simons, former infantry captain, Ohio."

American science fiction writer Sprague de Kamp and German engineer Willie Leigh in their work "From Atlantis to Eldorado" retell the theory of the former infantry captain: "Simons insists that bones, hair, plant stems, etc. are also hollow in this hollow world. The planets are also hollow, and on Earth, for example, one can distinguish five spheres in one another, they are all inhabited outside and inside, and all have wide openings at the poles through which the inhabitants of each sphere can go to any point both inside the other and outside it, like an ant, crawling first inside and then outside a porcelain cup.

Simons organized trips with his reports - something like an election campaign. After his death, he left behind a bunch of notes and a small model of Simons' globe, which is now kept at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. His son, American Vespucius, became one of his followers and tried unsuccessfully to sculpt coherent work from his notes.

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He added the suggestion that, when times change, the ten disappeared tribes of Israel will be found living, probably within the outermost of the realms."

In 1880, another American, Cyrus Teed, proclaimed that the Hollow Earth Teed enjoyed the reputation of an erudite specializing in the study of alchemy. In 1869, when he was working in his laboratory and pondering the Books of Isaiah, he suddenly dawned on him. He realized that we do not live on Earth, but inside it. This prompted him to develop a new esoteric doctrine called "speedy" and to found the newspaper "Fire Sword".

By 1894, he had amassed over four thousand fanatical followers. At the end of World War I, a young German aviator named Bender, who was in French captivity, stumbled upon old copies of Thede's newspaper The Sword of Fire and brochures promoting the idea of a hollow earth. Carried away by this cult and, in turn, overshadowed by insight, he clarified and developed this doctrine.

Back in Germany, Bender founded a movement based on the Doctrine of the Hollow World. For Bender, the Earth is a sphere the same size as in orthodox geography, but it is hollow, and life is spread out on the inner surface under the influence of the sun's rays. Beneath this surface is an endless rock. The air layer inside has a thickness of 60 km, then gradually thinns to an absolute void in the center, where there are three bodies: the Sun, the Moon and the ghostly world.

This ghostly world is a ball of bluish gas in which grains of light, called stars, sparkle. When this blue mass passes in front of the Sun, night falls on the covered part of the hollow Earth.

Today it seems completely meaningless to us that the behavior of the people responsible for the leadership of the nation could be at least partially determined by mystical intuition that denies the existence of our universe. But it must be taken into account that for an ordinary person, for a German from the street, whose soul was tormented by defeat and poverty, the idea of a hollow Earth in the thirties was no more insane than the idea of unlimited energy sources contained in a grain of matter, or the idea of four-dimensional space.

Hitler and his party comrades - people who rose from the bottom - should have believed that Bender's ideas were more acceptable than Einstein's theories, which opened an infinitely complex world to which it was much more difficult to adapt. "The doctrine of a hollow world" gave a person the feeling that he was covered, protected, like an embryo in the womb of a mother. It is noteworthy that Dr. Heinz Fischer, who led the expedition to the island of Rügen after the war, made a brilliant career as an atomic physicist. It was he who was the first to get a temperature of a million degrees in laboratory conditions. When asked by an American journalist about his past, he said: - The Nazis forced me to do the work of a madman, which greatly interfered with my research. It turns out that the scientist himself did not believe in Bender's theory, but was forced to test it at the request of the Nazi authorities.

This fact once again indicates to us why Nazi Germany had to lose the war, when leading scientists, instead of doing business, are working on testing esoteric theories - no sense from this. After the expedition to the island of Rügen, which ended completely ingloriously, Bender's authority in the eyes of the Nazi dignitaries rolled down, despite even the patronage of Goering, who had an affection for the former aviation hero. Bender was thrown into a concentration camp, where he soon died. But long before this senseless expedition, Herbiger's followers showered Bender with ridicule and demanded that his work be banned. This is understandable because the Gerbiger system claimed the status of a global cosmogony, but it is impossible to believe in the universe, which is simultaneously an arena of the eternal struggle of ice and fire and a hollow ball enclosed in an endless rock.

Hitler was asked to act as an arbiter. His answer is worth considering. "- We do not need at all " - said Hitler, - a coherent concept of peace. Both may be right.

Therefore, for the Nazis, incoherence and unity of views mattered, and the destruction of systems arising from the logic of a rational way of thinking was important for mystical dynamism and the explosive power of intuition. The entire policy of Nazi Germany was based on this.
