Atlanteans And Lemurians, Giant Remains Of Forbidden Archeology - Alternative View

Atlanteans And Lemurians, Giant Remains Of Forbidden Archeology - Alternative View
Atlanteans And Lemurians, Giant Remains Of Forbidden Archeology - Alternative View

Video: Atlanteans And Lemurians, Giant Remains Of Forbidden Archeology - Alternative View

Video: Atlanteans And Lemurians, Giant Remains Of Forbidden Archeology - Alternative View
Video: "Forbidden Archeology" by Drutakarma Prabhu, Kirtan 2024, September

Hello readers! In this article, I want to raise the issue of Atlanteans and Lemurians, once again and present to you some of the arguments that these civilizations could exist on Earth in ancient times and this is not a fairy tale.

Atlantis. Lemuria, Shambhala, Hyperborea, the planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki civilization who inhabit the mysterious planet. It would seem that these are just legends from the past, which cannot be real … or can they? The world, or rather the Universe, is much broader than many people think and the main life does not lie in living a routine life and believing in the limited versions that science presents to us.

I want to plunge into history and tell about the amazing finds that were found on our planet, and just they can testify that Atlantis, Lemuria and many other things … COULD EXIST.

So, in 1821, in the American state of Tennessee, the remains of people were found whose height was about 215 centimeters and then this caused a wide resonance, and in 1879 huge bones and a skull were found in Wisconsin, which also surprised scientists and they began to work out various versions about another race that inhabited the Earth in ancient times.

The territory of America is a treasure trove for archaeologists and there are many evidences that very tall people existed on the planet. So, in 1877 in Nevada, bones were found buried in a rock, and gold mining workers decided to deliver the amazing stone to Euraca. Scientists examined the remains of the lower leg and foot and found that the size of the foot is almost 100 centimeters and, therefore, the height of a person based on these remains was higher than 3.5 meters.

But there were finds that can really be classified as fantastic. Scientists from Australia discovered a huge tooth, which was 67 and 42 millimeters wide. Those. the owner's height reached more than 7.5 meters, and the weight was about 400 kilograms. Thanks to modern equipment, it was possible to establish the age of a person who lived about 9 million years ago.

Larson Kohl in 1936 discovered the burial of giants near Lake Elysee in Africa. 12 remains of male people, whose height during life reached from 3.5 to 3.75 meters. In 1979, a stone was found in which a huge foot was imprinted and the transverse size of the toes was about 17 centimeters, which may indicate the owners of the foot with a height of 6 meters. A lot of huge footprints were also found near Basarstat, which is located in Australia. If you believe the fossilized prints, then the height of people could be from 25 to 3.5 meters. I could give many more dates and examples, but I think so you are already tired of these dates? Therefore, I move on to the next part of the article.

The theory of beings from different dimensions and spaces was described by the famous esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek in his manuscript "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life."

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1. According to his work, we are a race of people of the third dimension and our height is 1.5-2 meters.

2. Creatures from the fourth dimension are from 3.6 to 4.5 meters in height.

3. In the fifth dimension, creatures reach 10 meters or more.

4 the sixth dimension is home to creatures about 18 meters tall

5. The seventh dimension is inhabited by creatures with a height of about 28 meters.

The esotericist wrote in his writings that the famous Nefertiti came from the fourth dimension and her height was about 3.5 meters, this is confirmed by some scientists and researchers of antiquity. But Drunvalo also spoke about her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten, who allegedly came from Sirius and his height was about 4.5 meters. Why did they rule Egypt and for what purpose did they come to Earth? I will consider possible versions in the following articles, if you are interested in this topic, then write in the comments.

Quite a lot of respected scientists and historians believe that we are not the first civilization on Earth and that there previously existed other, more advanced civilizations, the descendants of which could come from another dimension and from other planets.

Many have probably heard about the Russian scientist and researcher Erste Muldashev, who is a supporter of the existence of a civilization of Atlanteans, Boreans, Assuras and Lemurians, and he has repeatedly cited evidence in favor of this theory.

And no matter how fantastic all these versions and theories sound, just think about what you yourself know about our planet and the Universe? Even if scientists do not know many things, then what about ordinary people? And as usual, I do not pretend to be true in my articles, but only publish possible signs of what I am writing about.
