There Are 3300 Mystical Symbols On The US $ 1 Bill - Alternative View

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There Are 3300 Mystical Symbols On The US $ 1 Bill - Alternative View
There Are 3300 Mystical Symbols On The US $ 1 Bill - Alternative View

Video: There Are 3300 Mystical Symbols On The US $ 1 Bill - Alternative View

Video: There Are 3300 Mystical Symbols On The US $ 1 Bill - Alternative View
Video: What The Pyramid On The Back Of A One Dollar Bill Means 2024, October

Each of us at least once held a US one dollar bill. Seemingly simple green paper with the image of the first President George Washington. But in fact, you can see many Masonic symbols here. What is the meaning of these mysterious signs? Is it true that they contain a prediction of the future? We will talk about this and other below.

When did the US currency appear?

For a long time, the United States had no state currency at all. And only in 1784, the American Congress introduced its own name for the currency - "dollar".


There are three variants of the origin of this name:

  • from the English "daller";
  • from the Scandinavian "daler";
  • from the Dutch "lewendaalder".

Numerological code 1784

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According to esotericists, a lot of mysterious things are connected with the name of this currency.

Summing up 1 + 7 + 8 + 4, you get twenty-nine, and the result of adding 2 and 9 is 11, associated with heavenly forces.

For the first time paper dollars appeared in 1785. Numerologists have calculated that the code for this year is 21 (1 + 7 + 8 + 5), which means “lucky fortune”.

What does $ and two sticks on the dollar mean?

On this score, historians put forward several assumptions:

  • these are the combined "P" (pesos) and "S" (many pesos);
  • United States - big S and two lines from "U";
  • esotericists take as a basis the sign of infinity, denoting eternal good luck and rebirth + mystical "S", symbolizing the fork in luck;
  • Masonic symbol "S" of King Solomon, crossed out by knowledge and faith - the basis of wisdom.

Is the green dollar color accidental?

Esotericists are sure: this is a pattern closely related to chance. Initially, dollars were black and white, but with the development of photography (mid-19th century), many fakes appeared.

Why is the dollar called the "buck"?

The first Europeans who migrated overseas used deer skins or "baxin" in trade with the native Indians.

Hidden symbols on the US $ 1 bill

The dollar owes its appearance to the founder of the United States, Benjamin Franklin. However, their "life" was short-lived. And only after a century and a half did Fr. Roosevelt, in order to help Americans get out of the prolonged Great Depression through the occult.

According to historians, not all of them are purely Masonic.

The same pyramid is often found among the Masons, but historically the sign arose earlier than this order. However, like the sign of the all-seeing eye, which in Ancient Egypt refers to the sun god - Ra. Written in hieroglyphs, it denotes the origin of life, power over it. Even the ancient Egyptians attributed the eagle to the state attributes denoting its power. As a symbol of victory, he carried a branch of an olive tree covered with glory, as well as a strong shield and several arrows.


On the dollar, the eagle holds a twig of acacia - a sacred tree for Masons. Moreover, the number "13" is present everywhere, starting from the number of states and ending with arrows showing how strong the state is, ready to pacify external and internal antagonists.

It is interesting that the banknote does not quote the occult, but Virgil and his "Aeneid", glorifying the state power of America.

A circle

This sign symbolizes the Earth, designating it as a territory that is under the special protection of Baphomet (from the Latinized Muhammad) - the Great Architect of the Universe. Inside the circle, on the right side, right on the imprint of the American Treasury, are the scales along with the square and the key. What does the balance and balance of wealth mean, which gives the keys to the Universe.

Pentagram, Truncated Pyramid and Eagle

By folding the dollar in half, we get the US seal, which is known for being double-sided. That very famous "The great seal": on the one hand - a group of priests, on the other - Masons. Many are inclined to call them a gang seeking to turn peoples into a single “herd” by taking away their ancestral traditions. This goal is encrypted by them in a Latin phrase held by an eagle. And no matter how hard these people try to disguise it, the correct translation says - one of many.

It is important that if you mentally connect certain points with the Star of David, then each vertex will correspond to the letters "asnom", which can be easily folded into the word "mason".


Speaking about the origin of the world, Freemasons are guided by their theory that the origin of being is associated with “one”, which then disintegrated into “many things” (things, phenomena, forms, types, categories). And they need to combine this "set" into "one" again. Hence the famous Latin phrase.

It also shows a pyramid with a truncated top and thirteen steps - according to the number of states that were part of the united state at that time. The absence of the summit speaks of the incompleteness of the world order, the formation of which continues.

Above it is an expression about the new world order (novus ordo seklorum).

Its construction is strictly monitored by the Great Archangel, who is called the Creator. The inscription "Annut coeptis" in translation means "our deeds are pleasing to God himself."

It is noteworthy that a small pyramid with an eye seems to bathe in the sun's rays, but hides a star. This signifies the power of Satan throughout the earth. He replaces the sun here, and there is no way to hide from his gaze. In other words, the earth is not ruled by the sun (God), but by Satan.

Those who came here from the Egyptian lands will establish the order of Satan. That is, the priests who once established a system of slave owners there.

All-seeing eye

This sign is inherent in many peoples of the world, but most of all it is common among Masons. Its meaning is obvious: God sees everything and it is impossible to hide from his gaze. Moreover, the meaning does not depend on the cultural preferences of people.


In 1782, this symbol was placed on the great seal of the United States, which is used for state document circulation. Around it is an inscription in Latin - "God is the patron of our conspiracy" (Annuit Coeptis). Although another translation is known - “God blessed our deeds”.

Freemasons associate the "eye" with the god Yabulon, who has much in common with the devil. At the top of the dollar pyramid, he watches everyone.

Looking more closely, at the top right, a small figure of an owl is visible, symbolizing wisdom and deep intelligence. But many are inclined to see in her the very biblical Lilith, who is considered the killer of babies.

This is due to the 12-meter statue of an owl at the front door of the once elite club called Bohemian Grove. The chosen ones who got access there every year burned a human figure at its foot to ward off worries and worries due to worldly concerns. And the owl itself was a symbol of success for all members of this society.

13 - karma of a nation or a mystical prophecy?

The Devil's Dozen is closely associated with Lucifer and its presence on the dollar is ubiquitous. Oddly enough, the repeatability of this number is also thirteen:

  • palm leaves next to the head of a proud bird;
  • olives on palm branches;
  • arrows at the eagle;
  • stripes on the eagle's breastplate;
  • stars above the bird's head;
  • steps on the pyramid;
  • alphabetic characters in the phrase on top of the pyramids;
  • letter marks in words above the bird's head;
  • "Rounds" on the right and left sides of the seal (twice 13);
  • lines on the bird's shield (12 is clearly visible, but there is room for the 13th);
  • big N - thirteenth in the ancient Greek alphabet;
  • the tops of the double pyramid (eight at the bottom, five at the top, form the eye).

Reference! An interesting fact is that initially the Masonic lodge consisted of thirteen families, who are the wealthiest in the modern world.

If we delve deeper into the occult, 13 is death, and Kabbalah speaks of thirteen spirits that do evil. This number is a symbol of the disharmony of the world, predicting catastrophe, destruction, contradiction, curse, betrayal. 13 is considered a hostile, but at the same time - sacred number. In the Middle Eastern countries, she is associated with the underworld and brings chaos to the cosmic order.


13 lunar months of 28 days + 1 day New Year = 365 days.

In addition, "13" is considered a black number, since twelve witches gather for the Sabbath, and the thirteenth is the devil himself.


The numerological symbol of Satan is "666". In the one dollar bill, we see encrypted Masonic symbols associated with Satan:

  • three layers in the center of a pyramid with a truncated top include six stones each;
  • the inscription on the bottom of the pyramid in Roman characters can be expanded as M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1 (after adding all the numbers, we get 1776 - the year when the Masons founded the United States);
  • when adding only the bottom row, the sum is still 666;
  • dollar wide - 66.6 mm.
Nicholas Roerich, self-portrait
Nicholas Roerich, self-portrait

Nicholas Roerich, self-portrait.

3300 pictograms

After conducting a special examination, the famous M. Fayzo found 3300 different signs, symbols and pictograms hidden from the human eye on a one-dollar banknote.

For example, when folding a bill, when the two seals are connected, the skull is clearly visible, showing its teeth.


Historical fact

Many are convinced that the paper dollar carries a terrible prediction of the disaster that happened on September 11, 2002, when two twin towers and the Pentagon building were destroyed in the United States. You can see it on dollars in denominations of five, ten, twenty, twenty-five monetary units.

And according to the terrorists themselves, they chose these particular objects of the New York shopping center, because the towers are very similar to two lines in the dollar designation.


Being the most popular currency, with the help of Masonic symbols and phrases, one dollar, perhaps, actually programs the human subconscious at the level of neurolinguistics, subordinating it to a new world order.

Zhanna Lyubarskaya