Is Love At First Sight A Memory Of The Past? - Alternative View

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Is Love At First Sight A Memory Of The Past? - Alternative View
Is Love At First Sight A Memory Of The Past? - Alternative View

Video: Is Love At First Sight A Memory Of The Past? - Alternative View

Video: Is Love At First Sight A Memory Of The Past? - Alternative View
Video: Pro Acting Coach Breaks Down 17 Love-At-First-Sight Scenes | Good & Bad Acting 2024, September

Love is the most mysterious of human feelings. At all times, philosophers, writers and even doctors have tried to understand its nature. An even more mysterious phenomenon is love at first sight.

It just seems incredible. People see each other for the first time, but it seems to them that they have known each other all their lives. We just met - and immediately became so close and dear! It doesn't matter that their social status, character, nationality, age may be completely different. No logic or calculation works here.

Everything happens at the level of intuition. Those who are fortunate enough to experience such a feeling compare it with mystical insight, insight. accompanied by complete confidence that this particular person is your destiny, a soul mate, a particle, and without him life loses its meaning. And even if it is sometimes not clear to outside observers what is happening. But these two know that they have found each other, and they do not need anything, only to be together.

Another distinctive feature of love at first sight is that people do not need to wait for months, years and seek reciprocal feelings - the attraction arises immediately and mutually. What one experiences, the other experiences the same.

Happy together

Bill Clinton and his future wife Hill-larry, then still students, first saw each other at Yale University, literally froze in place. It is not known how long it lasted, but finally. Hillary said the phrase that became famous later: “If you are going to look at me, and I - at you, we should get acquainted. I'm Hillary Rodham-. Spouses Bill and Hillary have been together for over 36 years.

Love at first sight broke out between David Beckham and Victoria Adame. The legendary footballer met his future wife, a member of the Spice Girls, at one of the football matches. 8 of his book "Both feet on the ground" David wrote about his meeting with Victoria: "I immediately felt that we were created to be together."

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When Michael Douglas met Catherine Zeta-Jones at the French Film Festival, he immediately announced that he would like to be the father of her children. The film actress also admitted in an interview that she immediately fell in love with her future husband, despite the big age difference. Since then, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones have been happy together and have two children.

Marina Vlady told about her acquaintance with Vladimir Vysotsky in her book “Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight-:“He comes up … sits down opposite and no longer takes his eyes off me. His silence does not bother me, we look at each other as if we have always known each other. It's amazing that the first words that

said Vysotsky 8 that evening, were: -Finally I met you.

Natalia Podolskaya met Vladimir Presnyakov on the set of the program “Big Races-. In an interview, the singer said: “It was love at first sight. An inner voice said to me: “Here is your future husband. And so it happened."

Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya. Rodion Shchedrin and Maya Plisetskaya, Matt Damon and Luciana Damon, Vladislav Doronin and Naomi Campbell … It is impossible to list everyone whose dating stories were marked by love at first sight. What happens at such moments?

Three versions

There are several versions explaining this phenomenon. The first version is psychological. Experts believe that the reason for the emergence of love at first sight is hidden in a special emotional state. The famous Russian psychologist Nikolai Kozlov calls this state of pre-love, or the willingness to love and be loved. For example, a girl is walking around the city, there is a vesma around, her mood is romantic, and He is meeting her. Met eyes. And a feeling flared up. Although psychologists suggest that this is not love at all, but just illusions and dreams-fantasies.


The second version is physiological. It is known that our bodies secrete special volatile substances called pheromones. It is their smell that affects the production of the hormone amphetamine, which can cause real love passion in our body. It turns out that our subconscious, with the help of the olfactory function, finds among many others the most suitable object for us in terms of biochemical parameters, so to speak, our soul mate.

Finally, the most common and most interesting is the mystical version. According to this version, the meeting of two loving people is predetermined from above, even before their birth. It is no coincidence that there is an expression that marriages are made in heaven. One of the legends says that shortly before the birth of each person, angels gather and indicate whom he is destined to meet in the future. And people, obeying a vague deep memory, recognize each other.

Research by Dr. Michael Newton

Perhaps the most striking argument in favor of the mystical version is the works of the American researcher Michael Newton, based no longer on legends and hypotheses, but on real scientific experience.

Dr. Michael Newton, a certified hypnotherapist with 45 years of experience, has treated patients with regressive hypnosis for many years.

Purpose: to awaken people's memories of what their soul did between physical incarnations. He described the acquired scientific experience in detail in his books, written in the form of conversations with patients. These records reveal the peculiarities of life in a space unknown to us.

The scientist managed to establish that before each new birth we meet in the spirit world with soul mates, as well as with those who will subsequently have a strong influence on our life. This is especially true of the main soul mate. We may have met in past lives and were in close relationships. The memory of past meetings again draws us to each other. Before going to Earth from the world where souls dwell, loving partners agree in advance how they can get to know each other. Some identification marks act as memory levers here.

They can be various inconspicuous, at first glance, little things: perfume, certain jewelry, clothes, the manner of speaking … One of the patients, whom Dr. neck and ringing, like a bell, laughter, and she should have remembered him for big ears and awkwardness during their first dance.

In this regard, the love story of supermodel Heidi Klum and British musician Seal is curious. The couple met in the lobby of a New York hotel. Heidi spotted her future husband as he left the gym. -I was amazed. she later said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. - I looked at his sports shorts and was the first to go to get acquainted.

Love at first sight is the awakening of the memory of past meetings, the sacred moment of recognizing a soul mate, which will fill our life with new meaning, regardless of the duration of the relationship.

Perhaps those readers who have already found their mate will be able to remember the password signs during the first meeting, which helped them to recognize each other.

Of course, it happens that for some reason we did not react to an important meeting, did not recognize the secret signs. Then fate, according to Dr. Newton, will accidentally collide us over and over again.


"Secrets of the XX century" October 2012