Do Not Believe The History Books - Alternative View

Do Not Believe The History Books - Alternative View
Do Not Believe The History Books - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Believe The History Books - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Believe The History Books - Alternative View
Video: Mark Zuckerberg & Yuval Noah Harari in Conversation 2024, September

Many inconsistencies and outright absurdities of the official version of history, written in textbooks, allow more and more people to come to the conclusion that it is completely falsified. And one of the most important stages of the total falsification of history carried out by the Vatican was the falsification of Russian history, carried out during the 300-year rule of Russia by the henchmen of the Vatican - the Romanov dynasty.


In particular, this is the conclusion of many independent researchers who study the history of our country not from the pseudo-historical myths of the history textbook, but from real historical documents, in which you can still find pieces of truth about our past and the past of other peoples. One of such independent researchers is the Russian writer-historian D. Belousov, who said the following about the falsification of history:

Of course, for the slaves of the West, this will always remain only words, since pro-Western assholeism has been instilled in a part of our intelligentsia and the ruling "elite" since the time of the Romanovs. And during the apocalyptic rule of the bloody "democratic" Yeltsin's regime - the "values" of the parasitic satanic West were also imparted to parts of our people. And this is precisely the main reason that the servants of the parasites still control our economy and financial system, as well as about 50% of the special services and authorities. And that is precisely why, as in the rest of the world (including the supposedly "civilized" one), the servants of global parasites in our country are actively lobbying for anti-popular reforms, which are increasingly bringing us closer to the stall of the "new world order".

Spreading the truth about our history will help to awaken the genetic memory of our distant ancestors - the Arctic "white gods". And this is what they are most afraid of and unsuccessfully trying to prevent social parasites of all levels and stripes, because they understand that after the “awakening” of our people, the entire parasitic pyramid of power (and not only in our country, but throughout the world) will be replaced by true democracy, similar to what existed in the Vedic civilizations of the "golden age", when degradants, degenerates and other parasites did not have the opportunity to get into power.

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And that is why the very fact of the existence of such civilizations in distant antiquity is carefully hidden from us, and many of their artifacts are protected more strongly than nuclear weapons in giant multi-kilometer and multi-level storage facilities of the Vatican Library and in private collections of global parasites. For the same purpose, the parasites and their servants unfolded over the centuries a total project of falsification and rewriting of history, which continues to this day. That is why you should not believe the lies written by the corrupt servants of parasites in the textbooks of official history.

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