"Earth - It Is A Testing Ground, And People "- Alternative View

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"Earth - It Is A Testing Ground, And People "- Alternative View
"Earth - It Is A Testing Ground, And People "- Alternative View

Video: "Earth - It Is A Testing Ground, And People "- Alternative View

Video: Lil Dicky - Earth (Official Music Video) 2024, September

The Earth is a testing ground, and people are the object of a large experiment several million years in length

Nikolay Subbotin, ufologist, head of the Perm branch of RUFORS:

UFOs, ghosts, vampires, werewolves … This is not a mystical thriller plot. Perm researcher of paranormal phenomena Nikolai Subbotin tries to get into their essence every day

Mr. Subbotin is a ufologist who studies the unknown in the Perm Territory. For lovers of the paranormal in the Kama region, the real Mecca is an anomalous zone near the village of Molebka, Kishert district. But researchers also find something unusual within the capital of the region.

Nikolai Subbotin, a ufologist, head of the Perm branch of RUFORS, spoke about inexplicable phenomena, about the tourist facility under construction in Molebka, as well as about his attitude to science and theories of human origin.

- Nikolay, tell us how you became a ufologist?

- We have always had such conversations in the family about the unknown, the mysterious. My mother was initiated in Egypt when she was young. And when I was 16, I met Emil Bachurin, the discoverer of the anomalous zone in Molebka. It was 1987. He gave a lecture on anomalous phenomena at his university. It interested me. Moreover, he then wrote comments on the book "Passport to Magonia" by Jacques Wole, a world-renowned ufologist. I got this book, I reread it and caught fire with this topic. Then - 1989 - the discovery of the anomalous zone in Molebka. Then the club "Anomaly" was active in the Palace of Culture of the telephone plant. I began to collect information myself and summarize it in the form of articles. I came with them to the city youth newspaper Zerkalo. And the very next year he became the editor of the anomalous department. I collected various incidents, stories. In 1990, I came to Molebka with one of the expeditions and saw anomalies there with my own eyes. This topic really "ignited" me. At first there was a banal human curiosity, and over time, a desire arose to understand the nature of these phenomena.

- Is there only one UFO research station in Perm - RUFORS? And why is it called that?

Promotional video:

- Our group is the only one in Perm. There are several large centers across Russia. The largest is Kosmopoisk, which is headed by Vadim Chernobrov, the second largest is ours. There is also a group "Neman", which includes esotericists. There are several hundred such groups around the world. The most authoritative is the American group MUFON, which has its offices in all states, as well as in several countries around the world. Why RUFORS? An international English name was needed. And we decided to call it "Russian UFO Research Station", which in English is RUFORS.

- How does it function in Perm?

- We are actively involved in the generalization of the material. The first on the Internet began to create network resources. Our first Russian ufological resource got into the Artemy Lebedev Book of Records. We also conduct scientific expeditions. We are developing a research program. For example, if we go to Molebka, we look at what kind of area it is from the point of view of geology, from the point of view of history - what phenomena were there, from the point of view of ethnography - we collect stories and beliefs. We summarize all this, and we get a fairly complete cut of the place that we are exploring. In addition, we use the following devices: magnetometers, graveometers, night vision devices, infrared vision devices. For example, in Molebka, most of the anomalies are associated with geomagnetic phenomena. There are many geological faults, and they lead to such an interesting phenomenon as the piezoelectric effect. Over time, in the faults, quartzide accumulates, which, when squeezed, "collects" static electricity. It, in turn, under certain conditions begins to "drain" into the atmosphere in the form of balls and glow. People do not know this and begin to attribute these UFO phenomena. In addition, a person in such "zones" feels ailments, headaches. In principle, many phenomena have a completely normal “earthly” explanation. This is about 90% "abnormal". Plus, in Molebka, there are deposits of adon gas in the faults, and if a person breathes it, hallucinations can begin …headache. In principle, many phenomena have a completely normal “earthly” explanation. This is about 90% "abnormal". Plus, in Molebka, there are deposits of adon gas in the faults, and if a person breathes it, hallucinations can begin …headache. In principle, many phenomena have a completely normal “earthly” explanation. This is about 90% "abnormal". Plus, in Molebka, there are deposits of adon gas in the faults, and if a person breathes it, hallucinations can begin …

- Can this explain the incident that happened in the Valley of Death near the Moleben zone a few years ago - a man spent the night there and almost went mad?

- No, it's a little different. When a person comes to such places, he psychologically prepares himself in advance for a miracle. If a person is impressionable, he begins to see unusual phenomena in simple things.

- What other unusual phenomena are observed in Molebka?


- In the area of the Zmeinaya Gorka there is Stukova Gora - there is always a knock. Witnesses said it was like the sound of a generator running. Let's try to figure out what's going on there. One of the versions is that the noise is produced by the water in the river. Another option is the remnants of geological activity.

Another mystery is the yeti. Local residents say that in the mid-90s they found moose ripped in half. It could not be a bear, since it will not break a moose, and it is not their food. Also from the inexplicable - funny orange balls, which can hardly be called a geological phenomenon. One of them was filmed in 1996. It is an orange ball, about a meter in diameter. It cannot be explained by geological phenomena due to color and intelligent behavior. The nature of the local "crop circles" is not entirely clear - fellings in the forest of a rounded shape and classic circles in the field. Something incomprehensible is still there. In Molebka earthly and unearthly phenomena are combined.

- How is the creation of a research station progressing?

- I would like to make a brand out of Molebka. They go there for a vacation every year, so why not create a normal tourist infrastructure there? It will not be just a game, but an introduction to scientific research. The project is now being coordinated. Land issues have already been resolved. If everything goes well, then this year we will lay the foundation of the station. The concept of safety in anomalous zones has been developed - a person must strictly follow the instructions of the guide, report unusual phenomena to the group leader. If you observe an abnormal phenomenon, then in no case should you draw attention to yourself, wave your hands. For example, one of the ufologists once thrust his hand into a plasmoid, as a result received a strong electric shock - he could not move his hand for two days.

- Have you seen a UFO?

- Yes, we observed it during the 1991 expedition - a fairly reputable ufologist saw a flying object in the form of a spindle.

- Why don't they fly now?

- Maybe they fly, but the "boom" was asleep. In the 90s, about a thousand people went there, there were massive observations. And now there are much fewer people. Accordingly, less and less observation.

- How often do aliens visit Perm?

- The last "plate" was observed in May this year in the Motovilikha region. A month ago, fellow pilots from Frolov said that they were filming training flights, and a classic UFO hit the lens.

- How do you find out that an anomalous phenomenon has occurred in the region?

- We have agreements with many media outlets, operational groups for Russia are working. Our data is available on the Internet. The information is sent simultaneously to "Cosmopoisk" and to us. If something abnormal happened in Perm, I will learn about it during the day.


- Does your research have a higher purpose? Know the truth?

- The purpose of any research is to understand the essence of the phenomenon. When you figured out the essence, you can use the obtained data for further development. The goal is knowledge of the surrounding world, expanding the boundaries of one's understanding.

- Do you yourself believe in the paranormal?

- You can also believe in what you have not seen and do not know. But I know that! I know that the paranormal exists. It seems to me that our world is a testing ground, and people are the object of a large experiment with a length of several million years. There were several civilizations before us. Recently, the topic of Hyperborea has been actively covered. Several expeditions were carried out to the Kola Peninsula. In principle, this has been done for a long time. Expeditions went back to the times of the USSR. But then the researcher Barchenko was shot, and his archives were classified. In the 90s, Professor Demin returned to the topic. He conducted several expeditions to the Kola Peninsula. They found the remains of ancient Cyclopean structures, observatories and ancient passages. According to legends, a powerful civilization existed in the North 12-13 thousand years ago. Tremors takewhen I look at our "Animal Style" figurines, because the same ones are found on the Kola Peninsula! That is, there was some kind of culture, its carriers migrated to the territory of modern Russia and brought knowledge with them.


Also, it turns out that the names of rivers and villages coincide with the names in Indo-European languages. It turns out that the southern countries (India, Egypt) took part of their culture precisely from Hyperborea. In the Egyptian scrolls, there are several mentions that several blond inhabitants of the north came and taught the Egyptians to build Cyclopean structures. Also before us there was a civilization of the Lemurians - giants. Until recently, it was believed that this is a fairy tale. But in the Andes, they found the remains of structures five meters high! Officially, archeology does not tell about this. But the remains of people of very large stature are still found. The problem is, nobody wants to revisit history. If you start this, then the creations of dozens of scientific men will fall to dust. For example, the existence of other civilizations before humanity casts doubt on Darwin's theory of evolution. It has always been a mystery to me why it is so important for a person - what difference does it make where you come from? From a monkey or by a genetic experiment?..
