Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna - Alternative View

Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna - Alternative View
Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna - Alternative View

Video: Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna - Alternative View

Video: Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna - Alternative View
Video: The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna 2024, September

“The roof of the mausoleum is hewn from solid stone and weighs 300 tons.

Since the Goths did not have cranes, the mausoleum was completely covered with earth, then a roof was pulled into this hill, after which the earth was raked out."

It's a trifle to drag 300 tons in some 520 year.


With iron, everything is in order as always. Chaotically sticks out about that everywhere.

Are these baths a case of TV-monitors?


Promotional video:


Could the "ears" move?

elektromexanik: They look like they were fused with sweat after making the dome.


elektromexanik: It's not a problem to drag 300 tons if you find a suitable pebble in the area, lightly process it and bring it closer to the building. But it is not customary to go into details about such trifles.


elektromexanik: This "jumper" with an oblique squiggle is very unusual


elektromexanik: Did you just sort it out?

Very jewelry carelessness in the manufacture of the type of asymmetrical ledge on the top right.

dmitrijan: The quality is somehow unrealistic. Arched stones with steps. Crosses with curved tails. Too thorough. Even the lower chamber has a recess on the dome under the floor of the upper one.

And again these baths that are in St. Petersburg, the horses, they say, watered.

Unrealistic care of workmanship. The main question is why?

pro_vladimir: This question is not very common to ask. You have been told that “I want a coffin of this shape” and that's it. And you with your fantasies about some difficulties in manufacturing. Moreover, a ripped out technical body kit. Yes, some standard elements that pop up here and there with enviable regularity.

Who is interested in the glands sticking out of the walls? Well the fittings that you clung to. Was there something that didn't come down to us? And what was hanging? Something sticks out very symmetrically, something not very much.

And whoever wondered why the roof darkened so much? And the outer ledge, where the niche of the upper tier is also of the same color. As if there was an impact. Moreover, in the rest of the building, such blackness is not observed. To blame it on precipitation and calm down? Why is it so uneven then?

And geometry. Again, some difficulties in the form. Again modularity, although it seems to be a banal burial, but for some reason they did not look for simple ways. On the lower tier there are classic "shells" that look like prompter booths. A kind of "dynamics" or "reflectors" of those speakers, as you like.

And my favorite "bath". Our people do not like the idea that such products can have any internal structure. For most, this is anything from … but from what?

How many machines do you need to carve a faceted glass from a single piece of glass? ©.

Good. Let's admit. Cast. Could in the casting process do it in several steps with the introduction of materials with different properties into the design? They could. It has already been pointed out that the imitation of handles on the sides of such bathtubs is more like coils that wind around picture tubes. Well, they perform here a little.

"As I looked into the water." So this may not be a figurative expression, but a very specific way to browse the Internet or watch a video surveillance system.

We can only speculate about the original functions of the structure as a whole. But to be specially built as a burial place, let this version remain for tourists. They need it more.

We do not know the amount and shape of the body kit removed. There was only that which could not be uprooted and broken. We see that the building has lost its colonnade. The upper skylight is missing. Through central openings connecting the multilevel cameras of this projector complex have been closed. And perhaps there was something else nearby for efficiency.

We see bars on the windows. So classic for temple complexes.

Girdle ornament. For beauty, of course. It cannot glow in statics or otherwise process the streams of ether. Our LED strips look different.

pn we will not look for transitions. It is a thankless task to look out for some streams in the curls of architectural forms. Moreover, in the folds of these forms, look for heterogeneity and difference in the properties of materials that, although outwardly similar, but in fact, no one has studied them so thoroughly.

Is everything hidden? Yes, they walk and watch in droves. They don't see, so who's to blame?

It is unclear what physics it is designed for, but the queue of those who want to understand these issues is modest.

Read the second part here.

Author: Vladimir Mamzerev