The Earth Hit The Celestial Axis And The Sun Rises Not Where It Used To Be - Alternative View

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The Earth Hit The Celestial Axis And The Sun Rises Not Where It Used To Be - Alternative View
The Earth Hit The Celestial Axis And The Sun Rises Not Where It Used To Be - Alternative View

Video: The Earth Hit The Celestial Axis And The Sun Rises Not Where It Used To Be - Alternative View

Video: The Earth Hit The Celestial Axis And The Sun Rises Not Where It Used To Be - Alternative View
Video: Earth's motion around the Sun, not as simple as I thought 2024, September

There is a growing community of hundreds of thousands of people observing a strange change in the trajectory of the star. As if our planet has changed its position in space. We explain what this phenomenon is.

What happened to the weather, where is summer? The answer is: the earth's axis has gone off the rails. Our planet resembles a spinning top that is pedaling and tumbling on the floor. At least tens of thousands of people in Russia believe in this, and tens of millions in the world. And after all, it seems, there is evidence: people see with their own eyes that the Sun sets and rises not at all there and in a different way than usual. We decided to figure it out.

West mixed with East

The other day, a Western blogger noticed that the sun lit up a corner of his room, usually dark. The story went on social media. As a result, a corner of the room somewhere in Oklahoma entered the planetary news top. People looked around and saw: and in fact something is really wrong!

For example, they write: “I have been driving to work at the same time for 25 years, on the same highway. The sun should blind your eyes at this time. Now it rises a few degrees south."

Observation from Tula: “The sunset has shifted perceptibly to the right (north) by several degrees over several days. I have been living in the same house for 30 years, the link to neighboring houses and trees is clear. Earlier in the evening the sun from 7 to 8 o'clock fell through the window into the TV, reflected and glared on the screen, now the sun does not enter the screen! How else to explain (besides the change in the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation of the Earth), I do not know."

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Ask Janibekov

So, "the earth hit the celestial axis," and the earth's axis deviated. Usually this phenomenon is called the Janibekov effect, and people who believe in it are called Janibekovites. What is it about and what does cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov have to do with it?

On June 25, 1985, Vladimir Dzhanibekov was at the Salyut-7 station. He dropped the nut with the wing bolt, and the nut began to float before his eyes. Vladimir began to watch her. The nut hung in weightlessness and slowly rotated around its axis. And suddenly she turned 180 degrees - abruptly, with a jolt. The astronaut could not believe his eyes. But after a few minutes the nut changed orientation again with a jerk. This is how the Janibekov effect was discovered.

However, there is an inaccuracy in the last phrase. The intermediate axis theorem, which describes this behavior of the nut, is derived from the equations of Leonard Euler, formulated in the 18th century. The bottom line is that the subject being studied should be slightly asymmetrical, like a wing nut or a tennis racket. In this case, the object seems to be quietly rotating around the main axis, and in the meantime the influence of the other, intermediate axis, imperceptibly accumulates. At some point, this influence is discharged with a jerk, the object turns over and continues to rotate further.

So, many people think that the Earth has become a victim of the Janibekov effect. Does it hang in the vacuum of space? Hanging. Is it spinning? Rotates. This means it can turn over.

What if already? Yes, that is right! Here are the observations in line!

Polaris won't lie

To understand if the earth's axis has shifted, there is a very simple way. The Earth's axis looks at the North Star with high precision. We need to find the North Star and see how it behaves. When it gets dark, go out to where the northern horizon is open and find the North Star. It is done this way: the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper's bucket, which, I hope, everyone knows how to find, points directly to her. Countless maps on the Internet and in smartphone apps help you. Found it? Notice with respect to terrestrial objects where Polar is. Now, when you go to bed, go exactly to the same place. What do you see? All the stars have shifted. The Big Dipper's bucket is not where it was. And Polar is in the same place! This is as it should be, because the axis of the Earth is looking at it. Everything rotates around this axis, except for the axis itself. Repeat observations the next day. And the next, and the next … Polar, I assure you, will always be in the same place. This means that the earth's axis is in place. But how then to explain the observation that the Sun rises in the wrong place and looks in the wrong direction?

How to find the North Star in the sky
How to find the North Star in the sky

How to find the North Star in the sky.

When GPS is powerless

You wonder how the modern city dweller has become detached from nature and lost the ability to observe. The sun actually rises every day and sets in a slightly different place. Over the course of a year, the range of fluctuations in the points of sunrise and sunset is colossal, from almost north to almost south (in our latitudes).

Why is this happening? The Earth's axis is tilted to Earth's orbit by 23.5 degrees. Because of this, we have a change of seasons. If the axis were straight, one season would always reign: in the tropics - summer, at the pole - winter, and here, in the middle latitudes, - neither one nor the other, the off-season. In summer (our summer, June - August), the Earth turns to the Sun in the northern hemisphere, the star walks high in the sky and rises-sets almost at the point of the North.

In winter (our winter, December - February), it shines mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, and in our country, it barely crosses the horizon somewhere near the point of the South, and seeks to enter.

Now imagine a city dweller who has forgotten about the course in nature studies in elementary school. But once I noticed that the room has dark corners, and there are light ones.

What does dark mean? The sun can look there when a person is mainly at work. Or in November - December, when it is mostly cloudy. But suddenly our citizen read on the Internet that something was wrong with the Sun, began to look closely, and oh, horror! It is necessary to write a post.

Trusting no one, believing everything

Dzhanibekovites are a complex phenomenon of mass consciousness, or rather, unconsciousness. With access to all imaginable information, people don't just sink into sophisticated ignorance. People combine elements of high science (the intermediate axis theorem) with outright fakes ("The sun is not there"). Moreover, they themselves these fakes quite sincerely create and see what is not in reality! How not to believe the "eyewitness"!

The more information, the more difficult it is to navigate, says Vitaly Egorov, a popularizer of cosmonautics (better known as the Green Cat blogger). According to the Janibekov effect, the Earth cannot turn over: a nut or a tennis racket is not uniform in shape, with a ledge, and the Earth is almost round. But those who invent myths are not confused.

Why doesn't even the best education save you from mysticism? A person feels: the picture of the world is more complicated than that offered by today's science, there is something else, and this is something he goes to look for.

A hole the size of God

It has been noticed that atheists are an easy victim of mystics. At one time, researcher Dean Hammer found the VMAT2 protein in the human genome, which most likely encodes our ability to take anything on faith without proof. Hammer called it "the genome of God." If a person goes to church, this is enough for him. And if he declares himself an atheist, in his mind, in the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, “a hole the size of God” is formed, which urgently needs to be filled with everyone - even with the Janibekov effect, even with aliens.

“If you look at the history of mankind, epochs of rationality occupy an insignificant place in it,” says the historian Alexander Pachkalov, “mostly people thought and felt mystically. Today is the time for de-rationalization. The rational civilization that created computers, and the rest of the world around us, is being questioned and retreating. The saddest thing is that it is easier to manipulate a mystical society, and I do not exclude that we are deliberately immersed in a new Middle Ages.

