About Falsification Of History - Alternative View

About Falsification Of History - Alternative View
About Falsification Of History - Alternative View

For every sane person who is able to think independently, and not with slogans, slogans or chants, the facts of falsification of human history are becoming more and more obvious. And it is not at all accidental that now more and more professional historians are beginning to talk about this, who have not sold themselves to the "elite", who can no longer remain silent about the glaring inconsistencies with which the so-called "official history" invented by the servants of dark forces is so full.

Today I bring to your attention the opinion of L. Ivashov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theology and International Relations of the Moscow State Linguistic University. Here are some interesting thoughts he expresses in his book "The Overturned World":

Everything is true, but only the falsification of our history has occurred and will continue to occur, not at all due to someone's ignorance or delusion, but in full accordance with the plan of the servants of darkness, who, through deception and cunning, seized secret power on the planet and recreated the parasitic Pyramid of Power under the leadership of their non-humanoid masters. The main "centers of power" of this parasitic network are concentrated in the District of Columbia (USA), the City of London and the Vatican. But this is by no means the very "top" of the parasitic Pyramid.

And it is by the order of this "top" that people "invested with power" hide from us the most ancient authentic written sources and suppress numerous artifacts that do not at all fit into the official version of history. And to encourage this treacherous policy towards humanity, "large financial resources are allocated, various incentive funds are created, and prizes are awarded."

And, by the way, not everything that was stored in the ancient libraries of Egypt, Pergamum, Byzantium and other states actually perished in the fire of conflagrations or was destroyed by the conquerors. Many ancient documents and books are now stored in the vast multi-level underground archives of the Vatican, in secret from all mankind, serving the interests of the ruling "elites". But the time will come when this artificially created "monopoly on knowledge" will cease to exist.

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