Self-propelled Cars Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Self-propelled Cars Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Self-propelled Cars Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Self-propelled Cars Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Self-propelled Cars Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: PRECISION as Evidence of ANCIENT HIGH TECHNOLOGY | The Serapeum, Pillars, and Statues of Egypt 2024, September

Historians have long agreed that our civilization is far from being the first to achieve development that allows us to create self-propelled, as well as building machines operating on solar, electric, magnetic energies. What were the ancient machines of Egypt, or rather: what did the Egyptian pharaohs get from the high-tech civilizations of the past?

The ancient Indian legends of the Mahabharata and Ramayana describe a war (1.8 thousand years BC), in which flying devices and cities, iron robots, "divine" weapons were used, the explosion of which was brighter than many suns.

Egypt was familiar with this technique and used it in the construction of pyramids, large canals and other structures. The Egyptians possessed fundamental knowledge, a significant part of which was concentrated before the new era in the Alexandrian library. Many foreign scientists and merchants came to Egypt. The Egyptians also equipped various trade and scientific expeditions to other countries by land and sea routes.

In 1470 BC. Queen Hatshepsut sent an expedition to the west of Africa to the fabulous country of Punt, including for the resin of the myrrh tree (incense). The country of Punt then occupied a significant territory (see Fig. 4 at the end of the article). Myrrh trees grew in the northeast of the Futa Jallon plateau. It is possible that they can be seen there today. The capital was located in the center of the country, in the bend of the Niger River, near a mountain with a height of 1155 m.

More than three thousand years ago there were no blacks here. They will appear later. Roughly half of the population was European. Their descendants now live on about. Sicily (Italy) and in the Alps, on the border of Austria and Italy. Descendants of other peoples who inhabited the country of Punt now live in the east of Mauritania (seventh district, El Juf) and in the east of Botswana near the Limpopo River. The language of the latter is to a lesser extent deformed in comparison with the language used in the country of Punt.


The expedition to the country of Punt set off on a self-propelled ship (see Fig. 1). He had three electromagnetic movers with energy irradiators from special energetic stone sections, the energy flow of which was focused on the water flow channel (see Fig. 2).

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The ship had small-sized electric lamps (external glow), known to the ancient Egyptians and Europeans, but practically unknown to our contemporaries (see Fig. 3). The figure shows the energy flows in the luminaire for the first time.

It is curious that 3 thousand years BC. in Egypt there was a self-propelled ship 600 m long, made of high-strength stone. It had 10 large electromagnetic propellers located at the bottom of the rear of the ship over a large area (see Fig. 5), which created lift and planing for the ship. The ship was equipped with strong sources of static electricity. It was intended for cargo and passenger transportation in the seas and oceans.

Similar ships were also in India and China. All of them were built in the Gulf of Cambay on the Indian subcontinent. An Indian ship later sank in the Arabian Sea, 250 km from Bombay, opposite the entrance to the Bay of Cambay, and a Chinese ship with great values - in the East China Sea between Shanghai and the Korea Strait.

The Egyptian ship was run aground about 90 km southwest of the Somali city of Mogadishu, and its remains today rest under layers of millennia-old cultural layers of the earth.


These were environmentally friendly ships. The design of the ship and its propellers could be of interest to shipbuilders in a number of countries around the world, including China, Japan, India, etc.

In all millennia, gems, as works of glyptics, made of precious or semi-precious stones, were highly valued.

Gem-making flourished before the ancient world in Egypt and in the states of Mesopotamia. Different images were applied to them - convex (cameos) or in-depth (intaglio). Images on them carry information about the realities of ancient life, nature, history, people of that time.

Gemmas can be viewed as a historical source that has not undergone change (as was the case with the rewriting of ancient manuscripts). Ancient master virtuosos in their miniature images were able to highlight the main thing, sacrificing the secondary. Sometimes they contain images of lost ancient masterpieces, including those of a technical nature. So, for example, on the Etruscan gem you can see a ship of an unusual design, without sails and oars. There are disputes about its mysterious structure in our time.

Our comparisons of the device of the Solar boat of the Egyptian pharaohs with the image of the ship on the gem show their similarity in the structural and layout plan. It is known that the Solar boats have high-protruding superstructures: in front there is a stem and in the stern part - a stern. At the same time, a galvanic battery (GB) is placed in the stem, which can be seen in section in the image of the Solar boats of a number of tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Another type of power arrangement is also available in the keel area of the boat. Above the power devices and the boat, the Egyptians emphatically place birds, which are a symbol of the spirit (subtle energy, energy field, electricity). This additionally indicates the presence of electricity and an energy field on the boat and above it. The dome of the energy field and the vertical energy flow of the space communication channel are formed above the boat. This channel allows you to receive additional energy supply and communication with the Cosmos (see the article "Power devices of the" Solar boats "of the pharaohs"). Even in the front part of the hieroglyph "Solar boat" there is a square with a galvanic battery.

The ship depicted in the miniature of the gem also has a stem and a sternpost with balls above them (Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4). It is known that in ancient times, balls, like pyramids, were widely used as sources of static electricity and concentration of energy flows (see the article "Energy Devices and Hieroglyphs of Egypt"). Inside the upper wide part of the stem and sternpost of the real prototype of this ship, there were probably GBs, as energy sources, like the Solar boats. In the lower part of the ship (at the keel), a series of energy balls gave energy to the propeller of the ship during its navigation. The master carver used beams to depict the energy flows in the stern and above the stem.

There are images of ancient self-propelled ships on a number of other gems. Some of them show the energy flows going downward from the bottom of the ship, which happens during planing (Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Ancient sources report that the empire of Atlantis had self-propelled ships (10 thousand years BC) Similar self-propelled sea ships with electromagnetic propulsion were among the ancient civilizations of India and Egypt in the III-II millennia BC.

Some ancient large self-propelled ships rest on the bottom of a number of seas and oceans, in particular, in the Bay of Bengal, the East China Sea and the northern seas off Taimyr. These are real ancient ships that can still be lifted. They are located at a depth of no more than 100 meters. In their holds are amazing goods from that distant time. But the device of these ships, their instruments and mechanisms may be more valuable.