&Ldquo; Flu &Rdquo; Killing 4,000 Americans A Week Can Be An Internal Bio-attack - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Flu &Rdquo; Killing 4,000 Americans A Week Can Be An Internal Bio-attack - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Flu &Rdquo; Killing 4,000 Americans A Week Can Be An Internal Bio-attack - Alternative View

According to this new information from Valley News Live in North Dakota, what is called the "flu" is now responsible for the deaths of up to 4,000 Americans each week, and that number is steadily growing.


Using news from Bloomberg as their source, they report that 1 in every 10 deaths in America last week was caused by “flu,” and conclude that “the flu that has attacked the US this year is of a completely new form, and as a whole is a new virus destroying a vulnerable population that has no means of protection against it."

While medical experts report that the strains of influenza currently affecting America, and mainly children, are strains of H3N2 and H1N1, we note that both of these strains hit America much earlier, long before this outbreak and are not at all the same. a new virus that appeared later and in question.


As we read on SQAlert, there are very compelling concerns that the massive flu vaccination carried out this year is just a cover for a bio-attack, the use of bio-weapons in America, as discussed in the video below.

And while a recent study by the University of British Columbia reported that a huge number of viruses are falling on us from the sky, nowhere in the UBC study mentions all the heavy metals and toxins sprayed on us every day without our consent.

Incidentally, former NSA director General Michael Hayden admitted that they use "metadata" to kill people, as seen in the video below.

Promotional video:

Deagel.com still predicts that only 54 million Americans will survive until 2025 (270 million fewer than the 324 million who lived here in 2016) and there is still a very real agenda for depopulation promoted by neocons such as Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates. Therefore, perhaps at this very moment we are witnessing something extremely sinister unfolding in America.

To understand this, read the new article from Jeremiah Johnson on SHTFPlan entitled “The Deep State: Harnessing an Existing Crisis or Creating a New One,” and pay particular attention to the last line: “The Deep State will allow millions to die in war (ANP: or many in other ways!) before being held accountable, especially for the American people.”

With the "Clinton crime family" now crumbling, as Susan Duclos reported on the ANP on Friday, and this family has dominated US politics for decades in an effort to destroy our nation's sovereignty, we can't help but talk about what they were aiming to turn America into: a country full of re-education camps, without a Constitution and, of course, neither the 1st nor the 2nd amendment.

If what we are now seeing in America was a 16-year plan to overthrow US sovereignty, as Jerome Corsi recently reported, then everything we have seen over the past decade + is starting to become clear.

As we warned earlier on the ANP, and as reflected in Johnson's material, there is no way to prevent traitors who believe the American people are their enemies from dragging millions of Americans with them in a sinking ship, through war, a clever biological attack, or some other "event" produced.


So why don't they try to finish their job despite President Trump in power? As Steve Quayle recalls, the Deep State's "killing algorithms" are a very real thing when former NSA chief Michael Hayden explicitly admitted they kill using metadata. Terrorists issued a blacklist of future victims with 19,000 names many years ago, why did the Deep State refuse to tell the Americans whose names are on it? Participation in the possible impending death of the Americans?


While many still refer to the depopulation agenda as “conspiracy theory” or “fake news,” do you still really think so?

And while chemists and biologists cannot disprove that the flu vaccine this year was just a cover for a bio-attack on America, as Scott said at SQalert, Americans are facing a huge number of deaths from the flu, and as experts warn: the worst is yet to come.
