Calgary - The Devil's Playground - Alternative View

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Calgary - The Devil's Playground - Alternative View
Calgary - The Devil's Playground - Alternative View

Video: Calgary - The Devil's Playground - Alternative View

Video: Calgary - The Devil's Playground - Alternative View

In the history of any city, there are always a couple of terrible and inexplicable legends. In every human community, there is always a place for mysticism and secrets, especially if events occur that are difficult to find an explanation.

One such event took place in the Canadian city of Calgary, in the fifties of the last century. Usually Canadian cities are calm and comfortable places to live. And naturally, any case that goes beyond the usual becomes a topic for gossip and gossip. It is difficult to judge the veracity of urban myths, but nevertheless there is a lot to say in favor of the fact that the case described below is not as simple as it seems.

Once there was a school in the city, but one day an event happened that will forever enter the category of urban legends that are told by the elders to the younger generation. An event that took place in this quiet school subsequently led to the name of this place "the devil's playground."

According to eyewitnesses, in the fifties of the last century, the school was engulfed in hellish fire, which essentially blew up the building from the inside. Fortunately, it was during the holidays and numerous casualties were avoided, although the tragedy was not without. In the basement of the school, three dead schoolchildren were found who went to summer classes, but one still miraculously managed to escape.

As a result, the fire claimed the lives of three children, and the school building was completely destroyed. An investigation was carried out immediately after the fire, but even without an investigation it was clear that such a lightning-fast ignition of an entire building could not be accidental.

According to the official version, the cause of the fire was a homeless man who spilled alcohol and then, having lit a cigarette, casually threw a burning match. But this version did not satisfy the residents of the city, since they could not believe that a vagrant could get into the school grounds in a white day.

Naturally, the inhabitants of the city began to create other, alternative versions of the student. For example, according to one of these versions, there was a rumor that the nun who worked as the director of this school renounced the Christian religion and became a novice of the devil himself. It was believed that it was she who set fire to the school in order to prove her loyalty to Satan, and the children became a kind of sacrifice that they bring in such cases. It was the sacrifices of children and the immediate fire of the building that made people believe in the theory of the headmistress's deal with the devil.

There was another version, according to her, the headmistress of the school had an affair with a young lover, and it was he who was engaged in black magic and was an ardent adherent of Satanism. Many seriously believed that it was at his instruction that an elderly nun set fire to a school with children in order to gain the favor of her lover, who, in turn, should have received the favor of Satan.

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Ghosts of the burned down school

After a while, many residents of the city told scary stories that often in bad weather they heard screams and moans coming from the basement of the destroyed school. Many have heard children's laughter coming from the place where the playground once was, but the most interesting were the cases when motorists could see prints of children's pens on the windows of their cars. There was a feeling that the ghosts of burned-out children were trying to make themselves felt by knocking their palms on the windows of cars. Another unpleasant fact was the smell. Strange, but even after a long period of time after the fire, passers-by now and then began to smell a sharp burning smell, and it was so strong that many had to hold their mouths with their hands.

Construction equipment near the school

You may ask why the school was not demolished? It turns out that over the years there have been several attempts to remove the remains of the foundations of the burned down school. Moreover, the city authorities themselves wanted to quickly forget this story and put an end to the terrible rumors. But every attempt to start construction work to dismantle the remains of the building turned into a strange failure, the construction crews were forced to curtail the work.

Any construction equipment, from bulldozers to jackhammers, simply refused to work. And there was no apparent reason for this. It was interesting that as soon as the equipment left the damned place, everything began to work and function without failures. Such facts greatly annoyed and frightened the workers, who also often refused to work on the damned ruins.

For a while, the authorities closed their eyes, but local residents began to complain that the ruins of the school attracted homeless people and drug addicts. In the vicinity of the school, the crime situation has sharply increased. Residents simply rushed away from the dominance of school ruins by various asocial elements. Complaints to the municipality went one after another, and one day the mayor's office delivered an ultimatum to the owners of the land where the school was located.

Attempts to demolish the school resumed again. Interestingly, it was only in 2017 that the place under the cursed school was completely cleared. By this time, the ruins of the school became one of the city's attractions. Also, by this time, otherworldly activity on the ruins of the school diminished. Perhaps the reason for the cessation of paranormal activity is associated with time, and perhaps the asocial guests of the ruins absorbed the negative energy of this abnormal place. In any case, today there is no longer any evidence that someone hears children's screams or finds fingerprints of children's pens on car windows.