Mystical Edinburgh Cellars In Which Ghosts Live - Alternative View

Mystical Edinburgh Cellars In Which Ghosts Live - Alternative View
Mystical Edinburgh Cellars In Which Ghosts Live - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Edinburgh Cellars In Which Ghosts Live - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Edinburgh Cellars In Which Ghosts Live - Alternative View
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Under the arches of the South Bridge in the Scottish capital Edinburgh is an underground city. This city is included in the list of the most visited places not only in Scotland, but throughout the UK. Now tourists are taken here, they tell them chilling stories about the events that took place here, they play out whole performances that bring genuine horror to some. But several centuries ago, this city, it is true, had a much more terrible and unpleasant appearance than now.

Edinburgh cellars (they are often called the basements of the South Bridge) are a whole complex of separate rooms and corridors. As Edinburgh itself gradually increased in size, so did its underground city. Initially, basement rooms were built in buildings along the South Bridge, which was also considered a shopping street, as warehouses, workshops and other utility rooms. There are 120 of them here, but the sizes differ significantly: from 2 to 40 square meters.


However, just 7 years after the opening of the South Bridge, the underground premises began to flood. Of course, they were no longer suitable for storing anything of value, so the artisans quickly left their workshops. And instead of them new inhabitants appeared here.

From that moment on, the very mystical story of the Edinburgh cellars begins, which makes them a famous landmark throughout the world. Numerous taverns, brothels and bardels open here. The most diverse people begin to converge here, mainly criminals and beggars. Among the dampness, stench and darkness, here constantly someone fought, and someone called for help. In a word, since 1795, this underground city near Edinburgh has become a real epicenter of crime.


According to local legend, it was in the Edinburgh basements that the famous serial killers - Irish immigrants William Burke and William Hare - killed their victims. During one year, together with their fellow accomplices, they committed 16 murders. They sold the corpses of their victims to a local surgeon as material for dissection. Later, both criminals were arrested and brought to justice. The surgeon was publicly condemned, but his medical license was not revoked. But in addition to the victims of serial killers, they also died of hunger, fights and disease. Passers-by, accidentally noticing half-dead bodies lying along dirty roadsides, tried to pass by as quickly as possible.


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And after a while, the locals began to tell each other stories about the ghosts they saw in the dungeons. So gradually people passed on rumors to each other about the paranormality of the Edinburgh dungeons. Perhaps it is thanks to such rumors that this Scottish underground city is now such a famous landmark. And although today it is not at all as scary and creepy as in the 18th century, tourists with great interest go on an evening excursion.


The guide tells in a half-whisper the horrifying details of the history of the local basements. And he also shows the most real performance with a suddenly extinguishing candle and other "mystical" phenomena. In addition, in the Edinburgh cellars, you can, if necessary, agree and rent a room for any events. Surprisingly, there are even those who want to celebrate their wedding here.