Mysterious Visits In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View

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Mysterious Visits In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View
Mysterious Visits In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Visits In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Visits In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View
Video: Based On A True Story Mysterious Radio Frequency Leads A Small Town To Chase Down Extraterrestrial 2024, October

It's no secret that deceased relatives sometimes come to us in dreams and in reality. But they only appear when they want, and we will go to them only when our time comes.

Tatyana Barkova from Ryazan told several strange cases that happened to her and her family.


“My grandmother Nadia died in 1972,” Yana recalls. - We then lived in the Kaliningrad region. My grandmother did not believe in God, and there were no Orthodox churches on the territory of the former East Prussia at that time. After the war, the Soviet government did not allow the building of churches and was very proud that there was not a single Russian priest in the region. To visit the church, believers traveled to neighboring Lithuania.

A week after my grandmother's funeral, we went to bed with the night light on. By that time I was 17 years old, my brother - 15. They turned in bed, tried to fall asleep. There was an old washing machine in the corner of the corridor - a round barrel-shaped unit, I remember how my grandma did the laundry in it in the 1960s.

And suddenly we heard the lid of the washing machine rattled in the corridor. There was such a roar, as if this metal cover was bent, squeezed and unclenched. We got very scared.

Mom started to turn on the lights in the rooms. When I flipped the switch in the hallway, the noise stopped immediately. Mom then said: "Probably it was the spirit of Baba Nadia who came."

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Later, I thought a lot about these words and agreed with my mother. After all, nobody served Baba Nadia - all for the same reason that there were no Orthodox priests in the Kaliningrad region.


This incident was preceded by equally strange events. On the eve of my grandmother's death, my mother woke up terrified and woke me up. She said that she dreamed that someone black threw her legs against the wall and hissed in a rough male voice: "Red Army, four, fifty-one!" And we all really lived at this address then.

At that moment, the grandmother was in the hospital. In the morning I left for work, only my mother remained at home. In the afternoon, they came to us from the hospital and said that at night my grandmother was gone.

Another incomprehensible incident occurred three years earlier. Mom left for work, I, my brother, Baba Nadya and another friend from another city who was staying with us then stayed at home.

At 10 o'clock in the morning we were sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea, and suddenly we heard that a rustling sound was heard in the large room, as if someone was pouring sand into a bucket, and then shaking out the contents behind the back of the sofa.

We entered the room, but the sound did not stop. Someone was obviously throwing sand on the floor. Our guest turned to his grandmother: "What was that?" “I don’t know,” Baba Nadia replied. "We need to look behind the back of the sofa." We looked there, but found nothing and were very surprised.

This riddle was solved only after the funeral of the grandmother. The sand story happened exactly three years before her death, as if someone had warned us about what was going to happen. But, of course, then we could not even think of anything like that.

And two years after my grandmother's funeral, I had a dream. The late Baba Nadya was walking with a can in her hand. I was delighted, I said: "Can I go with you and see where you live?"

At that moment, my grandmother opened the gate - I managed to notice a white brick house on the other side of the fence. But she shook her head: "It's too early for you to see the place where I live now."

Babushkin's secret

In February 2017, my mother died, and I faced one unpleasant problem.

It turned out that my mother was actually born in 1933 in Georgia, in the city of Zugdidi, but my grandmother moved to Stalingrad before the war and for some reason changed the year, place of birth and even her surname in my mother's documents. It turns out that my mother lived her whole life with a certificate with inaccurate data.

I made a request to the Georgian National Archives with a request to send a certificate of my mother's birth with reliable information. Soon the necessary paper came from Georgia.


In April of the following year, I had a strange dream again. Then I already lived in Ryazan. I was standing in a corridor and saw my late grandmother - she turned her head, and I realized that she looked younger. In the dream, she was about forty years old. We have a photograph of my grandmother at this age, and so she looked exactly like in the picture.

Baba Nadya seemed very upset, began to scold me: "Why dishonor your daughter?" I didn't answer her, but I was surprised at her displeasure. Why did we dishonor mom? We just wanted to get accurate information, because even my mother did not know everything.

But my grandmother scolded my brother and me for revealing her secret, which she hid from us for many years. Why Baba Nadya was so upset and why she hid the truth about her mother's birth, she never said.


A lot of mysterious things also happened to my mother and brother.

Mom told me: when she was very little, she and her grandmother came to the city of Borjomi to visit someone. We spent the night in a private house, on the same bed.

At night my mother woke up and wanted to use the toilet. I went out into the corridor - and suddenly I heard a metal bucket rumble, as if someone had tripped. Mom saw that a woman in a white dress was standing there and looking into the room. Grandma woke up and saw her too. The woman backed away and disappeared. War broke out shortly thereafter.

In 1983, my brother at work moved to Yaroslavl, got an apartment, and then his mother came to him. I then studied in Alma-Ata. Once my mother sent a letter in which she wrote that from time to time they are faced with supernatural phenomena.


My brother had a cactus on the kitchen windowsill. One night, my mother and brother heard suspicious sounds. They turned on the light, looked into the kitchen and saw that the pot for some reason stood on the refrigerator, and the cactus itself was uprooted from the ground. My family became very scared: what was it, who could have done it?

Once I woke up at two in the morning from a terrible fuss somewhere below. It felt like there were two people crawling under my bed. Mom spent the night with me in the room, our beds stood opposite each other.

I looked at my mother and realized that she was not sleeping and also hears these terrible sounds. Then the noise shifted, as if two invisible pranks had crawled out from under the bed. We heard someone hitting the floor with a skein of wire.

To say that they were scared is to say nothing. We lie neither alive nor dead. Then my mother asked: "Do you hear?" I answered yes.

At that moment, something rolled across the wooden bedroom floor into the hallway, and then everything was quiet. But I noticed a hundred, when it rolled, it rustled strongly. "We need to look on the floor between the beds, what if there is something prickly there?" - Mummy suggested, but was afraid to immediately put her feet on the floor. When she did put on her slippers and looked down, there was nothing on the floor.


Another interesting case happened to my mother in 1969 in the Kaliningrad region.

Her company provided the employees with a bus for a one-day tourist trip at the weekend. On the way, for the sake of interest, the employees stopped at a former German cemetery.

Walking between the ancient graves, we came across a monument with a slab, under which lay a very young husband and wife, who died very tragically. The names “Rosamund” and “Karl” were engraved on the stele in German. “Wow, they died so young! - the mother of the deceased regretted. - But they are cute.

The night after that trip she had a dream. Mommy was in a room. A young man walked in there, and my mother realized that it was the same Karl. He began to actively look after his mother, tell her various compliments. Suddenly there was a scream, a woman ran into the room, grabbed Karl by the hand and dragged him away.

When my mother woke up, she guessed that it was Rosamund who was jealous of her husband for a living woman and gave him a headwash. So we realized that we should be very careful at the ancient graves and not talk too much.


In 1960, we lived in the Irkutsk region in a two-story brick house. I remember how one day my mother put my brother and me to bed, and then a neighbor came to her. She invited her mother to tell fortunes on the cards. We sat down to guess, and suddenly the women heard heavy male steps, as if someone was climbing to our second floor.

"Liza, the front door is not closed!" A neighbor rushed to the door and heard that someone was already standing behind it and wiping his feet on the rug, even took hold of the iron handle.

Then the neighbor quickly turned the key in the lock and shouted an obscene word out of fear. Silence reigned outside the door immediately after that. Mom and a neighbor were scared half to death.

They looked out the windows for a long time, expecting that an incomprehensible visitor was about to show up from the entrance, but no one came out. Then the women realized that the spirit was coming, and they never wondered on the cards anymore.
